transistor noise

[trænˈzɪstɚ nɔɪz][trænˈsistə nɔiz]


  • A single-electron transistor ( SET ) can be used as a sensitive electrometer whose sensitivity is limi-ted by noise . Shot noise is the intrinsic noise which determines the limit of sensitivity of the SET .

    单电子 晶体管(SET)作为灵敏静电计的灵敏度受到 噪声的限制,其中散粒噪声(shotnoise)是本征噪声,决定着单电子晶体管灵敏度的极限。

  • Study on Fractal Characteristic of Transistor Noise at Low Frequency

    晶体管低频 噪声的分形特性研究

  • The prior various crossing adopt electric bells or ordinary transistor audible devices and have the problems of difficult volume adjustment large noise disturbance etc.

    目前各类道口采用的电铃及一般 晶体管音响装置,存在着音量不易调整, 噪音干扰大等问题。

  • With high power MOSFET transistor balanced amplification structure and optimum design on computer simulation software the paper provides a full-band amplifier in 1.5 ~ 30 MHz with low noise and high dynamic characteristics .

    利用大功率的MOSFET 晶体管,采用平衡放大结构,并通过计算机仿真软件优化设计,实现了一个1.5~30MHz全频段的低 噪声、大动态的短波放大器。

  • It is shown that the new transistor has more uniform characteristics of current gain at low current level and an excellent low-frequency noise figure so that it is a promising low noise device at low frequency with simpler processes .

    实验结果表明, 漂洗 发射 晶体管的小电流增益均匀性好,具有良好的低频 噪声 特性,是一种工艺比较简化,性能较好的低频低噪声器件。

  • This paper examines whether the stochastic resonance process will occur in the non linear second order circuits . A unijunction transistor second circuit used as an experiment circuit was forced by a bath with a specified signal period and noise .

    为考察二阶非线性电路响应中是否存在随机共振过程,用噪声信号和周期信号同时激励二阶非线性单结 电路,并观察其响应和测量输出响应信号的

  • By the rule of ignorable feed-back within a mixer transistor a new kind of algorithm of a mixer noise coefficient is suggested .

    依据管子内部反馈作用可以不考虑的 特点,提出了混频器 噪声系数的新算法。

  • Study on the Relation between Complex Correlation Coefficient Transistor Noise Model and its Internal Noise Sources

    晶体管 噪声模型复相关系数与其内部噪声源的关系

  • This paper systematically introduces topology mathematic model and CAD program for designing low-noise broadband microwave transistor amplifiers in accordance with the predicted requirements & maximum flat gain optimum noise and minimum M.

    本文系统叙述了按最大平坦增益、最佳 噪声及最小M的设计要求,设计低噪声宽频带微波 晶体管放大器的拓扑结构、数学模型及计算机辅助设计程序。

  • This paper mainly introduces the circuit design 、 circuit simulation 、 layout design 、 circuit test and debug of X band GaAs HEMT transistor low noise amplifier .

    本论文主要介绍的是 基于GaAs HEMT的X波段的低 噪声放大器的电路设计、电路仿真、版图设计以及电路的测试、调试。

  • Evaluating the noise performances of three configurations of transistor amplifier accurately is the crux of optimization design of circuit configurations for low & noise amplifier . New results about En-In noise analysis of three configurations of transistor are presented in this paper .

    准确评价 晶体管三种组态的噪声性能是低 噪声放大器电路组态优化设计的关键.本文在晶体管三种组态En&In人噪声分析等方面给出了若干新结果。

  • The second one optimized for RF transistor using the same architecture oscillated at 2.61 GHz with a phase noise of - 95.8 dBc / Hz at 500 kHz offset .

    第2个振荡器使用相同的电路结构,采用射频 晶体管设计,振荡频率为2.61GHz,相位 噪声为-95.8dBc/Hz@500kHz。

  • The design methods of lossless snubber circuit to reduce the main switching transistor and freewheeling diode interference and the compensation inductor circuit to the common mode noise interference are given .

    给出了减小传导干扰的无损耗缓冲电路、 抑制 共模干扰的补偿电感设计方法。

  • Consequently T-shaped struc-ture which have a large cross-sectional area but a short footprint has been applied for the fabri-cation of PHEMT device because it is effective in reducing transistor noise due to gate parasitic resistance .

    为了解决这个问题,一种具有大截面面积而底部长度却很小的T形栅结构通常被用于制作PHEMT器件,因为这种结构可以有效地减少由于栅寄生电阻而引起的 晶体管 噪声

  • Through the low-noise amplifier designed the spectrum and time figure of the transistor noise at low frequency ( 100mHz ~ 1.65Hz ) was measured besides that the scale invariant range and fractal dimension are calculated with several methods .

    利用设计的低噪声放大器,测量出 晶体管低频段(100mHz&1.65Hz) 噪声的功率谱及时间波形,找出了其无标度区间,并用多种方法计算了分形维。

  • The high electronic mobility transistor is a Field Effect Transistor which has a series of merits such as high-frequency low noise high efficiency and so on .

    高电子迁移率晶体管是一种新型的场效应 晶体管,具有高频率、低 噪声、大功率等一系列的优点。

  • The analysis of noise characteristics of active mixers in the literature is commonly based on the available transistor noise models published in the literature for individual un-coupled noise sources .

    文献中对于有源 混频器 噪声特性的分析通常是基于已发表的独立非耦合的噪声源模型。

  • The low phase noise potential of K-band VCO using NPN silicon-Germanium transistor with low noise floor high cut-off frequency ( 70GHz ) and high collector current capacity has been studied in detail .

    因此在设计中,选用了具有低 噪声基底、高截止频率(70GHz)、高集电极电流容量的锗化硅材料的NPN 晶体管,有利于提高系统的噪声性能。

  • The experiment showed that surface leak current can be controlled transistor electronic noise can be lowered and the reliability stability and life can be enhanced by adopting surface passivation ( technique ) .

    实验表明,采用合适的表面钝化技术,可有效控制 晶体管的表面漏电流,降低 晶体管的电 噪声,使 器件的可靠性、稳定性及其使用寿命得到提高。

  • Research to Distinguish Transistor g-r Noise with Higher Order Cumulant

    利用高阶累积量判断 晶体管的g-r 噪声

  • Due to the proper operating point of a mixer transistor namely the intermediat-frequency output selecting circuit may be seen as a short circuit over input carrier-frequency with its adjacents in this paper the influence of input noise source to the output are calculated and analyzed .

    根据混频 三极 特殊的工作状态,即输出中频选频网络对输入载频及其附近的信号相当于短路,计算分析了输入回路的 噪声源对输出的影响。

  • For the composition of the optocouplers with transistor output the noise theory radiation mechanism and radiation effect are expounded establishing an irradiation noise test system .

    针对 晶体管输出型光电耦合器的结构组成,详细阐述了其 噪声理论、辐照机理和辐照效应,建立了光电耦合器的辐照噪声测试系统。

  • With the whole new method simple calculation instead of the traditional measures which used to design low noise single-stage negative feedback amplifier the relations among the transistor data feedback effect noise factor as well as singal resistance are studied .

    本文一改过去负反馈低噪声放大器的设计步骤,采用全新的方法&方框图法,确定了负反馈电路中 晶体管参数,反馈深度、 噪声系数、信号源内阻和工作频率之间的关系。

  • Analysis and Design of Silicon Bipolar Transistor 's with Low Noise at Low Frequency under Low Temperatures

    硅低温低频低 噪声双极 晶体管的分析与设计