trading difference


  • In addition although trading in the spot market the difference in time zones accounts for a two-day settlement period .

    另外,虽然是在随时市场 交易,但是因为时区的 不同而有2天的清算期间。

  • Trading condition non-trading commodities export by government technology development and direct foreign investment difference in interest rate and inflation are all decisive factors of the practical equilibrium RMB exchange rate .

    贸易条件、政府非贸易品支出、开放程度、技术进步、外国直接投资、 利差、通胀率之 是人民币均衡实际汇率的长期决定因素。

  • The sight of Michael Douglas reprising his role in Wall Street in an FBI video aimed at discouraging insider trading is a symbolic difference .

    在fbi的一段旨在劝阻内幕 交易的视频里,迈克尔道格拉斯重新扮演起他在《华尔街》中的角色,此举具有重要的象征 意义

  • The index consisting of large companies traded on both stock markets will be launched this month and indicate the premium or discount at which Shanghai shares are trading compared with Hong Kong shares with a measurement of 100 indicating there is no price difference .

    该指数涵盖了在香港和上海两地股市交易的大型公司,将于本月推出。该指数将显示 A股相对于H股的溢价或折价,100表示没有价格 差距

  • Carbon emissions trading is based on the cost difference of greenhouse gas emissions trading system .

    碳排放权 交易是基于减排成本 差异而产生的温室气体排放权交易体系。

  • On the base of the analysis above we build a new concentrating stock trading system on J2EE application server for : The J2EE application server masks all the difference of various hardware Operating System DataBase and other applications .

    J2EE应用服务器应该提供与硬件,操作系统,数据库和其它应用程序的 无关

  • And investors will happen eventually significant structural changes the market will eventually develop into developed countries access to the main game in the era of investment institutions the sources of noise trading must be observed with the situation now exists significant difference .

    而投资者结构终究将会发生显著的改变,市场最终将会发展成发达国家一样,进入到以投资机构博弈为主的时代,噪声 交易的来源结构肯定将会与现在所观察到的情况存在着明显的 差异

  • The short-swing trading is different from the trade using the information of inside story in the securities market . At the same time the writer compared the insider trading with other similar behaviors and pointed out the difference between insider trading and short-swing trading .

    区分了内幕人与内幕交易人,重新认定内幕交易人的范围,比较内幕 交易与其它近似行为,指出了短线交易与内幕交易的 区别,明确了内幕交易的内涵与外延。

  • Aspects of art investment and stock trading bond investors have a greater difference the transaction is not a continuous auction but through the auction transaction the transaction places scattered trading almost every species is unique .

    艺术品投资的 交易环节与股票、债券投资有较大的 区别,交易并非连续竞价,而是通过拍卖形式成交,交易场所分散,交易的每一个品种几乎都是唯一的。

  • Taking the trading data of the 40 component index stocks of Shenzhen stock market from Jan.11 to Apr.2 as the research objects the law of risk variation of stock combination is studied and the optimal portfolio is found out by using difference coefficient .

    运用深圳40指数的部分 成分股2002年1月至2004年4月的历史数据对股票市场做了实证分析,研究了股票组合的风险变动规律,利用 变异系数选出最优投资组合。

  • The empirical research also proves that relative trading volume of A-B share is another important factor influencing the A-B share price difference . 3 .

    另外,实证结果还表明,A、B股 交易数量的相对水平也是 显著影响其价格 差异的重要因素。