trade drive

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[经] 贸易促进

  • Mike Froman US trade representative said the substance of the TPP negotiations would drive the timetable rather than any deadlines .

    美国 贸易代表迈克弗罗曼(MikeFroman)表示,TPP谈判的实质内容(而不是任何截止日期)将 驱动时间表。

  • In April of 2000 State Council approved setting Export Processing Zones ( EPZ ) for processing trade to develop it healthily regulate its management and drive regional economy .

    2000年4月,为促进加工 贸易的健康发展,规范加工 贸易管理, 带动区域经济发展,国务院批准设立出口加工区。

  • The development of global economy showed clearly that trade in service had come to be the major drive of modem economy .

    世界经济发展趋势表明,现代经济发展的主要 动力来自服务 贸易

  • In order to coordinate development between Eastern and Western Region and support central and Western Region to undertake the industry transfer the State Council approved policies that improve gradient transfer of processing trade and drive central and western region to develop an opening economy .

    为促进区域协调发展,支持中西部承接产业转移,国务院因此提出了引导和 推动加工 贸易梯度转移,带动中西部开放型经济发展的政策思路。强调在支持中西部 加工 贸易 发展的同时,要抓好统筹协调。

  • Through analysising we find that the investment abroad will not reduce the employment demand inside the province but will expand the hiring demand of the related trade due to the stimuli of the drive to exported and service trade .

    通过分析得出结论为,对外投资不会减少省内的就业需求,相反会因为对出口的 带动和服务业的刺激而扩大关联 行业的就业需求。

  • In modern times the private enterprise has occupied an important position in our national economy development . It plays a positive role in stable the economic growth promote the international trade drive technology progress and reduce unemployment aspects .

    在当代中国,民营经济在我国国民生产总值中占有极其重要的地位,它在促进经济增长,增加就业, 推动技术进步等方面 发挥着重要作用。

  • That helped give China a record $ 29.4 billion trade surplus in September helping to drive foreign-exchange reserves toward $ 2 trillion .

    这推动中国的 贸易顺差在9月份创出了294亿美元的纪录, 外汇储备也逼近了2万亿美元。

  • Foreseeing the trade of America 's ammunition from the angle of diplomatic relations the groups of benefits the election of president to the situation of selling international ammunition and the drive of economic benefits .

    从外交、利益集团、总统选举、国际军火销售形势、经济利益 驱动等角度对今后美国军火 贸易前景予以展望。

  • It introduces the progress history of export trade and economy in China makes empirical researches by using cointegration theory analyses how export trade can drive along the growth of economy of China and dictates the reasons of this effects .

    本章在对我国出口贸易和经济发展历程进行基本介绍的基础上,利用协整理论进行实证研究,分析出口 贸易如何从数量上 拉动我国经济增长,并分析产生这种影响的原因。

  • After this project goes into operation it will become a new economic growth point of plantation in xinjiang widen the trade investment field of our country and drive the development and export of fragrant plant serial products in our country .

    该项目投产后,将会成为新疆种植业一个新的经济增长点,拓宽我国 行业投资领域, 带动我国芳香植物系列产品发展和出口。

  • Managed service outsourcing is an emerging trade which is a product of transformation of international industrial structures and a vital drive to the optimization of international industrial structures .

    服务外包是一种新兴的 加工 贸易。它的兴起和迅速发展既是国际产业结构转型的产物,又是 推动国际产业结构优化的重要 力量

  • The environmental factor helps to promote the improvement of national awareness of environment on one hand improve the environment of trade of China open up the new field of trade drive the development of the domestic export-oriented enterprise and promote the sustainable development of trade .

    环境因素的显化一方面有利于促进国民环境意识的提高,改善中国的贸易条件、开辟 贸易新领域, 带动国内外贸出口型企业的发展和促进贸易的可持续发展;

  • In addition pay attention to not restrict the trade competition artificially while taking government as the leading factor and drive the system development of credit investigations .

    此外,在以政府为主导 推动征信体系发展的同时注意不要人为限制 行业竞争。

  • Since 1990s foreign direct investment ( FDI ) has been developing to such a degree that it has been increasing faster than international trade in commodities and has become a main force to drive global economic growth .

    20世纪90年代以来,外商直接投资(FDI)迅猛发展,已经大大超过国际商品 贸易的增长速度,成为 推动全球经济增长的主要力量。

  • But cap and trade makes citizens think everything will be okay if we just drive a little less change our light bulbs and let these guys do the rest .

    不过总量管制和 交易制度会让这些公民认为,只要我们少 ,换灯泡,并且让这些人处理其它事情,一切就会好转没事。

  • Therefore our country adjusts the export tax rebate policy this adjustment is helpful to optimize the industry structure promote the transition of foreign trade increase mode and drive the balanced development of import-export trade .

    因此,我国对现行的出口退税政策进行了调整,此次调整将有利于进一步优化产业结构,促进 外贸增长方式转变, 推动进出口贸易均衡发展。

  • In the lead the grand canal the thriving trade which drive the canal in the region along the further development of urban and rural economy make the canal along of urban and rural economy a flourishing .

    在漕运的带动下,大运河 商贸兴旺,由此 带动运河沿线地区城乡经济的发展,使运河沿线的城乡经济一派繁荣景象。

  • We will make our trade in services still more open to drive the growth of the service sector .

    我们将进一步扩大服务 贸易领域开放, 带动服务业发展。

  • Fully demonstrated in the article : first through the export of high-tech products new materials new technologies foreign trade can drive the upgrading of industrial structure while imports of machinery and equipment technology and patents can effectively improve the industrial level .

    对此,论文提出:第一,对外 贸易可以通过出口高新技术产品、新材料、新技术 带动县域经济产业结构提升,同时进口一些重要的机械器材、技术和专利可以有效地提升县域经济中的产业层次。

  • Slightly better trade data from China helped drive prices higher .

    中国略有好转的 贸易数据促进了 股价的攀升。

  • One narrative has it that China saw fabulous growth and earned supernormal profits during the past decade because its real cost of labour was falling as its entry into the World Trade Organisation helped drive spectacular export growth .

    有一种观点认为,中国之所以能在过去十年间实现 令人称奇的经济增长,并获得超乎寻常的利润,原因在于中国加入世界 贸易组织(WTO)刺激了出口大幅增长,同时实际劳动力成本下降。

  • It is the key problem in the Northeast that needs to solve on how to expands foreign trade turnover improve the structure of the export commodities raise the foreign trade competitiveness in order to drive economic development in the new round market competition .

    东北地区如何在新一轮的市场竞争中扩大对外贸易额,改善出口商品结构,提高 外贸竞争力,以 带动经济的快速发展成为亟待解决的关键问题。

  • Though all of this we can achieve the foreign trade structural adjustment and the final drive of the industrial structure adjustment in Shanxi Province .

    从而实现 外贸结构调整,最终 带动山西省产业结构调整。