A small loudspeaker designed to reproduce high-pitched sounds in a high-fidelity audio system . HF transistorized signal generator
高频扬声器在高保真度的放声系统中用来产生高频声的小扬声器 晶体管高频信号发声器
Atmospheric displacement transistorized channel translating equipment
空气置换转化 为 蒸汽 晶体管 化 波道 调换装置
Frequency Property of Piezoelectric Crystal in Solutions with a Transistorized Oscillator and Its Chemical Applications
晶体管振荡器的压电晶体在 电解质溶液中的频移特性及其化学应用
Transistorized electronic digital computer
Factors Affecting the Sound Quality of Transistorized Power Amplifier
影响 晶体管功放音质的因素与 对策
Precise Setting of Transistorized Time Relay PRECISION STEEL TUBES
The computation has been carried out at the giant general purpose transistorized digital computer M 160 equipped with the program SAP V.The results introduced by present paper such as figures of deflection can be used as referennce when designing the structure of lathe bed .
该计算是在M160大型计算机上用SAPV程序进行的。本文给出的计算结果即变形 图可作为车床床身结构设计方案比较之用。
In 1958 computers had already evolved from huge tube-driven hulks into smaller lighter transistorized machines .
在1958年,计算机已经从由电子管驱动的庞然大物演变成较小、较轻的 晶体管机器。
At first this article introduces the theory of the current prevailing transistorized TV transmitter then it explains the main technical performance parameters and how these performance parameters can affect deterioration to picture and sound of TV set .
本文首先以目前流行的 大 功率 全 固态电视 发射机 为 例介绍了电视发射机的 组成和原理,并紧接着分析了电视发射机的主要性能指标以及这些指标对电视图像和声音质量的影响;
They have not many general-purpose transistorized digitalcomputers .
他们没有多少部 晶体管通用数字计算机。
A newly developed fully transistorized ( full solid state ) high frequency induction heating facility
最新的全 晶体管 化(全固态)高频感应加热设备
The airgap flux trace control method is described in this paper and a power transistorized PWM variable frequence induction motor drive system with a 16-bit microcomputer is built based on this method .
本文介绍了磁通轨迹控制法,并基于此方法组成了一个用16位微型机控制的PWM变频调速系统, 逆变器 用 大 功率 晶体管 组成。
Transient Analysis of Transistorized Driving Circuit for Step Motors
步进电动机 晶体管驱动电源的暂态过程分析
Study of Serial Double Arc Transistorized Switch Power Source
串列双弧 晶体管开关电源的研制
A Small Transistorized Digital Computer
小型 晶体管 化数字计算机
Transistorized regulated DC power supply
Crystal shutter transistorized channel translating equipment
晶体管 化 波道 调换装置
The ignition module can be divided into 2 types id est : the capacitor discharge ignition module ( CDI ) and transistorized coil ignition module ( TCI ) according to the difference of the energy storage element .
根据点火储能元件的不同,点火器主要有电容充放电点火(CDI)和 晶体管点火(TCI)两种类型。
Transistorized 60-channel balanced cable carrier telephone system
PWM Transistorized Current Source Inverter & Induction Motor Drive And Harmonic Elimination
PWM 晶体管电流型逆变器&感应电动传传动及其谐波抑制
Generic specification for gas-filled voltage Stabilizing tubes transistorized regulated DC power supply
GB/T14186-1993充气稳压管总规范(可供 认证 用 ) 晶体管直流稳压电源
This article describes design construction and characterization of a transistorized X-band ground-based scatterometer .
本文着重介绍 全 晶体管 化X波段地面散射计的设计、结构与性能 指标。
We have no other computers besides this giant general-purpose transistorized digital one .
除了这台 晶体管大型通用数字电脑之外,我们没有别的电脑了。
When you turn on a transistorized radio the sound comes on immediately ; when you turn off it fades out gradually .
你打开 晶体管收音机,立刻就有声音;当你关掉它时,声音渐渐 消去。
A formula of phase spectrum density for transistorized amplifier is given .
本文给出了 频 标放大器输出级相位 噪声 功率谱密度的公式。
Frequency Properties of the Piezoelectric Crystal in Aqueous Solutions Using a Transistorized Oscillator
压 电晶体在水溶液中的振频特性
With recent improvements in transistorized circuits the range is being constantly improved .
近年来随着电路 晶体管 化的改进,限度正不断改善。
Sound IF amplifier tube HF transistorized signal generator
v.装上晶体管( transistorize的过去式和过去分词 )