transitory phase

[ˈtrænsɪˌtɔri fez][ˈtrænsɪˌtɔ:ri: feiz]

[医] 暂时相

  • Formation of Si 2N 2O and transitory SiAlON phase ( 1400 ℃ or so );

    4)形成 Si2N2O 过渡 SiAlON(1400℃左右);

  • The economy of our country is currently in a transitory phase . It used to be extensive investment driven and heavily rely on the low costs of human capital ; while now it is developing into an innovative driven economy and cultivating its technological edge .

    由于我国目前的经济正处于从 粗放型、投资驱动型以及低成本的人力资源的优势向创新驱动、高技术高科技的技术优势 转变

  • The academic profession in both China and India is in an uncertain transitory phase . Put into perspective both the crisis just surmounted and the tensions that surely lay ahead .

    中国与印度的学术职业正处于一个不确定的 过渡 阶段。要正确看待刚刚渡过的一场危机以及将来必定出现的紧张局面。