Experimental results on a variety of images show that the modified gray level difference is effective on transition region description .
在一系列图像上的实验结果表明,改进的灰度差异对 过渡区域的 刻画是行之有效的。
Besides the method of eight bits depicting for transition description of the crossroad is discussed as a keynote because of the convenient calculation for the topology relationship of road network .
同时为方便计算路网的拓扑性,又重点探讨了交叉路口 转弯的八位 描述方法。
The cloud model of the uncertainty transition between a linguistic term of a qualitative concept and quantitative description . Based on the cloud model a systematic spatial data mining approach of data-concepts-rules plus exceptions at different hierarchies in both concept space and feature space is proposed .
云模型是定性概念和定量 描述之间的 转换模型,基于云模型,本文提出了在概念空间和特征空间中以不同的层次进行空间数据挖掘的新方法数据概念知识。
It describes two processes of basic transmission such as service request and service response and three steps of information transition that is from requirement information to data description language from requirement description to service description and from data description language to map data supply .
认为它们必须经过服务请求和服务响应两个过程,以及需求信息到数据 描述语言的 转换、需求描述到服务描述的 转换、数据描述语言到地图数据提供的转换等3种信息 转换。
Where state transition diagrams are used as the notation for specifying man-machine dialogue control and the description for the presentation of application data is done by drawing graphics directly and defining the relationships between the control of the graphics and application data .
而对应用数据显示部分的 描述则通过直接 作图和定义对该图的控制同应用数据间的关系来实现。
The paper presents a transition from the crisp information system to fuzzy information system based on the notion of fuzzy similar relations which is used to provide a more realistic the description of relationship between elements .
通过 描述在现实世界更为有用的,且对称性与 传递性一般不再成立的模糊&相似关系,将传统的信息系统推广为Fuzzy信息系统。
Liu Xiang 's three books are in to the novel transition stage its itself already initially had the novel factor the plot integrity the character image is also bright the attention humanities environment description had the very big inspiration to later generation 's novel .
刘向的三部书处于向小说 过渡的阶段,它本身已经初步具备小说的因素,情节完整,人物形象也鲜明,注重人文环境的 描写,对后世的小说有很大启发。
OV-6b : Operation state transition description
OV-6b:运作状态 转换 描述
From the study of IPv4 / IPv6 transition this paper proposed a design of intranet IPv6 network integration platform and makes a detailed description of its features functions services transition and compatibility mechanisms .
本文通过对IPv4/IPv6 过渡技术的研究,提出了IntranetIPv6网络集成 过渡平台的设计方案,并详细 描述了它的特征、功能、服务、过渡和兼容机制。
Besides the definition of the state and the action the key to a transition based parser is the classifier as the action predictor . So after the description of the transition models we describe the classifiers and the feature extraction strategies we use .
基于 转换的依赖分析器除了状态和动作的定义,关键就是使用分类器做动作预测,因而在 介绍完转换模型之后,我们对所使用的分类器和特征选择策略加以介绍。
Making use of the state transition of context with time parameter it describes the dynamic environment changes . And according to the process-algebra combination theory it implements the description of the complex environment by synthesizing simple environment states .
首先,利用带时间参量的上下文的状态 变迁来描述动态环境的变化,并根据进程代数的合并理论,采用合成简单环境状态变迁的方法来实现对复杂环境状态变迁的 描述。
This paper proposes an optimization model for multimode transportation which fractionizes transportation model parameters considers transportation transition cost in different delivery vehicles and supports the description of the whole intermodal transportation process .
提出了一种多模运输优化模型,细化了运输过程模型参数,考虑了不同运输方式的 转换代价,支持 描述综合运输的完整过程。
美[trænˈzɪʃən dɪˈskrɪpʃən]英[trænˈziʃən disˈkripʃən]
[计] 转移描述