



  • No one is willing to predict what may transpire at the peace conferece .

    没有人愿意预言在和平会议上会 发生什么事。

  • And on a couple of occasions we leased a piece of equipment expecting a certain opportunity to take place and it didn 't transpire .

    和一对夫妇的场合,我们租用的一台设备预计有一定机会的地方,也没有 蒸发

  • Know that what is about to transpire is metaphysical as well as geo physical and part of a greater universal plan .

    要知道,即将 发生的是抽象 难解的也是地球物理上的,是更大的宇宙计划的一部分。

  • The plants transpire to give off more water vapor .

    这些植物 进行 蒸发,释放出更多的水蒸气。

  • We don 't know what will transpire when we have a new boss .

    当我们有位新老板时,不知会 发生什么。

  • The leaf photosynthesis and transpire of potted grapevine young tree which is deposed of different growth regulator are higher than the contrast under water stress condition but these can not attain obvious difference .

    水分胁迫条件下,施用不同生长调节剂处理盆栽葡萄幼树,其叶片光合速率和 蒸腾速率均高于对照,但未达到显著水平。

  • It may yet transpire that ministers knew more than they are admitting .

    现在可能 得知部长们知道的要比承认的多。

  • As it transpired the Labour government did not dare go against the pressures exerted by the City .

    后来人们 得知,工党政府不敢与伦敦金融界施加的压力相对抗。

  • Nothing is known as yet about what transpired at the meeting .

    会上到底 发生了什么现在还没人知道。

  • Train the envision ability of the students and innovation ability transpire their thoughts .

    培养学生的想象能力,创新能力, 发散性思维。

  • In any event the government may have a hard time tracking such loans which often transpire through a handshake between two individuals .

    不管怎样,政府可能很难追踪到这些贷款,因为它们通常通过两人 握手进行 交付

  • Use a fly-on-the-wall approach : Describe what happens as if you 're a fly on the wall observing the events transpire .

    应从旁观者的角度去描述:作为观察事件 发生的旁观者描述发生了什么。

  • It transpired that Paolo had left his driving licence at home

    后来 知道保罗把驾照忘在家里了。

  • Don 't get me wrong I fully anticipated demand for this game to be huge as it is such a glamourous tie what I didn 't expect was what would transpire as the hours passed by this morning .

    别误会,我充分考虑到了这样一场吸引人的比赛会有很多人想看,我没有想到的是今天早上几个小时竟然 白白浪费。

  • Unless you truly don 't care how things transpire take the reins this week .

    除非你真的不在乎,如果你 还是介意的,请在这周好好地、 骄傲地把 握住

  • Technically it takes a 20 % decline for a bear market to transpire .

    从技术角度而言,下跌20% 证明 熊市 开始

  • This would appear to indicate that Ascension will begin or transpire after people go to bed for the night .

    这明显的指出了扬升已经开始,也 透露 我们上床睡觉的时候去了 哪里

  • All memorable events I should say transpire in morning time and in a morning atmosphere .

    我想说,所有值得纪念的事情,都是在清晨的时光和清晨的氛围中 发生的。

  • Elements of historical art and folk sources transpire through her work and her art embraces a conceptual exploration of the ultimate street experience .

    她的艺术品包含了终极街头经历的概念 探索;民间及历史的艺术 原素从她的艺术作品 显露 出来

  • But what mind is there among men that could even record let alone direct the constant changes in molecules that transpire in the life span of a tree ?

    但是如果真能记录下来的话,那么以个人的意志又是怎样的呢,仅仅只是 跟随着它的指挥, 分子学恒定不变的变化 便泄露出了一棵树的生命源泉?

  • Routing algorithm collect routing information and infill in routing table . Router transpire the relationship between next-hop and destination network by routing table .

    路由选择算法将收集到的不同信息填入路由表中,根据路由表可将目的网络与下一站(Next Hop)的关系告诉路由器。

  • The third realm of ceramic arts is to make the subject itself transpire the potential cultural connotation by painting realistically .

    陶瓷艺术的第三境界是通过写实 外观 描绘,让对象自身 散发 潜在的文化内涵。

  • Reconstruct personal system of income tax is a key to build taxpayer 's account of income tax to establish declared taxation system by people-selves to make withholding open and transpire .

    重新架构个人所得税制关键在于要对纳税人建立个人所得税账户,要建立公民自行申报纳税制度,要使代扣代缴公开 透明

  • It transpire that the gang have have a contact inside the bank


  • Investigators have reason to believe that other consequences arising from the great volumes of problematic gas expelled into the upper atmosphere would also transpire and could persist for many years .

    研究人员有理由相信,体积庞大的 火山气体在进入高层大气后可能会 散去,也可能存在许多年。