


  • Transliteration will serve as a key component to solving multiple linguistic challenges and provides a common ground for you to build a standardization rule set with predictability .


  • Abstract : Borrowings are words absorbed from other languages by means of transliteration and free translation on a regular basis .

    外来词是指从其他语言中吸收过来的词语,吸收的方法 主要音译 、译法。

  • It is not necessary that the meaningful transliteration should be a loanword of semantic transliteration .

    字面上有意义的 音译词并不一定就是 的外来词。

  • Thus this article has shown how to solve your transliteration challenges using Information Server DataStage .

    因此,本文就展示了如何使用InformationServerDataStage来解决您的 音译挑战。

  • Normalizer : This class provides functions to normalize the output of transliteration function into a composed or decomposed form .

    Normalizer:这个类提供一些函数,将 音译函数的输出规范化为一种合成或分解格式。

  • According to the principles of brand translation the author discussed transliteration free translation and the combination of the two methods through setting up examples .

    本文就一些品牌 翻译的正面实例,根据品牌翻译的原则,探讨了 音译 意译 相结合的译法。

  • After this step you are all set to launch your transliteration ETL job .

    完成这个步骤之后,就可以启动您的 音译ETL作业了。

  • Because of its uniqueness and proprietary transliteration is the most common skill adopted in brand translation .

    商标 名称的翻译,因其“独特性、专有性”而多采用 音译

  • With the Internet from a large number of foreign words and letters transliteration words such ase-mail BBS FTP P2P software hackers Trojans ICQ MSN .

    随因特网而来的有大量的外来 音译词和字母词,如伊妹儿、BBS、FTP、P2P软件、黑客、特洛伊木马、ICQ、MSN。

  • Any name of people or place adopts transliteration not free translation .

    凡是人名或地名,都采用 音译 而非意译法。

  • Terminals that support UTF characters use transliteration to convert the given multi-byte input into the corresponding logical character .

    支持UTF字符的终端利用 音译将给定的多字节输入转换成为相应的逻辑字符。

  • Xiangba is the transliteration of woodcut from Tibetan language .

    “祥巴”,藏语 音译,意为木刻版画。

  • The Wade-Giles transliteration of Chinese characters into the Roman alphabet has been replaced by pinyin .

    把汉字 成罗马字母的韦得一贾尔斯 音译已由拼音代替了。

  • A probabilistic model is used to get the transliteration information of Chinese-Vietnamese based on grapheme and the translation between Chinese and Vietnamese name is based on this information .

    利用概率模型训练、学习得到基于字形的汉越 音译知识,实现汉语和越南语的人名 音译

  • In response Google developed its Indic transliteration technology in which users can type phonetic imitations of words in their language on an ordinary Roman alphabet keyboard that then appear in that language 's script .

    作为回应,谷歌开发了印度语言 音译技术,利用该技术,用户可以用普通的罗马字母键盘,模拟自己语言中单词的发音进行输入,接着这个单词就会转化成他们语言的书写体。

  • ( 12 ) transliteration of a published work into Braille and publication of the work so transliterated .

    (十二) 已经发表的作品改成盲文出版。

  • Other than traditional translation transliteration transfers sound but not meaning from source language .

    音译与一般翻译不同,它 保留源语读音而不传达源语意义。

  • The methods of translation mainly include transliteration free translation combination of transliteration & free translation and conversion .

    商标 的翻译主要有 音译、意译、音意结合与转译等方法。

  • This paper based on textual research and the analysis of the Thai language concludes that Cheli is the transliteration of the word Buddhist pagoda in the Thai language .

    通过查阅古籍和对泰国的泰族语言分析、比较,可以认定,车里是傣泰语言中“佛塔”的 译音

  • As an important element of Chinese lettered words the borrowed initialismscan quickly meet the demand of Chinese communication and avoid troubles possibly made by transliteration .

    作为字母词的重要组成部分,外来缩略词可以更快地满足汉语交际的需要,避免了 音译 转写可能造成的麻烦。

  • Transliteration means to convert words from one language to another language with a close approximation in phonetic sound .


  • With the development of communication some transliteration words were created in Chinese some words are replaced by other Chinese words some disappeared and some changed into another form .

    在交流和沟通过程中, 时间的 推移,有些 英语 音译词在汉语中 固定 下来,有些被其它汉语单词所替代,有些从汉语中消失,有些则改用成其它汉语。

  • This paper aims to improve the quality of the transliteration of brand name through the empirical research on the transliteration of brand name under the guidance of Equivalence Principle .

    本文以等原则的相关理论为框架,结合资料对商标音译进行实证研究,以期有助于提高商标 音译的质量。

  • Definition : AIDS the English transliteration of the acronym AIDS was infected with the human body human immunodeficiency virus ( HIV ) also known as a result of HIV infection .

    定义:艾滋病,英语缩写AIDS的 音译,是人体感染了“人类免疫缺陷病毒”(HIV)又称艾滋病病毒所导致的传染病。

  • He presented the theory of The Five Kinds of Terms Not Translated which virtually deals with the principles of transliteration of Buddhist terminology and may be serviceable to modern translators .

    他提出「五种不翻」的理论, 亦即佛教 相的 音译原则,可供当今译家的参考。本文并略述翻译的重要及趋势。

  • Transliteration Unit Alignment Method Based on the First Syllable Letter Mapping

    基于音节首字母匹配的 音译单元对齐方法

  • The main classes that support transliteration capabilities are Transliterator and Normalizer .

    支持 音译功能的主要类是Transliterator和Normalizer。

  • PAINTER Luo Dan 's name is the Chinese transliteration of Auguste Rodin ( 1840-1917 ) the French sculptor famous for works such as The Age of Bronze The Thinker and The Kiss .

    画家罗丹的名字是奥古斯特•罗丹(1840-1917)的中文 音译,法国著名雕塑家,作品有《青铜时代》、《思想者》和《吻》。

  • Key mappings key sequences and transliteration input methods can all be expressed in the m17n database .

    键盘映射、击键序列以及 音译输入法都可以使用m17n数据库来表示。