tracking force

[ˈtrækɪŋ fɔrs][ˈtrækiŋ fɔ:s]

[电] 追踪力

  • The improvements of code include pressure field and velocity field calculation method interface tracking method continuum surface tension force model and Kelvin-Helmholtz instability fragmentation model .

    该程序的主要改进和扩展包括压力场与流场计算方法的修改,界面 跟踪算法的增加,以及连续表面 张力模型和Kelvin-Helmholtz不稳定性碎化模型的增加。

  • So it is critical that how to achieve a rigorous rapid and stable response when tracking desired speed ratio and clamping force in CVT control .

    因此,如何精确、快速、稳定的实现对目标速比和 目标夹紧 跟踪响应成为CVT控制问题的关键。

  • The application of object impedance model with force tracking capability ensures the reliability of the contact force control .

    应用具有力 跟踪能力的目标阻抗模型,保证了接触 的稳定性。

  • The conclusions are : internal feedback has superior performance to a conventional feedforward control in master-slave system force tracking electro-hydraulic loading to reduce disturbance force and improve the dynamic behavior .

    仿真结果表明,内部反馈在主从电液 跟踪加载控制中能减小多 余力的影响,系统特性的改善优于传统的前馈方法。

  • The simulation results show that the proposed scheme has better force tracking performance and robustness to unknown parameters of the environment in comparison with the traditional force control method .

    仿真结果表明,与传统 控制方法比较,该方法提高了力 控制精度,增强了对接触环境参数变化的鲁棒性。

  • A path tracking control method for a wheeled mobile robot is presented which combines adaptive approach and neural dynamics to force the robot to track a predefined path .

    本文提出一种自适应和神经动力学相结合的轮式移动机器人路径 跟踪控制方法。首先,设计 运动学控制器用来获得机器人期望速度;

  • A method of virtual environment calibration for remote welding based on surface tracking with robot force control is proposed .

    提出了基于机器人 控制表面 跟踪的遥控焊接虚拟环境标定方法。

  • A feedforward and feedback control law is designed to guarantee the tracking of the desired motion and force .

    在此基础上给出了机械臂的控制律,使闭环 系统 跟踪期望的速度与约束

  • An impedance force tracking control method is used to improve the performance of track desired force and offline and online methods of environmental parameters estimation are given .

    为了更好的实现期望 ,在控制中使用了力 跟踪的方法,并研究了改善力跟踪的离线、在线环境参数估计方法。

  • A simulation indicates that the requirement for force tracking accuracy can be met by adopting forward-tuning strategies reducing extraneous force and controlling steady-state errors . The research provides data parameters and control strategy bases for constructing real-time systems .

    仿真结果表明,采用前馈校正策略,减少多 余力,控制稳态误差可以实现力 跟踪精度性能的要求,为构建实时系统提供了数据参数和控制策略的依据。

  • Trajectory tracking control and force tracking control of the injection pipette in cell injection are studied in this paper .

    本文主要对细胞注射过程中注射针的轨迹 跟踪控制与 跟踪控制进行了研究。

  • The effectiveness of semi-active control force tracking active control force was conducted and the analysis of active force was given showing why semi-active control can replace active control .

    通过对比半主动控制力 跟踪主动控制 的情况,分析了磁流变半主动控制能够很好地逼近主动控制的原因;

  • Software is running on the PC completing the Circular trajectory tracking control experiments of position force controller .

    软件在PC机上运行,完成了位置型 阻抗控制器的圆轨迹 跟踪控制实验。

  • An adaptive fuzzy sliding mode controller considering the uncertainties and external disturbance of the system is designed for trajectory tracking of hybrid machine . Frictional force external disturbance and other nonlinear errors are integrated into an uncertain factor .

    将系统中的 摩擦、外部扰动等集成为系统的不确定和,设计模糊自适应变结构控制器进行给定轨迹的 跟踪

  • Design of Optical Tracking for Scanned-Cantilever Atomic Force Microscope

    针尖扫描原子 显微镜的光点 跟踪设计

  • The issues inverse dynamics trajectory tracking load distribution and maximum dynamic contact force exerted on the environment have been discussed through numerical simulations .

    文中通过数值仿真讨论了逆动力学问题,轨迹 跟踪,载荷分配和与作业环境的最北京工业大学工学博士学位论文大接触 等方面。

  • Then a fuzzy neural controller is presented based on position control which have short computation time and can successfully tracking reference force .

    在此基础上,又提出一种以位置控制为基础的模糊神经网络阻抗控制方案,计算量小,达到了理想的 跟踪效果。

  • A coordinated control scheme of4WS and active suspension based on yaw rate tracking is proposed which distributes the control force between front and rear active suspensions and hen .

    提出了基于横摆率 跟踪 控制的4WS和主动悬架的协调控制方法,对前后轴主动悬架控制 进行了分配,提高了大侧向加速度时的横摆率响应。

  • Through analyzing the relationship between force ripple and trajectory tracking error the harmonic components contained in force ripple is calculated . Then a mathematical model of force ripple is established hence a feedforward compensator based on this model is designed .

    通过分析推力波动与轨迹 跟踪误差之间的关系,计算出 推力波动所包含谐波分量,并建立推力波动关于直线电机速度、位置的数学模型。

  • Concerning about the nonlinearity and slow dynamic response behaviors of the actuator used in an electromagnet and permanent magnet hybrid suspension vibration isolation system this paper from a tracking system point of view presents a multiloop control strategy with displacement velocity and force feedback .

    考虑到电磁悬浮隔振系统中执行器的动态响应慢和非线性的特点,从 系统的角度,提出了一种采用位移、速度和 作用力反馈的多回路控制策略。

  • Therefore on the basis of the traditional impedance control method based on adaptive impedance control force tracking control strategy is proposed in this paper and designed an adaptive impedance force controller .

    因此,在传统阻抗控制方法的基础上,本文提出了基于自适应阻抗控制的力 跟踪控制策略,设计了自适应阻抗 控制器。

  • In this paper the problem of tracking along a constrained surface is studied and to-this goal an alternative hybrid position / force control approach is proposed .

    本文研究当机械 的终端受有约束时的 控制问题,文中应用了动态混合 控制方法。

  • It is proven that the new controller can guarantee the perfect motion tracking . On the other hand the force tracking error is bounded with the bound being adjustable .

    证明了新的控制器一方面保证了运动的完全 跟踪,另一方面保证了 跟踪误差是有界的且界的大小是可以调节的。

  • According to the mission of operational shipborne detection system uses the observation tracking and force steering effectiveness as parameters to evaluate the effectiveness of shipborne detection system . The mathematic model is built by probability theory and quantitative computation is done .

    依据作战舰艇探测系统所要完成的任务,以舰艇探测系统的观察效能、 跟踪效能和 兵力引导效能为参数综合评估舰载探测系统的效能,根据概率论建立了数学模型,并进行了定量计算。

  • Then the controller for both trajectory tracking and internal force regulating of the slow subsystem and the controller for stabling the fast subsystem along an equilibrium manifold are designed respectively .

    对于慢子系统采用位置/ 混合控制,以实现物体的轨迹 跟踪控制和 内力调节控制,对于快子系统设计控制器使其在慢子系统进行轨迹 跟踪时保持渐近稳定。

  • Addressing the characteristics and the need of stabilization and tracking the calculating disturbance force compensation was introduced to improve the control strategy .

    针对稳定 跟踪的特点和需求,引入计算扰 动力补偿改进控制策略。

  • Based on the image processing and magnetic tracking methods a cutting multiparameter ( cutting force cutting depth cutting velocity etc. ) acquisition system was proposed and validated from the soft tissue ( liver heart muscle and skin etc. )

    基于图像及三维磁 跟踪的方法,设计了生物组织切割过程的多参量(切割 ,切割深度及切割速度)采集系统,并针对猪肝脏,心脏,肌肉等软组织进行了系统性能的实验验证;

  • Motion Friction Compensation and Edge Tracking Force Control of X-Y Table

    X-Y数控平台运动摩擦补偿及边缘 跟踪 控制研究

  • By means of this kind of control law the robustness and tracking property of loading systems can be improved greatly and the extraneous force is decreased by99 % .

    采用这种混合控制律,可以大大提高加载系统的鲁棒性和 跟踪性能,使多余 力矩减少99%。