


  • HHD_FUN architects Beijing presented a transformable temporary structure for the JNBY and COTTON USA fashion show held in Shanghai with an ability to take on numerous different forms .

    总部位于北京的HHDFUN工作室为在上海举行的 JNBY美国棉花服装展示会设计了一个临时的建筑,它可以 转化为不同的形式。

  • Analysis and design of transformable cam-five-bar mechanism


  • The development of objective self for children was not a transformable process from body to action to society and to psychology from low to high .

    儿童客体我的发展并不是从身体到活动、再到社会和心理的由低到高的 转化过程。

  • They have the features like periodical national regional inheritable transformable ceremonial and recreational ; among them the essence is nationality .

    它具有周期性、 集体性、民族性、地域性、传承性、 变异性、仪式性、娱乐性等特征,其本质属性是它的民俗性。

  • According to diversified and individualized customer order requirements a product configuration model was put forward based on a transformable structure of product family .

    根据客户订单需求的多样性和个性化特点,提出了一种基于产品族 变型结构的产品配置模型。

  • The fry between 58-82 mm in fork length is the transformable stage of its feeding habits .

    叉长58~82mm的幼鱼为食性 转变阶段。

  • Transformable Postulate in Special Relativity and the Maximum Velocity

    狭义相对论中的 变换假设与极限速率

  • We should realize that both translatability and untranslatability are relative . Either of them is not a static result but a transformable dynamic process .

    应当认识到,可译与不可译是相对的,可译或不可译不是一种静态的结果,而是一个 可以 转化的动态过程。

  • Location of Role and Transformable Channel of Function of Shanghai Sports Administrative Departments

    上海市体育行政部门的角色定位与职能 转变路径

  • The Restoration is an important transformable age in the history of finance and taxation in England .

    复辟时期是英国财政与税收史上的一个重要 转型时代。

  • Not a transformable file type .

    不是 转换的文件类型。

  • The means of heat and pressure is used to study larch timber osmosis when temperature is regarded as a transformable parameter under all cross method .

    加热加压法与 常温加压法相比,把温度作为一个 可变参量,使用正交分析法进一步研究落叶松材的渗透性。

  • The ability of bacteria to be genetically transformable .

    遗传力细菌的遗传 转化的能力。

  • Cultivated land with good water conservancy and water and soil conservation facilities and medium-and low-yielding land where the execution of amelioration plan is in progress or medium-and low-yielding land that is transformable .

    (二)有良好的水利与水土保持设施的耕地,正在实施改造计划以及 可以改造的中、 低产田;

  • The proper negative pressure when agrobacterium and callus cultivated could increase transformable frequency and survival rate of callus .

    农杆菌与愈伤组织 混合培养时 给予适当的负压条件可提高愈伤组织 转化频率和存活率。

  • The competition of housing market is enhanced . On the basis of the above research I make transformable parameter demand model and supply model . Then I get cobweb model improved .

    通过对 可变参数住宅需求模型和供给模型的分析建立了改进的住宅市场蛛网模型。

  • This paper analyzes Lu Xun 's humor in the macroscopic microscopic savvy and transformable aspects .

    本文从宏观、微观、悟性和 变化 个方面来分析鲁迅式的谐趣感。

  • Research on configuration management based on transformable structure of product family

    基于产品族 变型结构的配置管理研究

  • Mn Co Ni with transformable valence state as transition elements are important factors to increase further the state density ;


  • The item of transformable furniture is provided with a supporting construction for the two substantially flat elements ( 5 ) 6 ) .


  • This algorithm adopts bi-arc segment approximating mode it 's bi-arc segment is tangent each other first derivative continuous step length transformable numerical control interpolation error controllable .

    这种算法采用双圆弧段逼近方式,其双圆弧段彼此相切,一阶导数连续,并且步长 伸缩,其数控插补误差可进行控制。

  • A Brief Analysis of Transformable Bond Financing Tactics Research

    浅析 转换债券筹资策略分析

  • Hidden value and evident value are a pair of contradictory forms of value and they are transformable ;

    显价值与潜价值是一对矛盾对立的价值表现形式,二者 可以互相 转化

  • Coordinate and carry out innovative pharmaceutical projects which property right transformable on R & D team capital Site etc.


  • Compared with other heat meters heat meter with transformable rotary wings is much more simple and chipper .

    可变 旋翼式热量表与其他热计量装置相比,结构大为简化,并具有 突出 价格 优势适合 国内推广应用。

  • And give the relation of transformable relation between the generator of Toeplitz block and Toeplitz block matrices when the every block matrix is square .

    并且给出了Toeplitz-块矩阵和块-Toeplitz矩阵生成子的相互 转换关系。

  • The course of the development ot civil economy is summarized and reviewed in the meantime the current stage which is the transformable period from the planned economy to market economy as well as the form of the sole ownership .

    在总结回顾了民营经济发展的历程,并定义了当前这一阶段也是我国 长期 以来从计划经济向市场经济 转型期、也是单一所有制形式的 转型期。

  • Parametric Analysis for Mobile Mechanism of a Transformable Wheel-track Robot

    轮- 复合可 变形机器人的移动机构参数分析

  • The policy of the Bush Administration to North Korea runs a adjustable and transformable course from implicitness to explicitness from inflexibility to relative flexibility .

    布什政府的对朝政策经历了一个由模糊到明确、由僵硬到相对灵活的调整 转变过程。

  • This paper constructed a transformable structure of the products accounting for the functions and characteristics of the system ;

    通过构造一种 变型的产品结构,说明该管理系统应具备的功能和特点;