trading contract

[法] 贸易合同

  • It includes contract design policy price setting policy and other regulations . Treasury future contract is the carrying body and medium for treasury future transactions . It provides the basic regulation and definitions for treasury future trading making the trading an ordered process according to contract terms .

    国债期货合约是国债期货交易的载体和媒介,它对国债期货交易做了最基本的原则规定,使该 交易按合约规定的 条款有序进行。

  • In the country based on existing research results this study orders to enterprises and farmers arrangements between enterprises and farmers as a trading contract arrangement .

    在国内已有研究成果的基础上,本研究把企业与农户订单的安排,视为企业与农户之间的一种 交易 合约的安排。

  • We stop thinking and allow our rules to trade for us ( trading becomes boring but successful ) and our trading account continues to grow as we increase our contract size .

    我们不猜市场了,而是让规则去发挥作用( 交易开始变得很成功,但有点无聊),我们的资金也越做越大;

  • China to introduce its futures trading could initiate large contract size before small size .

    我国开展金融 期货,可采用先大 合约规模、后小 合约规模方式进行。

  • Based on the different carbon trading will choose different carbon trading contract templates .

    基于不同碳交易主体,会选择不同碳 交易 合同模板。

  • This is trading a CDS contract by a bank or hedge fund that does not own the underlying bond or related security .

    它是指不拥有标的债券或相关证券的银行或对冲基金,对CDS 合约进行 交易

  • In iron ore import trading contract is very important and the inspection indices are an important item next to chemical analysis in contract specifications .

    进口铁矿石 贸易合同是关键,而合同条款中的验收指标又是除化学分析之外的重要项目。

  • Only foreign pharmaceutical companies that hold a trading license may enter into contract manufacturing in Vietnam .

    唯一的外国 经营许可证持有一制药公司可订立 合约,在越南制造。

  • The Clean Development Mechanism in China started in 2005 and has achieved remarkable results but some problems appeared in the process such as our country enterprise no pricing loss of trading platform less technology transfer contract .

    清洁发展机制在我国于2005年正式展开,并取得了显著成果,但在这个过程中也出现了诸如我国企业没有定价权、 交易平台缺失、技术转让 约定少等问题。

  • Contract to determine an important basis for the contract valid or invalid in judicial practice should be as much as possible in accordance with the provisions of the law and to encourage trading objectives of the contract valid or invalid review .

    合同判断的的一项重要依据就是合同的有效或无效,因此在司法实践中应该尽可能的依照法律的规定和鼓励 交易的目标,对 合同的有效或无效进行审查。

  • Provisions for settlement means the deposits not occupied by a contract ; trading deposits means the deposits occupied by a contract .

    结算准备金是指未被合约占用的保证金; 交易保证金是指已被 合约占用的保证金。

  • Trading patterns of Automatic Delivery adapt to this development which is the need to automate the intelligent trading system as a platform for a contract for trading in electronic format based on new trading model .

    而自动发货交易模式则是顺应这种发展需要,以自动化智能 交易系统为平台的一种以电子格式 合同为交易基础的新型交易模式。

  • The author thinks that in online trading contract relationship persons as incompetent or with limited disposing capacity shall not been presumed as having competent behavioral abilities .

    主张无行为能力人或限制行为能力人在网上 交易 契约行为上,并不推定为具有完全行为能力。

  • The index point of the price quotation for trading ofin the contract trading shall be the integral multiple of0.2 point .

    合约 交易报价指数点须为0.2点的整数倍。

  • Application of Trading Custom in Resolving Contract Dispute

    交易习惯在 合同纠纷解决机制中的适用

  • Nonetheless when the competent authority is approving the futures trading contract involving currency exchange between New Taiwan dollars and foreign currencies the competent authority shall consult with and obtain the consent of the Central Bank of China in advance .

    但涉及新台币与外币间兑换之货币期货 交易 契约,主管机关于核准时,应先会商中央银行同意。

  • This specific involves trading software and logistics software docking business contract and transport the safekeeping contract docking settlement system integration enterprises .

    这具体涉及到 交易软件与物流软件的对接,买卖 合同与运输保管合同的对接,结算系统的对接等系统集成问题。

  • Final disposition of open positions on the last trading day of a contract month . Occurs in markets where there is no actual delivery .

    合约月的一个最后 交易日最终的斩仓,在没有实际货物交割的市场中发生。

  • Stock index futures trading is the parties in the financial futures exchange trading stock index futures contract within an economic behavior .

    股票指数期货交易是指买卖双方在金融期货交易所内 买卖股指期货 合约的一种经济行为。

  • Thirdly the transaction costs for trading SIF contracts will not be proportional to the contract value . Instead it will be a flat fee per contract for a round trip .

    第三、 期货的交易费用与合约的价值无关,而是按买卖 合约数目收费的。

  • Please make a copy of the trading contract .

    请您将这份《 购销 合同》复印一份。

  • The large numbers of people participate in C2C e-commerce the large frequency of transactions and access easy and all these bring artificial trading and impersonation and contract fraud and a variety of illegal activities .

    C2C电子商务参与人数众多,交易频率大,准入门槛底,更易滋生虚假 交易、假冒行为、 合同诈骗等各种违法违规行为。

  • As various facts goods cannot be loaded on the specified ship before the time regulated by trading contract .

    在国际 贸易 实务中,由于种种原因,货物不能按照 买卖 合同规定的时间将货物装上指定的船舶。

  • Since the application of the automatic trading system used in assisting contract conclusion has brought great challenges to the traditional contract theory the disputes resulted from online auction contracts have now been increasing .

    因网络拍卖合同所产生的纠纷也日趋增多,因为其应用自动化 交易系统辅助 交易订立 合同,对传统合同理论也带来冲击。

  • About 15 per cent of all futures trading on the benchmark West Texas Intermediate contract takes place on ICE Futures Europe .

    在作为基准的西德克萨斯中质油(westtexasintermediate) 合约的全部期货 交易里,约有15%的 交易是在ice欧洲期货交易所发生。

  • Based on the theoretical research and the practice of domestic and international emissions trading contracts as well as problems of practice the paper analyzed the emission trading contract system in particular .

    在以上基础性理论研究的 前提下,分析国内外 排污权交易 合同的实践,以及我国在实践中存在的问题。

  • The development of modern international economy makes guarantee indispensable because of the large trading value long contract term and high risk difficult to predict .

    现代国际经济的发展,使国际间的 贸易 的数额大,周期长,风险难以估计。因此,担保是不可缺少的。