tracking range

[ˈtrækɪŋ rendʒ][ˈtrækiŋ reindʒ]


  • Application of laser tracking range finding in sports

    激光 跟踪 测距仪在体育领域中的应用

  • A photoelectrical tracking and aiming system based on coarse-fine composite control is a system which owns high speed high precision and high stability . Also it can realize the target tracking at large range .

    粗精复合控制的光电跟踪扫瞄系统是一个高速、高精度、高可靠性的 跟踪瞄准系统,能实现大 范围 跟踪和瞄准。

  • A methodology is presented for the real time automated identification structure analysis tracking and short range forecasting of storms with Doppler weather radar volume scan data .

    利用多普勒雷达体扫描资料对风暴进行实时地自动识别、 跟踪、结构分析和临近 预报

  • High-precision Single Target Tracking Based on Range Sum Measurement

    基于 距离和信息的单目标精确 跟踪

  • Analysis of Target Tracking Based on Range Difference Measurement With Multistatic Radar System

    多基地雷达系统中基于 距离差测量的目标 跟踪分析

  • And the tracking range is 250 MHz .

    锁相环的 跟踪 范围为250MHz。

  • The results of experiment showed that this method has a good performance . ( 3 ) In the module of plate tracking with the help of position prediction of the Kalman Filter the tracking range can be reduced .

    在车牌跟踪模块,为减小 跟踪 搜索 范围,借助卡尔曼滤波进行位置预测。

  • Because the signal has the advantages of : high accuracy lower power consumption high penetration it is very suitable for tracking range positioning in high dense multipath environment as indoor and it has been widely studied and applied .

    因其高精度、低功耗、高穿透力等众多特点,非常适用于做 跟踪 测距、室内等高密集多径环境下定位,正被人们越来越广泛得研究与应用。

  • Relation orientation tracking and range system

    相关取向 跟踪 测距系统

  • Torpedo positioning / tracking system for the naval range is a special group of the acoustic location system . Four generations of the portable active Torpedo positioning / tracking system for range have been developed in our naval range until now .

    靶场鱼雷跟踪系统是水声定位系统的一个特殊类群,迄今我国海军 靶场已发展了四代轻便型主动式鱼雷 跟踪系统。

  • The affection on tracking precise and range for tracking with image speckle from rough surfaces is researched .

    研究了像面散斑跟踪的参数选择对跟踪 范围 跟踪精度的影响。

  • Maneuver detection is critical especially for tracking of short range target .

    机动检测问题是 目标 跟踪(尤其是对近 距离目标 跟踪)过程中的一类关键性问题。

  • The guidance radar will not accomplish tracking task when slant range information is lost in SSJ environment .

    自卫噪声干扰条件下,制导雷达失去 距离信息,无法完成对目标的 跟踪任务。

  • An Accurate Estimation Method of Tracking Radar Acquisition Range for Hedge-hopping Low Target

    跟踪雷达超低空目标捕获 距离的精确估算方法

  • Simulation System Design For Single Rod Tracking and Laser Range Finding Based on Sighting Telescope Visual Field

    基于瞄准镜视景的单柄 跟踪激光 测距仿真系统设计

  • An analysis is presented for target tracking with a short range multistatic radar system in this paper .

    分析了用多站雷达系统 跟踪 近程目标的方法。

  • GPS onboard Translator Tracking System for Range Tests

    用于 靶场测试的GPS弹载 转发器系统

  • Travel distance to exit Tracking gate ( range reference pulse )

    至太平门的疏散距离 跟踪波门( 距离基准脉冲)

  • Relation orientation tracking and range system coherent light detecting and ranging

    相关取向 跟踪 测距系统相干光检波与测距系统

  • Tracking gate ( range reference pulse )

    跟踪波门( 距离基准脉冲)

  • Consideration on calculating capture and tracking range of CW guided air-to-air missile

    连续波半主动雷达制导空空导弹截获 跟踪 距离计算

  • The carrier recovery algorithm consists of a frequency detector ( FD ) loop and a modified phase-frequency detector ( PFD ) loop . Its tracking range exceeds one time symbol-rate .

    载波恢复采用频率检测(FD)和相位频率检测相结合的结构, 跟踪 范围超过1倍符号率。

  • Based on above system arrangements when tracking range is limited is studied . 7 .

    跟踪 范围受限情况下的系统布局进行了研究。

  • Mathematical processing to tracking data of range and range rate

    距离及其变化率 跟踪数据的数学处理

  • And through the experimental data proved that the system tracking range in2 ° - 178 ° between can make full use of the sun .

    并通过实验数据证明,该系统的 跟踪 范围在2°-178。之间,能充分的利用太阳光。

  • In this paper the calculation formulas of detection range and tracking range for different phased array radar operation modes are derived the effect of operation mode control parameters on radar range is discussed in detail as well .

    本文给出了不同相控阵工作模式下的探测与 跟踪 距离的计算公式,详细讨论了工作模式控制参数对相控阵雷达作用距离的影响。

  • The Tracking Range of CFO Tracking Algorithm Based on Signal Reconstruction for OFDM

    基于信号重构的OFDM频偏跟踪算法的 跟踪 范围

  • Because of its high resolution and strong anti-interference ability it can not only be used for angle tracking target range and speed measurement but also can be used to guidance and tracking corsairs flying .

    其分辨率高,抗干扰能力强,不但可以用来进行 测距、角度 跟踪、目标速度测量,还可以用来制导和跟踪超低空飞行目标。

  • Ground Target Detection and Tracking Based on Target Range Profiles

    基于目标 距离像的地面目标检测和 跟踪