transfer charges


  • If the Transferring Bank agrees to transfer the Credit it shall be under no obligation to effect the transfer until such charges are paid .

    如果转让行同意转让信用证,在付清此类 费用之前, 转让行没有办理转让的义务。

  • It is a reversible electrode process that the cathodic reduction of zinc (ⅱ) ion occurs at the mercury electrode in an chloride solution . In the electrode process the transfer of two charges occurs in one step and the diffus-ion is a rate-determining step .

    氯盐溶液中的Zn(Ⅱ)离子在汞电极上阴极还原的两 电荷传递一步完成,电极过程表现为扩散 传质步骤控制的可逆电极过程动力学规律。

  • Users must have the ability to disconnect while working on their wire transfer order because they pay Internet charges by the minute .

    用户应该拥有当处理 电汇订单时可以断开的能力,因为他们按分钟支付Internet 费用

  • Disclosing any restrictions related to the investment such as transfer of the notes and the relevant charges .

    披露与投资有关的任何限制,如 债券及有关 收费

  • One that makes an assignment . transfer charges


  • Be aware that if the solution copies the data externally over the network connection of the instance data transfer charges will apply .

    注意,如果解决方案通过实例的网络连接从外部复制数据,那么数据 传输就需要 收费

  • Please do not bargain the price includes international shipping handling and bank transfer charges .

    客户们请不要议价,价钱包括了国际运费,手续费,和银行 转帐

  • There is no separate cost for this service although the normal data transfer charges for SQL Azure will apply .

    对于这种服务没有单独的费用,尽管使用SQLServer的一般数据 传输需要单独的 费用

  • The Ocean freight and transfer charges from the interior points to the port of shipment shall be paid by Buyer .

    该项海运费及从内地发货点至装船口岸的 中转 均须由买方支付。