transformation signal

[ˌtrænsfɚˈmeʃən ˈsɪɡnəl][ˌtrænsfəˈmeɪʃən ˈsiɡnəl]


  • Applications of wavelet transformation in the signal denoising of the millimeter - wave radiometer

    小波 变换在毫米波辐射计 信号去噪中的应用

  • The author introduces the hardware configuration such as the signal detection and modulation circuit signal transmitter interface circuit and software flow like signal sampling scales transformation conversion signal compensation and so on .

    介绍了信号检测与调理电路、信号变送器接口电路等主要硬件结构,以及信号采样、标度 转换 信号补偿等软件流程。

  • Kluyveromyces Fragilis-kan can be used as constructing promoter try different transformation among carrier signal peptide . 2 .

    脆壁克鲁维酵母K.f.-kan可作为构建 改造启动子,尝试不同 信号肽的中间载体。

  • Temperature is an important parameter associated with substance metabolism energy transformation and signal transmission which are the essence of life .

    生命体内的物质代谢,能量 转化信号传递,都是在一定温度下进行的。

  • Plane Transformation for Signal Deinterleaving in Dense Signal Environment

    密集信号 分选的平面 变换技术

  • DSP accomplishes the baseband signal processing the DDC and the DUC deal with the transformation between baseband signal and IF signal multi-sample rate signal processing signal modulation and demodulation .

    系统中DSP主要完成基带信号的处理,上下变频器完成 基带和中频信号之间的 转换、系统的多抽样率信号处理和信号的调制解调。

  • Application of Mobius Transformation of Rectangular-pulse Signal in Digital Communication System

    矩形脉冲 信号的Mobius 变换在数字通信中的应用

  • Traditional chaotic encryption algorithm has lower security because chaotic random sequence is added on signal directly . A data encryption algorithm based on logistic-map is presented . The kernel is the transformation of signal into chaotic random sequence .

    针对以原文叠加确定性 混沌随机序列为核心的一般混沌加密算法保密性较低的特点,提出了一种以将原文 变换为混沌随机序列为核必思想的基于Logistic映射的数据加密算法。

  • Based on the time-frequency transformation of signal a novel joint DOA-frequency estimation is proposed .

    提出了一种借助时频 变换实现 信号的DOA和频率联合估计的新方法。

  • By pll frequency transformation for input signal a relative signal of stepping delay is obtained . At same phase time of the relative signal input signal is sampled . The equivalent sampling numbers and actual sampling interval of the input signal is controlled by a microcomputer program .

    通过锁相环对输入 信号频率 变换,获得一个步进延迟的关联信号,在关联信号的同一相位点对输入信号采样,其等效采样次数及实际采样间隔由微机编程控制。

  • In CIMS online inspection technology of machining center based is researched . A special communication interface card with the function of signal isolation signal transformation and signal transfer is designed .

    研究了CIMS环境中基于加工中心的在线检测技术,开发完成与机床进行通讯的专用接口通讯板卡,具有信号隔离、信号 变换信号传递等功能。

  • This system consisted of signal perceiving transformation part signal wave filtration and magnification part signal collection and analysis part .

    该系统由次声信号的感应 变换信号滤波及放大,信号的采集及信号分析显示等一部分组成。

  • The way of using wavelets transformation theory detecting signal can be an effective complement to the current detecting methods .

    小波 变换检测 方法可以作为当前检测方法的一种有效补充。

  • With the information carrier of wavelet atom for unsteady signal the Multi-Resolution Analysis of Wavelet Transformation describes unsteady signal time-frequency information adaptively which is apt to feature extraction .

    依据小波 变换多分辨率分析(MRA)能够自适应性描述状态非平稳 信号局部时频信息,易于故障信息的抽取。

  • AOK TFR is a time-frequency analysis theory that can analyze unstabilized signal by nonlinear transformation on modern signal processing .

    自适应最优核时频分布理论是一种现代 信号处理方法,它是采用非线性 变换处理非平稳信号的时频分析方法。

  • Number theory transformation seismic signal filter

    数论 变换与地震 信息滤波

  • By D / A transformation ECG signal output to ECG testing equipment for theoretical research provide the signal source .

    心电 信号经过D/A 转换后就可以 直接输出到心电检测设备中,为理论研究提供信号源。

  • Research of Recognition and Transformation of Speech Signal

    语音 信号的识别与 转换研究

  • Two immiscible phases which the organic phase containing substrate and the aqueous phase containing enzyme are employed . The substrate was hydrolyzed by AChE at the interface of two phases and product spontaneously penetrated into aqueous solution aroused the transformation of electrochemical signal .

    利用两个不相溶的相即有机相溶有底物和水相溶有酶来进行测定,在两相界面上底物被胆碱酯酶水解并且生成的产物自发的进入水溶液中引起了电化学 信号 变化

  • A Spectrum-Compressed Digital Receiving Method Using Laguerre Transformation for LFM Signal

    基于Laguerre 变换的宽带LFM 信号频谱压缩数字接收方法

  • The software method is introduced by employing DDFS technology to realize the transformation of digital signal into FFSK signal . The conventional DDFS technology is improved a lot to achieve its function on single chip micro-computer without using too much resources .

    采用直接数字频率合成(DDFS)技术,实现数字 信号 转换成FFSK信号的软件方法,对常用DDFS技术进行改进,使其能够在通用型单片机上实现而无需占用太多资源。

  • Digital cable set-top box ( STB ) is equipment of transformation digital signal into simulate signal .

    数字有线电视机顶盒是把有线电视网中的数字电视 信号 转换为模拟电视信号的设备。

  • The function principle of vibrating platform is introduced then a new approach of noise cancelling is presented on the basis of different features of the wavelet transformation of signal edge and noise at last the effect of the approach used is given and discussed too .

    介绍振动台的工作原理,提出一种利用 信号边沿与噪声的小波 变换的不同性质来去噪的方法,给出该方法的使用效果,并进行了讨论。

  • This paper proposes a novel spectrum-compressed digital receiving method using Laguerre transformation for LFM signal .

    该文提出了一种新的宽带线性调频( LFM信号频谱压缩数字接收方法。

  • This paper introduces the application of wavelet transformation in speech signal denoising describes in detail the method of soft threshold and hard threshold and points out their disadvantages .

    研究了基于小波 变换的语音去噪问题,在对传统阈值法去噪和语音特性分析基础上,提出一种改进的多阈值法语音 信号去噪方法。

  • The high accuracy size measure meter improved the accuracy of bearing parts and production efficiency by digit transformation of signal .

    这种高精度尺寸测量仪通过 信号的数字化 转换,提高了加工件的精度和生产效率。

  • In this paper the theory of wavelet transformation in signal noise reduction is introduced together with the algorithm of signal decomposition and reconstruction .

    介绍采用小波 变换进行 信号降噪的原理;利用小波分解和重构函数对轧机主传动轴应力和扭矩信号进行降噪处理。

  • Orthogonal linear transformation in signal analysis

    信号分析中的正交 变换