translating algorithm

[计] 翻译算法

  • Meanwhile we also present the translating algorithm of the EBMT system .

    另外本文还给出了EBMT系统的 翻译 算法

  • GOTO statements must be eliminated from input when translating Pascal into Modula-2 . The algorithm presented substitutes loop statements conditional statements and Boolean variables for GOTO statements ( including definitional labels ) .

    在PASCAL到 Modula-2的转换过程中,必须消除输入程序中存在的GOTO语句,转换程序消除GOTO语句(包括定义性标号)后,用循环语句、条件语句和布尔变量实现原有GOTO结构的功能。

  • The Establishment of ACCESS Date Base Relation Tables The construction and translating algorithm of decision tables

    ACCESS数据库关系表的建立决策表的建立和 转换 算法

  • By translating a geometric constraint problem into an optimization problem the global optimum of a multi-variation function was sought for and the local traps were ignored by using chaos method in the algorithm .

    约束求解问题转化为优化问题,并对多变量函数求全局极值,用混沌 算法跳过局部搜索陷阱。

  • Translating different responses of long span bridge into multi-objects to optimize at the same time by using NSGA - ⅱ optimization algorithm . It avoids the subjective influence of choosing weight coefficient by human .

    采用 NSGA-Ⅱ作为优化 算法,将大型桥梁取得的各种响应信息转化为多目标同时进行优化,避免了人为选取权重系数给模型修正带来的主观性影响。

  • The construction and translating algorithm of decision tables

    决策表的建立和 转换 算法

  • To translate relational schema to XML schema most of methods can 't remain intrinsic semantic information of relational database . This paper presents a semantic-based translating algorithm through denormalization .

    将关系模式转换为XML模式往往不能保留数据库中原有的语义信息,针对这一问题本文提出利用逆规范化实现基于语义的关系模式到XML模式 转换 方法

  • By translating coordinate the evaluation model of flatness error with least squares is simplified and a simple and effective algorithm and its mathematical model are worked out .

    本文对用最小二乘法评定平面度误差的数学表达式运用坐标 平移 予以简化,提出了一种简便实用的 算法,并建立了相应的数学模型。

  • The main idea is translating large scale convex optimization problem into lots of small scale convex optimization using the Fenchel Duality theory . ( 2 ) Given the software of the parallel solver for kernel logistic regression classification algorithm based on the Fenchel Duality theory .

    利用Fenchel对偶理论 大规模凸优化求解问题转化为中小规模凸优化求解问题。(2)给出了基于Fenchel对偶分解原理的KLR分类并行 算法的软件实现。

  • By devising a cost function considering the requirements of TF / TA 2 translating its form to the A algorithm and using some optimization methods three-dimensional path generation for the vehicles using TF / TA 2 could be realized .

    通过设计综合TFTA2的指标函数、根据A 算法对其 转化,并采用优化方法,可实现三维TFTA2路线规划。

  • Discuss the translating method of NURBS as uniform internal data interface for different kinds of curves . A NURBS interpolation algorithm which can fit diverse machine tool ′ s kinetic characteristics and has the function of look-ahead control is proposed .

    探讨了使用NURBS曲线插补数据格式G06统一表示各种曲线的 转化方法。提出了一种具有机床动力学自适应能力与曲线前瞻控制能力的NURBS曲线插补 算法

  • Using Visual Basic 2005 as a tool to develop human-computer interface and program translating the mathematical model into a programming language searching for simple recycling program in the procedure to accurate convergence algorithm and developing reasonable operation of prompt and practical and user interface . 4 .

    利用VISUALBASIC2005设计人机界面,编写优化程序, 优化 过程的数学模型转化为程序语言,在程序中寻求简单的循环方案、精确的收敛 算法、合理的运行提示、实用的用户界面。

  • This paper mainly discusses the theory of object-oriented method and the translating algorithm .

    文章中重点讨论了面向对象方法的原理以及 转换 算法

  • Three methods for translating BCI control signal were developed . They are ( 1 ) the signal recognition algorithm based time domain features ;

    本文提出了三种产生脑 接口控制信号的方法:(1)基于时域波形特征的信号识别 方法

  • Fast translating algorithm for nat in high-speed network

    高速网络环境下NAT快速 转换 算法

  • Fast Translating Algorithm between QTM Code and Longitude / Latitude Coordination

    QTM地址码与经纬度坐标的快速 转换 算法