trading ring

[经] 期货交易场

  • As to the trading ring the author suggests that Shanghai Futures Exchange should be our first choice .

    关于 交易 场所的选择,本文认为上海期货交易所应是首选。

  • Mr Goffer who previously worked at Galleon was known as the Octopussy within the insider trading ring due to his reputation for having his arms in so many sources of inside information the SEC said in its complaint .

    美国证交会在它的诉状中表示,由于高佛尔在众多内幕信息来源中都伸有触角的名声,他在内幕 交易 内曾有八爪人之称。高佛尔先前供职于帆船集团。

  • While the LME introduced electronic trading in 2001 traders continue to use the ring as well .

    虽然LME于2001年引入了电子 交易系统,交易员们仍继续沿用 内交易机制。