training costs

[经] 培训成本

  • The company claims to have cut training costs by $ 2m during the past six months as fewer people leave their desks to learn .

    公司声称,在过去的六个月里, 培训 费用减少了2百万美元,因为几乎没有人丢下他们的工作去学习。

  • It will no doubt save training costs improve teaching quality improve teaching safety .

    挖掘机模拟器的应用,无疑可以节约 培训 成本、提高教学质量、提高教学安全性。

  • Personal ( family ) mainly include direct investment in education for education training costs as well as the opportunity costs .

    个人(家庭)教育投资主要包括直接用于教育、 培训 费用,以及机会成本等。

  • These courses are organised regularly and the training costs were partially met with the use of government-aided skill development grants .

    这些事被有规律地组织起来而且它们的 训练 经费一部分是通过使用政府援助技能发展补助津来提供的。

  • Reflect on Issue of Personnel Training Costs in Colleges and Universities

    高等学校人才 培养 成本问题的思考

  • Reduce training and support costs through new technologies and better intuitive user interfaces .

    通过新技术和更好的直观用户界面降低 培训和支持 成本

  • Mobile video teaching is a very popular methods which can facilitate the grass-roots training for the Speakers of department of business by reducing training costs broadening coverage of training and improving the training efficiency .

    其中移动视频授课方式可以方便业务部室主讲人员随时随地对基层进行培训,有效降低 培训 成本,扩大培训覆盖面,提高培训效率。

  • You will be responsible for team training and all costs and competitors will attempt to find the loopholes and beat it .

    你将负责车队的 训练和一切 花费,并且将试图发现竞争对手的漏洞并击败它。

  • If the airline got a good enough deal from Airbus to outweigh the higher maintenance and training costs other companies might also diversify their fleets deepening the Boeing-Airbus rivalry .

    如果公司能从空客获得足够多的实惠,足以抵消增加的维护与 培训 成本,那么其他公司可能也会实行机队多样化,进而进一步加剧波音与空客的竞争。

  • At the same time reduces training costs and improves the training quality .

    同时,降低了 实训 成本,提高了实训质量。

  • Part of rural primary schools in zhengzhou for table tennis training fund costs less just in dealing with superior table tennis game not to continuously improve skills and interests as the training purpose .

    郑州市部分农村小学学校在经费上对乒乓球 训练 投入较少,只是在应付上级的乒乓球比赛,不是把不断提高技能和兴趣作为训练目的。

  • Reduce associated training costs .

    降低与SAP 培训有关的 费用,因为直接与SAP打交道的人少了。

  • High training costs and long training period .

    二是 培训周期长 成本高。

  • Comparison of E-learning Training Costs with Face-to-face Training Costs

    企业E-learning 培训与传统面授培训的 成本比较分析

  • These techniques can lower IT costs by eliminating the training costs associated with a deployment .

    这些技术可以避免与部署相关联的 培训 成本,从而降低IT成本。

  • Minimally invasive treatment requested medical personnel to grasp the series of special technology and training costs of these technologies are very expensive .

    虚拟手术仿真研究的发展,源于微创治疗的产生与推广:微创治疗要求医务人员掌握一系列特别技术,但这些技术的 培训 费用相当昂贵。

  • After the introduction of the Act institutions of higher learning have been designated a non-compulsory education in the ranks of the educated individuals required to pay the training costs will become the consensus .

    该法出台以后,高等院校被划在了非义务教育行列,受教育者个人需要支付一定的 培养 成本成为共识。

  • Unlike other expenses training costs represent an investment by the firm in their employees .

    与其它开销不同的是, 培训 成本其实是公司对他们的员工进行的投资。

  • In order to upgrade the training quality and reduce the training costs Nantong Shipping College has developed a kind of big-screen emulated training instrument used in container loading and unloading bridge .

    为提高培训质量,降低 培训 成本,南通航运职业技术学院研发了大屏幕集装箱装卸桥仿真训练器。

  • Quality flight training at affordable costs experienced instructors and well maintained aircraft are our hallmark .

    提供可 负担得起的 质量飞行 训练,配备经验丰富的教练员和维护状况良好的飞机。

  • Plus in today 's business climate self-paced virtual classes help organizations reduce their overall training costs .

    此外,在当今的商业环境下,自学虚拟课程可以帮助组织减少整体 培训 成本

  • Training costs adjusted . Total training cost was slightly increased .

    这句明明是 训练 费用调整。总体训练费用由些许增加。

  • Instability such as service quality customer loss employee training costs good corporate culture is difficult to form and so on the hidden costs caused substantial losses .

    如服务质量的不稳定、客源流失、员工 培训 成本 增加、良好的企业文化难以形成等等,其造成的隐性成本损失难以估量。

  • It has the important significance to improve product development speed lower assembly testing and training costs .

    这对提高产品的研发速度,降低装配测试和 培训 成本,具有重要意义。

  • Many companies try to prevent early resignation by employees they have spent time and money training by requiring minimum periods of service and repayment of all or part of training costs in the event of early resignation .

    许多企业设法阻止其花费时间和金钱培训的雇员过早辞职,于是要求明确协定最短服务期,或在雇员过早辞职时偿还全部或部分 培训 费用

  • Order-oriented education is also beneficial for enterprises to solve the structural contradiction of laboures decrease training costs and risks and meet their demanding of laboures .

    对企业而言,有助于解决劳动力结构性矛盾,规避培训风险与降低 培训 成本,满足批量吸纳劳动力需要,降低劳动力筛选成本;

  • According to the results of study the governments ought to reduce training costs and carry out various forms of training to meet various needs of migrant workers .

    针对研究的结果,我们提出应该千方百计降低 培训 费用,开展多种形式的培训以此满足农民工的不同需求。