trade union movement

[treid ˈjunjən ˈmuvmənt][treid ˈju:njən ˈmu:vmənt]

[经] 工会运动

  • Philip Long head of corporate recovery at PKF ( UK ) the accountancy firm even describes football as the last bastion of the trade union movement .

    会计事务所PKF(英国)的企业复苏负责人PhilipLong甚至将足球形容为 工会 运动的最后堡垒。

  • The purpose of trade union is to safeguard the economic interests of workers at the beginning of establishment with the development of the trade union movement it transformed from the initial purely economic struggle to political struggle .

    工会产生之初的宗旨是维护工人的经济利益, 此后 工会 运动发生了由最初单纯的经济斗争向政治斗争的转变。

  • The trade union movement has been weakened by the decline in smokestack industries such as shipbuilding and steel .

    造船和钢铁等重污染工业的减少,减弱了 工会 运动

  • I think George did a real disservice to the trade union movement .

    我认为乔治大大地损害了 工会 运动

  • Number three is to build a triangle solidarity between the consumers movement in the north trade union movement and the grass roots workers movement in the south .

    第三,在南方工人团体、北方消费者及 工会 运动间建立三角形大团结。

  • The training for trade union cadres must be improved and innovated so as to foster a large number of trade union cadres with high quality who can meet with the need of the development of workers ' movement .

    工会干部培训工作必须加强和创新,适应新时期的要求,培养一大批适应 工运 事业发展需要的高素质的 工会干部。

  • Indeed it would help if workers could be represented through genuinely free collective bargaining rather than a trade union movement controlled by the state .

    的确,如果工人能够由真正自由的集体谈判(而非政府控制的 工会)代表,那会有所帮助。

  • The Trade Union Movement works to obtain higher wages and better conditions .

    工会 运动旨在争取更高的工资和更好的工作条件。

  • It exercises a strong influence in the trade union movement .

    这在 工会 运动中发挥了很强的影响力。

  • It is not just in the US but the entire trade union movement is starting to engage more and more with China and the ACFTU she says .

    “不仅是美国,全 世界 工会 运动都开始与中国和中华全国总工会接触,”她表示。

  • The improvement was brought about in part by the trade union movement .

    这一改进在某种程度上是由 工会 运动促成的。

  • A Discussion on Trade Union Movement in Privatization in Taiwan

    论台湾公营企业民营化中的 工会 运动

  • This process is in no sense a divorce between the Labour Party and the trade union movement .

    这个进程绝不是工党和 工会 运动相脱离。

  • This does not mean that we wish to fetter the trade union movement .

    这并不意味着我们想限制 工会 运动

  • He was a member of the conservative trade union movement and in1960he became the first trade unionist to chair the Conservative Party conference .

    他是保守党 工会 运动的成员,1960年他成为第一个担任保守党大会主席职务的工会成员。

  • The political arm of an established trade union movement .

    一个已被确认的 工会 运动的政治部门。

  • Industrial Relations and Trade Union Movement in Singapore

    新加坡的劳资关系与 工会 运动

  • Symposium on Practical Ways to Support the Palestinian Trade Union Movement

    支持巴勒斯坦 工会 运动的可行办法专题讨论会

  • With the evolution history of modern trade unions in Zambia as the main line this paper selects a national perspective and has made an exploration of the understanding of African trade union movement .

    本文选取了一个国别视角,以赞比亚当代工会的演变史为主线,在对非洲 工会 运动的认识上作出了自己的探索。

  • Our trade union movement would be a thousand times stronger if it were better organized .

    如果组织得好一些,我们的 工会 运动将会(比现在)强一千倍。

  • The trade union congress is prepared to mobilize the whole movement to defeat the bill .

    工会 联合会准备调动所有的 力量以挫败这一议案。

  • The concept of quality of work life emerged in the trade union in 60 ages quickly it was accepted by western society broadly and became a kind of universal movement .

    工作生活质量(qualityofworklife)这个概念最早于20世纪60年代产生于 工会组织,很快便被西方工业国家广泛接受,并发展成为一场普遍的社会 运动

  • The trade union movement was swept along by the same tidal wave of patriotism which affected the country as a whole

    这场波及全国的爱国热潮还对那场 工会 运动起到了推波助澜的作用。

  • The annual conference of Britain 's trade union movement .

    英语 贸易 联盟 运动的一年一度会议。