


  • Objective : To assess the efficacy and the safety of transurethral bipolar plasma kinetic prostatectomy ( TUPKP ) .

    目的:评价 尿道双极等离子体前列腺切除(TUPKP)的安全性和有效性。

  • Comparison of Holmium and Thulium Laser in Transurethral Enucleation of the Prostate

    钬激光和铥激光在 尿道前列腺剜除术中应用的对比性研究

  • Pathology morphological characteristics were compared between specimens of transurethral resection ( TUR ) and cystectomy .


  • None had complications such as transurethral resection syndrome hemorrhea and vesical perforation .

    前列腺 切综合征、大出血、膀胱穿孔等并发症。

  • Clinical Application of Local Obturator Nerve Block Used in Transurethral Resection of Bladder Tumor

    闭孔神经阻滞在 尿道膀胱肿瘤电 术中的应用研究

  • Objective To evaluate the method of transurethral resection by Holmium laser for condyloma acuminata in the urethra .

    目的观察钬激光经尿道治疗 尿道内尖锐湿疣的疗效。

  • Efficacy of symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia with transurethral resection of prostate electricity

    症状性良性前列腺增生采用 尿道前列腺 汽化 切除术的疗效观察

  • Monitoring and Processing of Hb Hct and Serum Sodium in Transurethral Prostatectomy Surgery

    前列腺 手术中病人Hb、Hct和血钠的监测与处理

  • Objective : To observe the effects of transurethral vaporization for prostate ( TVP ) and suprapubic prostatectomy ( SPP ) on sexual function of the patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia ( BPH ) .

    目的比较 尿道前列腺汽化术(TVP)、耻骨上前列腺摘除术(SPP)治疗良性前列腺增生症(BPH)术对性功能的影响。

  • Clinical Application of Four Surgical Procedures for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Transurethral Electricity

    多种术式在 尿道前列腺增生 电切除中的临床应用

  • Transurethral resection combining with intravesical instillation of hydroxycamptothecin for the treatment of cystitis glandularis

    尿道 联合膀胱内灌注羟基喜树碱治疗腺性膀胱炎

  • Gland residual or recurrent in10 cases 9 cases of re-implementation of the transurethral resection TURP ;

    腺体残留或复发10例,9例再次实施 尿道 前列腺 切术 TURP

  • Objective To discuss transurethral resection of prostate ( TURP ) patients after the second cause of hospital admission .

    目的研讨 尿道前列腺 (TURP)术后患者二次入院的原因。

  • Urodynamic Studies on the Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms after Transurethral Resection of the Prostate

    尿道前列腺 术后早期下尿路症状的多因素分析和尿动力学判定

  • Therapeutic value of transurethral resection of prostate for senior and high risk benign prostatic hyperplasia patients ;

    目的评估 尿道前列腺 电气化切除术治疗高龄、高危患者的安全性、疗效及 注意 事项

  • Transurethral resection of bladder tumor under block anesthesia of bilateral obturator nerves ;

    目的探讨监测下麻醉 尿道膀胱肿瘤 切术的可行性。

  • Comparison of Urethral Stricture with Transurethral Bipolar Plasma Resection and Transurethral Resection

    双极等离子电切与 单极电切在治疗 尿道狭窄中的对比应用研究

  • Conclusion CSEA for elderly patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia by transurethral resection of the prostate safe and effective it is an ideal method of anesthesia .

    结论CSEA用于老年前列腺增生患者 尿道前列腺 术安全有效,是该手术一种较理想的麻醉方法。

  • Treatment of bladder cancer by transurethral electroresection and vaporization ;

    目的探讨浅表性膀胱肿瘤经 尿道电切手术的方法。

  • Comparison of irrigating solution absorption between transurethral resection and transurethral vaporization for benign prostatic hyperplasia

    尿道 前列腺 术与经尿道前列腺 电气化术术中灌洗液吸收的比较

  • According to the reliable clinical data this paper introduces the preoperative preparation the intraoperative assistance steps and the results of the transurethral resection prostate ( TURP ) .

    该文根据可靠的临床资料,详细介绍了 尿道前列腺电切手术的术前准备、术中配合步骤及结果,全面分析了术中配合的注意事项。

  • The Impact of Transurethral Prostatectomy on Sexual Function


  • Evidence-based nursing ; benign prostate hyperplasia ; Transurethral plasma kinetic resection of prostate .

    循证护理;前列腺增生; 尿道等离子 术。

  • Influence of systematic cognition intervention on sexual function of patients undergoing transurethral prostate resection

    系统认知干预对 尿道前列腺切除术病人性功能的影响

  • Transurethral holmium laser therapy for glandular cystitis : report of 27 cases


  • Transurethral bipolar plasma kinetic resection of massive prostatic hyperplasia in 106 cases

    106例 尿道等离子双极 治疗大体积前列腺增生临床分析

  • Bladder preservation with transurethral tumour resection radiation and chemotherapy can in some cases be equally curative .

    采用 尿道肿瘤切除术、放射治疗及化学治疗以维持膀胱功能,可使一些患者基本治愈。

  • Clinical Observation of Combination Regimen of Finasteride and Reptilase in Transurethral Resection of Prostate

    非那雄胺和立止血联合用于 尿道前列腺 术的临床观察

  • Treatment of urine leakage with iatrogenic ureteral injury by transurethral ureteroscopy


  • The Clinical Research of Obturator Nerve Reflex for Transurethral Resection of Bladder Tumor

    膀胱肿瘤 术中闭孔神经反射的临床研究