In order to improve the efficiency the middle transit file method is used to exchange the data between the two platforms .
为了提高效率,两平台之间大量的数据 交互通过 中转文件的方法实现。
Taking Nanjing for example the paper gives some planning solutions in such aspects as the seamless exchange between urban mass transit and other traffic means improving the exchange convenience at the knot of urban mass transit etc.
以南京为例,从轨道 交通与不同交通方式的无缝 换乘(SEAMLESS)、提高轨道交通结点换乘的方便性等方面提出了几点规划措施。
For example more persuasive models should be built to test the construction of currency basket and calibration of central exchange rates and to estimate the transit costs of each economy transits from pegging regimes to regional exchange rates coordination .
如设计实证模型来估算货币篮子币种的选择和中心汇率的调整依据,估算各经济体放弃钉住美元制转向区域 汇率协调的 过渡成本等等。
As the data transit center of inter-enterprise business collaboration platform data exchange system is a key component of business collaboration .
作为企业间业务协同的数据 中转中心,平台的数据 交换系统是实现业务协同的关键组成部分。
Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer ( MSBA ) is a transit connection between the ocean surface and the upper free atmosphere . Through MSBA the atmosphere can exchange various kinds of energy and material with the ocean .
海洋大气边界层是海洋表面和高层大气之间的 重要连接,自由大气通过海洋大气边界层同海洋发生各种能量和物质 交换。
In the part of transit assignment transit exchange area is introduced and capacity restriction method is improved to accord with passenger travel behavior .
在公交客流分配部分,引入 公交 换乘区域,改进了容量限制分配法,使之更符合乘客的出行策略。
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