tracking test


  • Table is a tracking test system main device Are widely used in the field of aerospace aviation marine detection atmospheric channel wireless laser in military and civil fields .

    转台是一种主要的 跟踪 测试系统装置,在航天领域、航空领域、海洋检测、大气信道的无线激光等军民用领域上都有广泛的应用。

  • Investigation on the Wheel Tracking Test of Bituminous Mixture

    沥青混合料 车辙 试验探索

  • A whole process digital tracking test scheme of marble meso-damage based on scanning electron microscopy ( SEM ) is designed for the uniaxial compression of a marble sample from Jinping Sichuan .

    设计基于SEM的大理岩细观损伤全程数字化 跟踪 试验方案,对四川锦屏大理岩试样进行了单轴压缩细观损伤的全程试验。

  • Once parameter of dynamic target is made certain the technical state of tracking test is determined .

    动态靶标的参数一旦确定, 跟踪 测量的技术状态也就随之确定。

  • By tracking test on a dynamometer and water muscles works reflect that core strength training under non-equilibrium condition fits the kayak slalom campaign-specific needs .

    通过对运动员测功仪和水上划肌肉做功的 跟踪 测试,反映出非平衡条件下的核心力量训练非常符合皮艇激流回旋运动的专项需要。

  • Tracking test recycling behavior result of group A and B is significantly greater than Pre-test .

    实验组A和实验组B的行为 追踪 结果都显著大于前测。

  • More customizations : tracking test time

    更多定制: 跟踪 测试时间

  • Objective To observe the changes of reading velocity and mistake rate in Number Cancellation Test and Visual Tracking Test before and after giving mental workload and to explore variational characteristics of attention ability in obese adolescents .

    目的通过观察脑力负荷前后肥胖青少年划消试验及视觉 追踪 测验完成速度、正确率的变化,探讨肥胖青少年注意能力的特点。

  • The wheel tracking test perfectly simulate the field stress status simple and applicable . The deformation and DS ( Dynamic Stability ) of the wheel tacking test are becoming the criterion of rutting resistance .

    车辙 试验较好地模拟现场应力状态、简单实用,车辙试验的变形量和动稳定度值逐渐成为抗车辙能力的重要标准。

  • The relative deformation of wheel tracking test is direct and accurate .

    车辙 试验的相对变形指标比较直观、准确;

  • The tests were normal in peripheral diseases except that three cases of eye tracking test were type ⅲ .

    周围病变组除3 跟踪为Ⅱ型外,其余正常。

  • The results of optokinetic nystagmus ( OKN ) and eye tracking test ( ETT ) in 28 normal persons 10 cases with peripheral vestibular lesion and 31 cases with intracranial lesion are analysed .

    本文分析了28名正常人、10例前庭末梢病变和31例颅内病变患者视动性眼震(OKN)及视 跟踪 试验(ETT)的结果。

  • Tracking Test Analysis and Judgment of Discharge Fault in SF_6 Circuit Breaker

    SF6断路器放电故障 追踪 测试和故障分析判断

  • Finally after the completion of the campus information network and network traffic routing and tracking test rate test and test results are analyzed compared with the demand the program summarizes the characteristics of network construction and inadequate .

    最后对新加载的校园网络进行了信息路由 跟踪 测试和网络流量和速率测试,并对测试结果进行了分析,与需求进行对比,总结网络建设方案的特点和不足。

  • In order to study the influence of middle layer using modified asphalt on the rutting resistance circular road tracking test ( CRT ) and Hamburg wheel tracking test ( HWTT ) are adopted .

    采用环道 试验及德国汉堡车辙试验方法,研究在中面层使用改性沥青对路面结构和组合结构抗 车辙性能的影响,包括对结构层贡献率和对沥青层剪切流动变形的影响;

  • SRM system was applied to the tracking test in the different phases of the track specific training of the6 cyclists of Shanghai Cycling Team .

    应用场地SRM系统对上海自行车队重点队员6人的场地专项训练分阶段进行 跟踪 测试,以便筛选有效指标评价短距离自行车主要专项能力。

  • Optokinetic nystagmus and eye tracking test in normal persons and patients with vestibular or intracranial lesion

    正常人、前庭末梢和颅内病变病人的视动性眼震与视 跟踪 试验 观察

  • The viscous component ( Ev ) of creep stiffness obtained from the wheel tracking test for the four corresponding asphalt mixture ranks the same as that obtained from the repeat creep test .

    验证结果表明,由重复蠕变试验结果得到的沥青蠕变劲度的粘性成分Eν与相应的混合料 车辙 试验结果的排序一致。

  • After more than one year tracking test the results shows that the test roads have an excellent service performances and the rutting is also in a good control . It indicates that the pavement structure and the materials design of the test roads are successful .

    经过1年多的 跟踪 检测结果表明,试验路段设计的路面结构和材料方案路面使用性能优良,路面车辙也得到了很好的控制,证明试验路的路面结构组合和材料设计是成功的。

  • Laser Firing and Tracking Test set for 1987 Spacelab Mission

    1987年空间实验室飞行用的激光瞄准和 跟踪 实验装置

  • Referring to foreign design method of mix gradation of large stone asphalt mixture with multi-grade stone-to-stone theory was brought forward . Then high temperature performance was compared by Wheel Tracking test and uniaxial static creep test and appropriate test was confirmed .

    借鉴国外混合料设计方法,采用多级嵌挤理论提出大粒径沥青混合料的级配,然后通过 车辙 试验和单轴蠕变试验比较不同级配类型混合料的高温性能,确定合适的试验方法。

  • Some investigations are made out on the mixture in the middle course through the modified wheel tracking test in air bath and the Hamburg wheel tracking test ( HWTT ) in water bath and the results of which are compared with the corresponding research in Germany .

    通过中面层空气浴改进 车辙 试验及汉堡浸水车辙试验,对中面层沥青混合料的抗车辙性能进行了研究,并与德国的相关研究成果进行了比较与分析。

  • In addition seven months ' path tracking test has been conducted to see the reliability of the unit results show that the electronic control unit adapted to the bus working environment and it had strong anti-jamming ability to meet the reliability requirements .

    此外,还进行了七个月的道路 跟踪 试验,以考察系统的可靠性,结果表明电控系统能够适应公交车的工作环境,具有较强的抗干扰能力,满足可靠性要求。

  • A computer controlled automatic tracking test set for rating thermal performance of flat plate solar collectors

    双轴自动 跟踪微机控制平板太阳集热器热性能 测试装置

  • Discussion of test piece 's thickness value of wheel tracking test of asphalt mixture

    沥青混合料 车辙 试验试件厚度的探讨

  • Uncertainty Analysis for Leakage Current of Tracking Test

    漏电起 试验电流的不确定度分析

  • A computer controlled automatically tracking test set for rating collector thermal performance was put into operation in SIME .

    本文报道了双轴自动 跟踪微机控制平板太阳集热器热性能 测试装置的结构和性能。

  • Rutting Prediction Model for Asphalt pavement Based on Wheel Tracking Test
