toxic substance

[ˈtɑksɪk ˈsʌbstəns][ˈtɔksik ˈsʌbstəns]


  • Biological detection can synthesize the interaction effects of many toxic substances ; determine the direct relationship between the concentration of toxic substance and biological effects which provide a scientific basis for monitoring and comprehensive evaluation .

    生物检测可以综合多种有毒物质的相互作用,判定 有毒 物质的质量浓度和生物效应之间的直接关系,从而为水质的监测和综合评价提供科学依据。

  • In the meanwhile we also propose the possibility of producing a toxic substance during cooking with the addition of both monosodium glutamate and glucosamine .

    同时,本论文亦提出于烹调食物时,必须注意同时添加味精及葡萄糖胺会产生 毒性 物质之可能性。

  • Put simply the more alcohol you drink the harder it is for your body to metabolize the toxic substance and the worse you typically feel the next morning .

    简单来说,喝下的酒精越多,身体就越难代谢这种 有毒 物质,第二天醒来时就会越难受。

  • Nicotine is one of key factors related to tobacco quality and a toxic substance in environment in fact nicotine is the major harmful ingredient in wastewater and tobacco waste .

    尼古丁(Nicotine)是影响烟叶品质的重要因素之一,也是一种环境 有毒 物质,是烟草工业废水和烟草废弃物中的主要有害成分。

  • The contamination of toxic substance in decoration materials is aroused much concerned .

    介绍了建筑装修材料及其 有毒 物质的主要来源;

  • Arsenic is a toxic substance which has been reported with the the incidence of many types of cancer and disease . Inorganic Arsenic has been classified as strong carcinogenic substances by International Cancer Research Commission .

    砷是一种 毒性 物质,研究报道其与多种癌症及疾病的发病有关,国际癌症研究委员会已将无机砷列为强致癌性物质。

  • No person shall possess or have in his control any explosive or toxic substance for the purpose of fishing .

    任何人不得捕的目的管有或掌管炸或有 毒物

  • A toxic substance was released outside around this hotel .

    酒店外面被施放了 有毒 物质

  • Arsenic as a metalloid highly toxic substance widely exist in water .

    砷是一种类金属 剧毒 物质,广泛存在与水体中。

  • Other herbs containing anthraquinone such as aloes Cassia seed giant knotweed rhizome may have similar toxic effects . Quality criteria should be established to control the content of toxic substance accordingly .

    其他含蒽醌类药物如芦荟、决明子和虎杖等可能也有类似的毒性毒理机制,因此,应该建立质量标准,控制 毒性 成份的含量,加强对此类药物的不良反应监测。

  • Chinese herbal medicine belongs to natural and has many advantages . : no pollution little toxicity and the lower residual levels of toxic substance . It play an active role in modern infection prevention and control .

    中草药属于天然药物,具有无污染、毒副作用小、残留 毒物量少等优点,在现代预防和控制感染疾病中发挥了积极作用。

  • Observational Effect on PFS of Patients with Metastatic Breast Cancer by Replenishing Qi Nourishing Yin and Eliminating Nodes and Toxic Substance Methods

    益气养阴、散结 解毒法对转移性乳腺癌患者PFS的影响

  • Cadmium is a toxic substance that is widely distributed in soil and water .

    镉是一种广泛存在于水及土壤中的 毒性 物质

  • Effect of TCM Therapy for Removing Toxic Substance and Unblocking Meridians on Post-chemotherapy Quality of Life in 32 Patients with Ovarian Malignancies


  • Conclusion : MEBO is capable of promoting the removal of the toxic substance by neutralization and dilution so it is very good for treating cold injury caused by toxic chemicals such as bromomethane .

    结论:湿润烧伤膏MEBO能有效中和、稀释和排出 毒素,对溴甲烷等有毒 物质的冻伤有良好疗效。

  • PETA will help pay your $ 50 bill for substance addiction treatment if you 'll rid yourself of one more toxic substance : meat .

    PETA将支付入院期间50000美元的费用,只要你愿意放弃另外一项更不 健康 物质:肉类。

  • Secondly we study a competitive system with feedback controls and toxic substance .

    第二部分研究种群间具有 毒素 作用 多种 反馈控制 生态竞争系统。

  • And11 people in southern China died from kidney failure after receiving the drug armillarisni A which had been manufactured with a toxic substance .

    在中国南部,有11人在使用 有毒辅料加工而成的药物蜜环菌素A后引发肾损伤而死亡。

  • Survey on hazard of toxic substance at 214 chemical factories

    四川省214个化工厂 毒物危害调查

  • The bacteria often carry some genes that could produce some enzymes to degrade toxic substance .

    细菌质粒中常带有一些可编码降解特殊 有毒 物质酶的基因,为了研究质粒对 有毒 物质CN-的降解的 意义,主要调查了焦化废水中好 异养菌的质粒分布特点。

  • Not only the accuracy is ensured but also the toxicity in determination of Palladium content is reduced because of adding toxic substance of spectrophotometry method .

    该法在保证测量精度的同时,减少了用分光光度法测定钯含量时因添加 有毒 试剂所带来的毒性。

  • As typical toxic substance in water environment phenol has become the major control object in the water .

    苯酚作为水环境中典型的酚类 有毒 污染物,已成为水体污染监测的主要对象之一。

  • Toxic substance and its affecting factors in excellent forage grass and fodder crops

    优良牧草和饲料作物中的 有毒 物质及其影响因素

  • We should prevent the acute toxic substance from having effect on the laborer health in the overhauling and accident and the harmful effect of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon in the processing should be thought highly .

    主要应当预防检修和事故状态一氧化碳等急性 毒性 物质对劳动者健康的影响,而生产过程中产生的多环芳烃对人体的危害也应当受到重视。

  • Phenol is a kind of toxic substance which extensively exists in industrial waste water and is difficult to be removed inflicting huge harm to organisms and the environment .

    苯酚在工业废水中广泛存在,是难降解的 有毒 物质,对生物和环境的危害很大。

  • Fonterra the world 's largest dairy exporter said on Monday it has reassured its global customers that New Zealand dairy products are safe following the discovery of traces of a potentially toxic substance in milk samples .

    新西兰的牛奶样品日前被爆检出一种疑似 有毒 物质。消息曝光后,全球最大的乳品出口商恒天然周一向全球客户保证:其乳制品是安全的。

  • If you suspect your baby has taken a very toxic substance call the emergency services and get the baby to hospital as soon as possible .

    如果你怀疑你的宝宝已吞食了某种高 毒性 物质,则应请求急救服务并尽快将宝宝带到医院救治。

  • The layout of installations and the application of technological processes shall be rational in order to prevent contamination between foods to be processed and ready-to-eat foods and between raw materials and finished products ; food must not be placed in contact with any toxic substance or filth ;

    (四)设备布局和工艺流程应当合理。防止待加工食品与直接人口食品、原料与成品交叉污染,食品不得接触有 毒物、不洁物;

  • The body fluid of this insect contains a toxic substance which dissolves both in water and in alcohol .

    发现病原虫为黄足毒隐翅虫,该虫体液内含有 毒性 物质既溶于水,又溶于乙醇;