transverse relaxation

[trænsˈvə:s ˌrilækˈseʃən][trænsˈvɜ:s ˌri:lækˈseɪʃən]


  • A mathematical formula of the relation between longitudinal relaxation or transverse relaxation and the flip angle of magnetization vector was deduced and its programme was designed .

    首先推导出纵向弛豫和 横向 与磁化强度矢量偏转角关系的数学表达式。

  • The longitudinal and transverse relaxation times have been obtained as functions of the external alternating field .

    得出的纵向和 横向 时间是外加交变场频率的函数,这反映了高频场对 的影响是由于所用密度矩阵方程为非马尔科夫型的直接结果。

  • MR imaging characteristics and transverse relaxation time measurements in growth cartilage : experimental study

    正常生长软骨MR表现特征和 横向 时间测定实验研究

  • A theoretical model is proposed to calculate the working parameters of transverse flow pin-to-plate discharge CO2 lasers taking into consideration the distribution of the electron density electron and gas temperature gas velocity excitation and relaxation rates in the flowing direction .

    本文考虑了电子密度、电子温度、气流速度、气温、 及激发速率等重要物理量沿流向的分布。给出了 横流针板放电CO2激光器特性参量的理论计算模型。

  • Study on Transverse Relaxation Time and Self-Diffusion Coefficient of Intermolecular Multiple Quantum Coherences

    分子间多量子相干 横向 时间和自扩散系数的研究

  • Millisecond-Scale Molecular Dynamics in Aqueous Solution of Surfactant CTAB Studied by NMR Transverse Relaxation Dispersion

    表面活性剂CTAB水溶液中的T2 分散研究

  • The optimization of experimental parameter and processing method of experimental data for measurement of transverse relaxation time ( and self-diffusion coefficient ) of intermolecular multiple quantum coherences in NMR

    分子间多量子相干 横向 时间(和自扩散系数)测量的参数优化和数据处理方法

  • The experiment results show that the NMR spectrum of the rock changes obviously as the pore structure changed by applied uniaxial load ; otherwise the NMR spectrum area of transverse relaxation time T_ ( 2 ) is a basic parameter to reflect pore structure change of rock .

    实验结果表明,由于外加载荷改变了岩石的孔隙结构,岩石的核磁共振谱产生明显的变化,其中 横向 时间T2谱面积是反映岩石孔隙结构变化的一个重要参数。

  • Transverse Relaxation Induced by Superparamagnetic Fe_3O_4 Nanoparticles

    超顺磁性纳米Fe3O4颗粒感生的 横向

  • The transverse migration of the atoms is the main route of film relaxation . The competition between atomic implantation and migration determines the growth mode and final structures of the film .

    其中原子 水平迁移是薄膜热 的主要途径,入射原子的注入和迁移行为相互竞争,决定了薄膜生长的模式和最终结构。

  • The transverse relaxation time measurement for Raman mode by nondegenerate four wave mixing

    用喇曼增强非简并四波混频测量喇曼模的 横向 时间

  • NMR selective detection based on different transverse relaxation times

    NMR基于 横向 时间不同的选择性检测方法

  • Then the results of the experiments are analyzed from micro-mechanisms and the qualitative relationships between the pH values and transverse relaxation time T2 are mainly studied .

    然后从微观机制对实验的结果进行分析,重点探究了pH值与 横向 时间T2之间的定性关系。

  • Simultaneous measurements of transverse relaxation time T_ ( 2 n ) and self-diffusion coefficient D_n of intermolecular multiple quantum coherences ( iMQCs ) were presented for a highly polarized single-component spin system .

    提出一种可同时直接测量高极化核自旋体系分子间n阶多量子相干 横向 时间T2,n和自扩散系数Dn的一维核磁共振方法。

  • Study on Transverse Relaxation of Water Protons Enhanced by Superparamagnetic Fe_3O_4 Particles

    超顺磁性Fe3O4颗粒增强水质子 横向 的研究

  • Inversion analysis of pulsed NMR transverse - relaxation signals in low field

    低场脉冲NMR 横向 信号的反演分析

  • Simultaneous Measurements of Transverse Relaxation Time and Self-diffusion Coefficient of Intermolecular Multiple Quantum Coherences in NMR

    一种同时测量分子间多量子相干 横向 时间和自扩散系数的快速方法

  • With HSQC technique the transverse relaxation time T_ ( 2 ) was determined for certain carbon nuclear on the molecule of Omeprazole in two solvent systems .

    利用HSQC技术对2种溶剂体系下奥美拉唑(Omeprazole)分子中特定碳原子的 横向 时间T2进行了测定。

  • Using NMR characteristic that transverse relaxation T_2 distribution can directly reflect the sizes of rock pores Banqiao carbonate buried hill reservoirs are classified into different types which show good consistency with FMI images .

    利用核磁共振测井 横向 时间T2分布谱可直接反映岩石孔隙半径大小的特性对板桥潜山碳酸盐岩储层类型进行了划分,其结果在FMI成像图上表现出很好的一致性。

  • Measurement of the Transverse Relaxation Time of Material by Photon Echo Techniques

    用非相干光光子回波技术测碘分子蒸汽的 横向 时间

  • Measurement of NMR transverse relaxation time of water protons in blood cells by using free induction decay signal

    利用FID信号直接测量血细胞中水质子的NMR 横向 时间

  • The bearing capacity of & geometrical and material nonlinear isotropic thin plate under the action of transverse loading is analyzed by combining the dynamic relaxation method with multilayer method with the influence of boundary conditions on the ultimate state of the plate studied .

    应用动态 松弛法(简称DRM)和分层法结合,分析几何、物理非线性薄板在 横向荷载作用下的承载能力,讨论了不同边界条件对板的极限状态的影响。

  • The enhancement mechanism of hybrid fiber was investigated by observing the SEM photos of cross section . The main factors affecting the hybrid effect coefficient were presented and the relationship among this coefficient transverse tensile strength and stress relaxation rate of NAFC materials was discussed .

    利用扫描电镜(SEM)分析了材料拉伸断面形貌,探讨了混杂纤维增强机制,分析了混杂效应系数的主要影响因素,研究了混杂效应系数与材料 横向抗拉强度和应力 松弛率之间的关系。