transit trade

[ˈtrænsɪt treid][ˈtrænsit treid]


  • In recent years with the increasing improvement of the investment environment in China pillar industry shows obvious growth momentum that preponderant transit trade avoid trade barriers and reduce transaction costs then rise .

    近年来,随着我国投资环境的日益改善,支柱产业呈现出明显增长势头,具有规避贸易壁垒、降低交易成本等优势的 转口 贸易随之兴起。

  • Northeast Jiangxi is an important area connecting Zhejiang Fujian Anhui and Jiangxi . When Guangzhou as the only trading port there have been prosperity of transit trade with its social economy developed accordingly .

    赣东北地区是连接浙、闽、皖、赣的重要区域,独口通商时期该地区曾出现 过境 贸易的繁荣,其社会经济相应的得到了一定发展。

  • A protruding feature in the South African market is active transit trade ;

    南非市场的一个突出特点是 转口 贸易活跃,许多 国际商人把南非作为进入其他南部非洲国家市场的跳板。

  • With Bank credit intervening usance letter of credit as transit trade is widely used in the settlement of goods payment grant it more protection for three parts of trading and the convenience of financing can be fully enjoyed .

    而信用证作为 转口 贸易中的货款结算方式,由于银行信用的介入,使得交易三方各自不同的利益均得到一定程度的保护,可以充分享受资金融通的便利,已经被广泛应用。

  • Port function of transit by the passenger and cargo transport and gradually to the logistics trade and industrial expansion .

    港口功能由客货运输 中转,逐步向物流、 商贸和工业领域拓展。

  • New York Convention on Transit Trade of Land-locked States

    关于内陆国家 过境 贸易的纽约公约

  • Sinochem Ningbo is one of the most famous large-scale enterprises in foreign trade field . In recent years it has transit to be a plural enterprise group which assembles research industry and trade and has its own industrial position .

    中化宁波(集团)公司作为中国外贸行业最具知名度的大型企业之一,近几年公司依托其 进出 贸易 优势逐渐向具有产业地位的集研发、生产、 贸易为一体的多元化企业集团 转型

  • Therefore how to choose a usance letter of credit settlement way becomes transit trade problems and it must be solved .

    因此,如何合理选择信用证结算方式便成了 转口 贸易中的必须解决的问题。

  • Hong Kong is ideal for the enormous transit shipping trade .

    香港是众多 海运运输 贸易的理想之地。

  • The opening of Jiujiang not only promoted the change of transit of commodity in modern Jiangxi but also brought on the displacement of market center and structural change of city and town . Meanwhile foreign trade also led to regulation of industrial structure .

    九江开埠不仅促使近代江西 商路变迁和货流逆转,也导致市场重心的位移与城镇结构变化,同时对外 贸易使产业结构得到 局部的调整。

  • Transit is a concession system aimed at facilitating trade .

    过境 运输作为一个特许系统旨在便利 交易的进行。

  • This paper proposes appropriate control measures . Finally based on all of the above analysis this paper proposes effective measures of transit trade development of lignite in Jinzhou Port .

    最后,基于以上所有分析,提出锦州港褐煤 中转 交易发展的对策。

  • Benefited considerably from the opening policy of mainland China its leather industry had made a rapid growth and the trade form had also changed greatly now the transit trade is in dominant .

    随着中国的改革开放,香港皮革业也获得了巨大的发展,其贸易结构发生明显转变, 转口 贸易占绝对优势。

  • This paper analyzes and evaluates the market of urban rail transit engineering in Iran in accordance with the economy and trade development between China and Iran and the superiorities of Chinese enterprises and puts forward corresponding exploitation strategies for the market of urban rail transit engineering in Iran .

    通过对伊朗城市轨道 交通工程市场的分析和评估,结合中伊两国 经贸 合作发展和我国企业的优势,提出对伊朗城市轨道交通工程的市场开拓策略。

  • So in Qing Dynasty He Nan became a major province of grain export rather than a transit market for grain trade .

    所以,也就造成了清代的河南虽是粮食输出省份而非全国性粮食 贸易 转运重地的特征。

  • Transit Visas The Tibetan pushed the transshipment trade which improved its prosperity .

    蕃部大力发展 过境 贸易,促进了其经济的繁荣;

  • But it expects a floor of about 600 tonnes of copper to stay in bonded facilities as part of the established metal-financing transit trade run that is run by large importers and eventually feeds local factories .

    但麦格理预计,最少约有60万吨铜将继续留存在中国的保税仓库中,因为有一部分金属融资 转口 贸易是由大型进口商运作的,并且最终将被用于为中国本土工厂提供原料。

  • The problem of public transit service quality is always the focus regarded by public and passengers ' demand and trade competition need the high-quality public transit service . As one of the urban public utilities public transit is the most directly window of an urban development level .

    公交服务质量问题一贯是公众关注的焦点,乘客需求与 行业竞争都迫切要求高质量的公交服务,公交作为公用事业之一也是城市发展水平的最直接窗口。

  • Transit times may differ based on specific trade lanes .

    运输时间根据特定 贸易路线可能有所不同。

  • Finally there are hopes that Tajikistan can reclaim its ancient Silk Road role as a major transit country facilitating trade from China and Afghanistan to Russia and the west .

    最后,人们希望,塔吉克斯坦能够重新扮演起其在古代丝绸之路中的角色&作为主要的 中转国,促进中国和阿富汗与俄罗斯和西方之间的 贸易

  • Egypt home to the Suez Canal and Sumed pipeline is a key transit point for global trade in oil .

    埃及掌握着苏伊士运河和Sumed输油管道,是全球石油 贸易的关键 中转站。

  • Since the ancient and modern along the southeast coast of South Australia is the trade must pass through the park and a transit point as early as the Ming Dynasty have been on the maritime trade .

    自古今来,南澳是东南沿海一带通商的必经泊点和 中转 ,早在明朝就已有“海上 互市”的称号。

  • The phenomenon of the shortage of maritime cargo in transit in international trade is common sight .

    在国际 贸易海上货物运输 过程中,货差(货物短量)的现象司空见惯。

  • Introduction To The Automatic Palletized Cold Storage As the Logistics Centre Of Transit Trade

    浅谈 转口 贸易型低温物流中心暨立体自动化冷藏库建设

  • Dalian Port 's Transit Trade ( 1907-1931 )

    大连港的 中转 贸易(1907&1931)

  • Transit Dues was a kind of new tax system that capitalistic great powers imposed on China for the purpose of enlarging trade dumping goods robbing raw material resources and limiting inland tariff in China .

    子口税是资本主义列强为扩大 对华 贸易,倾销商品,掠夺原料资源,限制中国的内地通过税而强加于中国的一种新的税制。

  • Following talks with Li in Beijing Rice said the international community needs to make sure there is not a transit and trade in dangerous illegal materials from North Korea .

    赖斯和李肇星会谈结束后表示,国际社会需要确保北韩没有对危险的非法物资进行“ 中转 贸易”。

  • This set of measures shall not apply to transit trade .

    有关 转口 贸易管理,不适用本办法。