trade association

[treid əˌsosiˈeʃən][treid əˌsəuʃiˈeiʃən]


  • The Function of Local Trade Association in Responding Anti-Dumping

    地方 行业 协会在反倾销中的功能分析

  • Market Function of Trade Association : Based on the Analysis of Signaling Model

    行业 协会的市场作用&基于信号传递模型的分析

  • They shall be approved correspondingly by the trade administration department or the trade association ;

    符合该行业行政主管部门或者 行业 协会的资质条件;

  • That group of people was mostly Congressional staffers and trade association members in Washington .

    收件者大多为国会职员或者位于华盛顿的 行业 协会成员。

  • Welcome to the ITC-Galaxy Trade Association .

    欢迎来到ITC-银河 贸易 联盟

  • To participate in Sino-Arab economic and trade association of China and the Arab countries Economic and Trade Fair activities ;

    参加中阿 经贸 协会 组织的中国与阿拉伯各国的经贸洽谈会活动;

  • It was in2002 that Threads of Yunnan became the first mainland China member of the International Fair Trade Association .

    彩线云南在2002年加入国际公平 贸易 组织,成为第一个加入的中国内地会员。

  • Along with the further development of market economy in china the role of the trade association is of more and more importance and at the same time the problems need to be resolved urgently .

    摘要随着我国市场经济的深入发展, 行业 协会的作用日显重要,同时现存的问题迫切需要解决。

  • Trade Association of American title insurance companies with a view to standardizing the policies nationwide .

    美国产权保险公司的 商业 协会,以使美国保单标准化为目标。

  • An Empirical Study of the Financial Vulnerability of NPO : A Case Study of Trade Association

    非营利组织财务脆弱性实证研究&以 行业 协会为例

  • The Motion Control Association is a trade association representing motion control suppliers integrators users researchers and consulting firms .

    运动控制协会成立是一个代表了运动控制供应商、集成商、用户、研究者和咨询公司的 贸易 协会

  • This mostly reflects his role as head of PhRMA the US Trade Association for the industry and his interest in the healthcare reform debate .

    这主要反映出他作为美国制药 行业商会药品研究与制造商 协会(phrma)主席的身份,也反映出他对于医疗改革辩论的兴趣。

  • They are the National Association of Trade Exchanges and the International Reciprocal Trade Association .

    他们是全美易货交易协会和国际互惠 贸易 协会

  • A Study on the Construction of the Public Trust of Crafts Trade Association in Xingning

    提升兴宁市工艺品 行业 协会公信力建设研究

  • Research on the Functions of Trade Association in Foreign Trade

    行业 协会在我国对外贸易中的职能探究

  • EFTA is an abbreviation for the European Free Trade Association of which Iceland is a Member State .

    EFTA是欧洲自由 贸易 协会的简称,冰岛为其成员国。

  • Article 33 Auto financing companies may establish a trade association for self-regulation purposes .

    第三十三条汽车金融公司可成立 行业自律 组织,实行自律管理。

  • The company is China 's net trade association member units of fishing gear .

    本公司是中国渔网渔具 行业 协会成员单位。

  • Macau Fair Trade Association is a professional organization which aims to promote develop MICE industry in Macao .

    澳门展 协会是一个致力推动澳门会议展览业发展的专业团体。

  • On the Adaptation to the Environment and the Management Innovation of Trade Association

    行业 协会的环境适应性与管理创新&基于复杂适应系统理论视角

  • Cultivating and lifting the organizational capability of trade association and making it develop continuously and healthily would be of much significance socially economically and politically .

    培育和提升 行业 协会组织能力,使其健康可持续性发展具有重要的社会、经济和政治意义。

  • But because of the excess intervention from administration government in our country the trade association 's characters become error .

    行业 协会在我国由于过多地受到政府行政干预甚至左右,因此发生了性质错位。

  • DSA is the national trade association of the leading firms that manufacture and distribute goods and services sold directly to consumers .

    美国直销 协会是制造和分销直接卖给消费者的产品和服务的领先公司的全国性 行业 工会

  • The Zeaxanthin Trade Association has developed and published a new analytical method to test the purity of zeaxanthin used in foods and dietary supplements the association has said .

    玉米黄质 贸易 协会发展和发布了一个新的分析方法,这是用来检验在食品和食品补充剂中使用的玉米黄质的纯度和天然性立体结构的分析方法。

  • In a word the Trade Association system was the combo of inductivity system transformation and compelling system transformation .

    总的看来, 同业 制度是诱导性制度变迁与强制性制度变迁融合体。

  • Best wishes to the25th anniversary of the International Trade Association of China ( ITAC )!

    热烈祝贺中国国际 贸易 学会成立25周年!

  • ICI global a trade association for global fund managers is to open an office in Hong Kong on May 1 a reflection of the rapid growth of the asset management industry in Asia .

    全球基金经理人的 行业 协会iciglobal将于5月1日在香港开设办事处,这反映出亚洲资产管理行业发展迅速。

  • S.Bureau of Labor Statistics the Census Bureau and trade association studies .

    调查数据来自美国劳工统计局、人口调查局、 行业 协会的。

  • The Economic Analysis of the Trade Association 's Price Coordination Function in China

    我国 行业 协会价格协调功能的经济学分析