transparent information

[trænsˈpɛrənt ˌɪnfɚˈmeʃən][trænsˈpɛərənt ˌɪnfəˈmeiʃən]


  • Neither hard nor soft it that relies on transparent information and co-operation .

    它既不僵硬也不柔软,依赖于 透明 信息和合作。

  • As a concrete manifestation of the principle of openness fully transparent information disclosure is the cornerstone of capital markets .

    充分 透明 信息披露作为公开原则的一个具体体现,是保证资本市场有效运转的基石。

  • Empirical tests show that financial leverage ( LEV ) and the transparency of accounting information was a significant positive correlation ST / PT firms has less transparent accounting information .

    实证检验表明,财务杠杆(LEV)与会计信息透明度显著正相关,ST/PT的公司会计 信息 透明度较低。

  • The core of these accounting standards is how to use the fair value measurement model under the right conditions and reveal the true financial condition and operational results of commercial banks in order to provide more relevant reliable and transparent accounting information for users of financial statements .

    这6项会计准则的核心是在合适的条件下如何使用公允价值计量模式,揭示商业银行真实的财务状况和经营业绩,为财务报表使用者提高更为相关、可靠和 透明的会计 信息

  • Creating transparent information environment to optimize the allocation of resource ;

    创造 透明 信息环境,实现资源优化配置;

  • Reuters quoted Zhang Mao head of an antitrust watchdog as saying that his agency suspects the company of not being fully transparent with information about its Windows and Office sales .

    据路透社(Reuters)援引中国反垄断监察机构负责人张茂(音译)的话称,他们怀疑微软的Windows和Office软件销售 信息不够 透明

  • Vague information of enterprise work safety induces job applicants to get erroneous impression of work safety from transparent information of enterprise scale market share and salary . In this way the enterprise with low investment in work safety still could bring in high quality talents .

    由于企业安全生产状况信息的不透明,容易导致应聘者根据企业的规模、市场占有率、员工待遇等 透明 信息来判断企业安全生产状况,而导致安全投入少的企业易引进高素质人才。

  • Therefore how to provide transparent information is a key factor to increase the perception ability and judgment of risks .

    如何获得 透明度高的 信息是提高独立董事风险感知与判断力的关键。

  • In a capital market full of flowing information transparent information disclosure is an embodiment to principles of publicity fair and justice in stock market . Consummate system of information disclosure can protect the benefit of minor investors .

    在一个充满信息流动的资本市场中, 透明 信息披露是证券市场公开、公平、公正原则的具体体现,完善的信息披露制度是中小投资者的利益保障基础,研究信息披露制度具有现实意义。

  • The solution to financial crises will not easily be found in increased regulation more transparent information or cuts in interest rates .

    在监管日益严格、 信息更加 透明、或利率不断下调的情况下,找出解决金融危机的方法不太容易。

  • With the rapidly widespread of internet the government with more transparent information system plays a more important role in this process .

    国际互联网的迅速发展普及,使政府 信息化在社会 信息化进程中发挥着越来越重要的作用。

  • Whether we can guarantee the Continued steadily during this period can be law enforcement accurate timely transparent information on the traffic enforcement unit is very important .

    能否在这个时期持续稳步做到执法准确、及时、 信息 透明,对交通执法单位来说十分重要。

  • Title Insurance provides a valid commercial mechanism for transparent information and risk avoidance and also has great value for reference and practical significance to solve title risk problems in China market .

    产权保险为 明晰产权 信息、化解产权风险提供一种有效的商业化的运作机制,对解决中国房地产市场的产权风险问题具有重要的借鉴价值和现实意义。

  • Although small businesses make great contribution to the economic development of our country it is difficult to direct financing for their poor anti-risk ability and the not transparent information . Bank credit financing is still the main channel for the small businesses .

    尽管小企业为我国的经济发展做出了突出贡献,但其抗风险能力差、 信息 不透明等缺陷导致直接融资难度很大,银行信贷仍是其可获的主要外部融资渠道。

  • It has to play the correct guidance of public opinion through the media and gives the public correct and transparent information .

    所以品牌危机的管理的实质是信息传播的管理:它需要借助传媒发挥正确的舆论导向,通过与公众的广泛沟通,将正确的 信息公开化和 透明化。

  • Protect individual privacy and business secret while emphasizes the transparent information .

    在强调 信息 透明,打通社会 信用 信息 流通 渠道的同时加强对个人隐私和商业秘密的立法保护。

  • It means funding for teaching should follow the choices that students make . And it means empowering students to make their own choices based on better more transparent information .

    这也意味着教学经费应当遵循学生作出的选择,赋予学生更好,更 透明 信息

  • Otherwise the transparent market information and high level citizen ethics is necessary for it .

    而且,它要求市场 信息的高度 透明和国民高水平的伦理素质。

  • Open and transparent policy information relevant policies and regulations can be obtained in the foreground of the displayed page .

    政策 信息公开 透明,相关政策法规在前台显示页面都能获取到。

  • Complete and transparent information is the premise for the normal and healthy implementation of the students ' financial loan . The existence of information asymmetry gives rise to adverse choices and moral risks thus decreasing the efficiency of the loan operation .

    信息的完全和 透明是助学贷款规范运行、健康发展的基本条件,信息不对称现象的存在,容易产生逆向选择和道德风险,影响助学贷款的运作效率。

  • Absolutely transparent accounting information does not exist and the people require of accounting information is also a relatively transparent .

    绝对 透明的会计 信息是不存在的,人们所要求的也只是会计信息的相对透明。

  • Investigation on public general 's attitudes towards transparent hospital information and information using

    公众对医院 院务 公开的态度和使用意向的调查分析

  • It is only possible through complete disclosure of transparent information without compromising the competitive advantage of the firm that the users of such data will be in a position to assign certain value to the equity of the reporting firm .

    只有基于完全 透明但不损害公司竞争优势的 信息,数据的使用者才能够赋予报告公司股权一定的价值。

  • But author believes that functional effects of efficiency improvement of private persons or private agencies may alleviate critics about normative dilemma and such dilemma can be resolved through process improvement such as keeping process of decision making transparent and information publicly available .

    但笔者认为,私人在促进效率方面的功用应可以缓解规范性问题的质疑,而且通过决策 透明 信息公开等程序的改善来解决规范性困境。

  • This means that the transparent information of the BB method has not reduced other external effects .

    这意味着询价制的 信息 透明度并没有降低其它外部效应。

  • It requires complete and transparent accounting information from the government for transforming government functions reforming public financial system building governmental achievement evaluative system and coordinating with the reform of governmental income and expense classification .

    政府职能的转换、公共财政体制的改革、政府绩效评价制度的建设以及政府收支分类 科目的改革等,均对政府会计 信息提出了新的要求。

  • The SARS disaster in the 2003 make people realize that a transparent information system will make people even the society suffered a great catastrophe .

    2003年的非典灾难让人们认识到,一个 不透明 信息体制会让人们甚至整个社会蒙受巨大灾难。