trade circles

[经] 商界

  • With the development of EU integration and the reinforcement of the relationship on trade and environment between China and EU the research on the environmental policy and the laws of EU is getting more and more important in the academic circles .

    随着欧元的启动、欧盟一体化进程的发展与中欧 经贸环境关系的加强,欧盟环境政策和法律的研究已提至我国学 议程之中。

  • The forming emergence and developing of the trade circles is a result of urban civilization and economic progress .

    商圈的崛起、形成和发展是现代文明和经济 社会进步的结果。

  • As one of the basic principles of World Trade Organization Principle of ultra-national treatment has been die concern of the theoretical and the business circles all the time .

    对外资实施超国民待遇与作为 世贸成员国贯彻国民特 原则的义务 并行不悖

  • Hull insurance is a kind of the most ancient insurance system . As a sort of service trade promoting international trade and international shipping circles it plays an extreme important role in the development of national economy especially for foreign - oriented economy .

    船舶保险是最古老的一种保险制度,它作为支持国际 贸易和国际航运 的一种服务贸易,对于国民经济的发展,尤其是外向型经济的发展至关重要。

  • Hence the trade situation last year has caused extreme concern among people from economic circles who even predicted that in1998 foreign trade deficit would revive .

    因此,去年的 贸易形势已引起经济 人士的极大关注,他们甚至预言1998年墨对外贸易逆差将死灰复燃。

  • The superior geographical position convenient communications and transportation fine port centuries-old history of trade and business together with comparatively advanced financial circles provided Shanghai with the advantage of developing entrepot trade .

    上海地理区位优越,交通运输便利,港口优良,拥有悠久的 商贸历史和比较发达的金融 之便。上海具备了发展转口贸易的优势。

  • Nowadays more and more attentions are being paid to developing African markets and strengthening Sino-African economic and trade cooperations by Chinese enterprises and academic circles in which both successful experiences and inadequacies exist .

    开拓非洲市场,加强中非 经贸合作,正日益受到国内企业界和学术 的关注,在这方面既有成功的经验,又存在一些不足。

  • However in reality there exist a lot of credit deficiencies in transactions between government and trade associations and to realize the contractual promises that government make to business circles government must play a leading role in building trust relationship between governments and trade associations .

    但在现实生活中,政府对 行业协会仍然存在很多信用缺失,政府要实现对工商 业界的契约承诺,必须在构建与行业协会的信任关系中发挥主导作用。

  • The taxi trade is a sector of urban public transportation its development matters vital interests of all circles of society .

    出租车 行业是城市公共交通的组成部分,其发展状况,直接关系社会 各界的切身利益。

  • The good localization of the trade circles is the prerequisite that the trade circles avoids competing with quality so this thesis has discussed how to confirm the localization mode of the trade circles according to the market and economic law .

    商圈的良好定位是 商圈持续、稳定发展和避免同质化恶性竞争的前提,本论文探讨了如何根据市场和经济规律确定商圈的定位模式。

  • UCP500 is an international trade common practice in present-day international banking and trading circles .

    《UCP500》是现今国际银行界和贸易 广泛使用的一项国际 贸易惯例。

  • They are well-known in trade circles .

    他们正在 很出名望。

  • With developing of trade in service the study on international law of trade in service is a focus in legal theory circles .

    随着我国涉外服务贸易的不断发展,服务 贸易法律规范正成为法学 的一个研究热点。

  • But for the reasons of demise of trade associations the academic circles has not to be further explored .

    消亡原因,学 一直未予以深入探讨。

  • The tide of working in home has spread because the trade could be operated on the internet in the financial circles .

    在金融 可以通过互联网进行 交易,在家上班的潮流正在金融 兴起

  • Every worker and staff memBer in foreign trade circles should fully realize the importance of updating and upgrading our export products as quickly as possible .

    每一位从事 外贸工作的职工,都要充分认识尽快实现出口产品升级 换代的重要性。

  • But due to the clutter of historical data and the limitations of scholars ' awareness discussions on Northern Song dynasty overseas trade legal system in current academic circles are rare and are not summarized comprehensively enough .

    但是由于史料的杂乱及学者们认识的局限性,目前学术 关于北宋海外 贸易法律制度的论述比较少见,而且总结也不够全面。

  • People of the same trade and academic circles are expected to get some of the problems open for discussion so as to facilitate standardization and correct use of such terms related to these new materials .

    希望 业内 同行和学术 就其中一些问题展开讨论,以促进聚合物-水泥基复合材料这种新型材料的相关技术术语的规范化和正确使用。

  • In course of international trade liberalization trade protectionism has been developing in new forms and attracted the wide attention of the theoretical circles .

    在当前世界贸易越来越自由化的总体趋势下, 贸易保护主义也在以新的形式滋生和发展,引起理论 广泛关注。

  • Trade facilitation is the global voice . Fast customs has become the common requirements and interests for the government and the business circles .

    贸易便利化已成为全球的呼声,快捷通关成为政府和 商界的共同要求和利益所在。

  • How to eliminate the existing imbalance in trade between Japan and China as soon as possible is an important matter for which people of various circles Both in Japan and China have shown great concern

    如何尽快消除日中之间现存的 贸易不平衡状态是日中 各界所共同关心的大事

  • Be willing to estaBlish and develop cooperative and trade relations with various circles Both at home and aBroad

    愿与海内外 各界建立和发展相互间的合作和 贸易关系