




  • Using this technique it is possible to transpose the Business Processes into a Business Model and create formal traces between the two .

    利用此技术,很可能 业务流程转化为业务模型,并在它们之间创建形式化的可 追溯性。

  • Now transpose this analogy to the gasoline industry .

    现在, 假使 这种理论,应用于石油工业上。

  • What key is that song in ? Do you know how to transpose a song ? Can you play any instruments ? I 'm going to play this song in a lower key .

    关键是那首歌吗?你知道如何 变换一个首歌吗?你会弹奏乐器吗?我现在去玩这首歌在一个较低的关键。

  • Method to Analyze Wrinkled Membranes by Using Local Coordinate Transpose and Equivalent Stiffness

    使有褶弄出皱褶 褶皱膜的局部坐标系 转置和刚度等效法分析

  • He was unable to transpose himself to the cockpit .

    他无法 使自己进入驾驶舱了。

  • Children often transpose letters when trying to spell unfamiliar words .

    孩子拼写不熟悉的单词时,经常会 字母 顺序 搞错

  • Returns the transpose of this matrix ( Read Only ) .

    返回这个矩阵的 转置(只读)。

  • Transpose and remain equal in value ; of variables or operators in mathematics .


  • Shielding effectiveness of PCB loaded rectangular enclosure with circular-aperture array If A is the mxn matrix then the nxm matrix is called the transpose of A.

    加装印刷电路板的圆孔阵矩形机壳屏蔽效能如果A是mxn矩阵,那么 nxm矩阵为A的 转置 矩阵

  • She could play any piece of music she heard and transpose it into any key .

    她能 听过的任何 乐曲变以任何调 演奏 出来

  • If N is even transpose the puzzle .

    如果N是偶数, 交换 行列

  • Dyslexics often transpose letters in a word .

    诵读困难者经常 改换话语的文字。

  • a short story in which he transposes the roles of poets and screenwriters .

    诗人与编剧 了角色 换位的短篇小说

  • If A is the mxn matrix then the nxm matrix is called the transpose of A.

    如果A是mxn矩阵,那么nxm矩阵为A的 转置 矩阵

  • Character that is used to wrap data contained in the field . Fields wrapped in this character will be ignored by the parser . Transpose : To change places with another letter word lie or illustration .

    用于对该字段中包含的数据进行换行的字符。分析程序将忽略使用该字符换行的字段。 对调 次序:把字,字词,字行或插图的 次序对调。

  • Can you transpose this fugue into G major ?

    你能 这个赋格曲转换成G大调吗。

  • Transpose the words of a sentence .

    句子中的 词序 调换 一下

  • Transpose these two words and the sentence will read right .

    这两个字 颠倒 过来,句子就顺了。

  • You need to transpose a list of lists turning rows into columns and vice versa .

    你需要 变换一个列表的列表,把行转换成列,反之亦然。

  • This song 's too high for my voice ; could you please transpose it down into E flat ?

    这支歌调子太高,你能 它降到E调吗?

  • A parallel algorithm for matrix multiplication based on optical transpose interconnection system ( OTIS ) network is proposed and the time complexity is analyzed .

    提出基于光 交换互连系统(OTIS)网络结构的矩阵乘并行算法,分析它的时间复杂性。

  • The director transposes the action from 16th Century France to post-Civil War America .

    导演 情节从16世纪的法国调换到内战后的美国。

  • The obligation to transpose the provisions which are unchanged arises under the earlier Directive .

    没有变化的 条文 在先前条款的 框架下继续执行。

  • Is an array on a worksheet or macro sheet that you want to transpose

    是在工作表或宏表中您所要 的矩阵

  • If you transpose a matrix that doesn 't change the determinant .

    如果你 转置一个矩阵,这将不会改变它的行列式。

  • When it did not fit he never hesitated to transpose or rearrange .

    当乐曲不适合时,他会毫不犹豫的进行 变调或是重新作曲。

  • Many people inadvertently transpose digits of the ZIP code .

    很多人疏忽 之下颠倒邮政编码中数字的 顺序

  • To cause to change places ; transpose .

    使改变地方; 调换使 换位

  • Taking the transpose of both sides does not change the left-hand side of the equation .

    两边均进行 转置,方程的左边不变。

  • Genetic engineers transpose or exchange bits of hereditary material from one organism to the next

    遗传工程师 某一生物的小段遗传物质 调换到另一生物,或 与其互换。