toxic edema

[ˈtɑksɪk ɪˈdimə][ˈtɔksik i(:)ˈdi:mə]

[医] 中毒性水肿(吸入某种气体所致之水肿)

  • In vivo and in vitro studies FB1 ' toxic effect has been able to conform including liver kidney toxicity pulmonary edema neurotoxicity immune suppression and other carcinogenic .

    在体内、体外的研究中,FB1的 毒性作用已经得以证实,包括肝、肾毒性,肺 水肿,神经毒性,免疫抑制,以及致癌性等。

  • These toxins have been linked to human esophageal cancer equine leukoencephalomalacia and toxic feed syndrome in poultry and pulmonary edema in pigs .

    这些毒素与人类的食道癌,马的脑白质软化和家禽的 有毒饲料综合症以及猪的肺 肿病有关。

  • The Effect of Decreased Lung Blood Flow on Toxic Pulmonary Edema at the Early Stage after Diphosgene Toxication

    减少肺血流量对双 光气水肿早期发展的影响

  • The Preventive and Therapeutic Effects of Hemodilution on Experimental Toxic Pulmonary Edema Induced by Ammonium Chloride in Rats

    血液稀释对氯化铵 中毒性肺 水肿防治作用的实验研究