


  • Comparison between the derivative transmittancy spectrum and derivative absorption spectrum

    透光 导数光谱与 吸光度导数光谱的比较

  • The results indicated that chitosan significantly affected clarification of carrot juice orange juice watermelon juices red radish juice and apple juice and the juice transmittancy was over 85 % .

    结果表明:甲壳素对胡萝卜汁、桔子汁、西瓜汁、大红萝卜汁及苹果汁澄清效果显著, 透光 达85%以上。

  • Based on the Lambert-Beer ′ s Law and considering the determination of ultramicro amounts of substances by AAS an approximate linear relationship between the transmittancy and concentration of the measured substance was derived .

    对原子吸收光谱法在超微量测试中,给出了朗伯-比耳定律的近似公式,建立了测定值和 透光度的变化值之间的近似线性关系。

  • The experiment results show that the new modified organic glass has high surface hardness impact resistance deformation start temperature and glass transition temperature as well as good transmittancy of visible light .

    结果表明, 配比 适当时可 性能 优良的新型改性有机玻璃,既提高了表面硬度、冲击强度、热变形温度、玻璃化转变温度,又保持了良好的 透光 性能

  • Licorice only significantly affected clarification of red radish juice and apple juice and the juice transmittancy was over 85 % .

    甘草汁仅对大红萝卜汁及苹果汁具有澄清 作用 透光 达85%以上。

  • Under the optimum conditions the graph juice was clarified in about 2-3 hr and the transmittancy was more than 95 % and its flocculation effect has a great advantage over other flocculants .

    在最佳条件下,澄清 时间2-3h, 透光 即可达到95%以上,其絮凝效果明显优于 同类其它絮凝剂。

  • The stability of DOX-TET liposomes was valuated with the leaking ratio transmittancy changes phospholipids content in 4 25 ℃ for 1 month .

    将脂质体分别在4℃和25℃下密闭放置1个月,以渗漏率、 透光 变化、磷脂含量为指标考察其稳定性。

  • The data processing program involves several subroutines : smoothing data reflectance ratio transmittancy differential spectra parameters of colorimetric system multiple regression analysis .

    自行 设计的软件 完成对光谱数据的平滑处理、计算反射率、 透射率和颜色参数、 微分光谱以及回归分析等处理。

  • A new testing method of transmittancy of camera with large aperture

    大孔径相机 系统 透过 测量新方法研究