This essay - Translation of Chinses Culture ( ETCC ) comes after the previous Classified Translation on Language Wisdom in Confucius Analects and consists of four sections .
此文是继《论语》 语言智慧类 译之后的另一篇关于中国文化对外翻译的研究论文。
This is an essay that covers the areas of translation language and literature a try to broaden and deepen the study of modern literature .
这是一个跨学科题目,涉及到 翻译、 语言和文学三个领域,是拓宽现代文学研究领域和研究深度的一次尝试。
Once you see web page translations in the bilingual viewer you may change your original and translation language .
一旦您能在双语浏览器中看到网页翻译后,便可以更改您的源 语言 和 翻译 语言。
Somebody has asked for a translation matching your language preferences .
某人的 翻译请求与你的 语言设定相匹配。
Translation is language translation and is even culture translation .
翻译 是 语言的翻译,更是文化的翻译。
The translation language is accurate and faithful to the original but the forms that Owen adopts are quite flexible and are not bound to the pattern that the source texts use .
翻译 思维系第一性,而 翻译 语言则是第二性的,这即是 翻译 的 二 元性.其 翻译 语言精确、忠实于原文且在形式上不拘一格。
With thinking as their joint the relations between translation language and culture are explored in this essay .
本文以思维为纽带,探讨 翻译、 言和文化的关系。
How do the facts of translation relate to language in general ?
就总体而言, 翻译的种种事实如何与 语言相关?
XSLT is a dedicated XML translation language .
XSLT是一个专门用于XML 转换 的 语言。
Globalization tasks involve not just programming and deployment skills but also cultural translation and language expertise .
全球化任务不仅仅包括编程和开发技巧,还包括文化, 翻译,以及 语言专业知识。
Taking context factors into consideration the author tries to explore the ways of translation image language mainly in literary works .
本文试结合语境因素,通过实例描述探讨 英汉互译中形象 转换的几种方法。
The central issue of translation is language .
翻译的中心问题是 语言。
Translation is Transplant and Transformation for Mode of Thinking & Simultaneously Discuss Mode of Thinking between Korean and Chinese in Expression and Translation of Language
翻译:思维模式的移植与转换&兼论朝汉民族的思维模式在 语言上的表现及其 翻译
Term Translation and Language Standardization
词语 翻译 与 语言规范化&几个用例的分析
Though the relation between translation language and culture the author highlights that with the development of society the language and the culture which are closely related with our society are changing too .
摘要分析 翻译 与 语言、文化之间的关系,指出社会在发展,与社会有着密切联系的语言和文化也随之发生变化。
On Literature Translation Language
文学 翻译 译 语浅析
Machine Translation and Language Study
机器 翻译 与 语言研究
The Difference of Politeness Maxim and Translation of Politeness Language Between English and Chinese
英汉礼貌准则的差异及英汉礼貌 用语 的 互译策略
I also have some knowledge of French and can undertake translation from the language .
我也懂一些法诘,能承担把 法语 翻译出来的工作。
Plain English on Legal Translation from Legal Language Structures
从法律 语言结构分析简明英语对法律 文献 翻译的影响
A translation from another language .
翻译另一种 语言 的 翻译。
Translation involves language and culture .
翻译涉及到 语言和文化。
On Literary Translation and Language Art
文学 翻译 与 语言艺术
I study translation in Language and Translation School at Macao Polytechnic Institute in Macao China .
我在澳门理工学院 语言暨翻译高等学校学习 翻译。
The translation of machine language back into mnemonics during debugging .
在调试期间,将机器 语言反 译成助记符的 翻译 过程。
Influences on Translation about Language Thought Contrasts between English and Chinese
浅析英汉 语言思维差异对 翻译的影响
Linguistic and Culture Differences in Translation Language and cultural differences and Chinglish
英汉文化趋同与 语言文化差异浅谈 英汉 翻译中的语言文化差异
At Beijing Program we will offer Chinese translation related language units .
北京留学班将开设有关 中文 翻译的课程。
In this article the author carefully analyses the guiding function of translation thinking towards translation language with the method of combining theory with practice from the angle of thinking science .
文中,笔者从思维科学的角度出发,以理论与实践相结合的方法,剖析了科技英语中翻译思维对 翻译 语言的指导作用。
Translation and Language Change & In the Perspective of Comparison of Three Chinese Versions of Gone with the Wind
翻译 与 语言变异&比较《飘》的三个中文译本
美[trænsˈleʃən ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ]英[trænsˈleiʃən ˈlæŋɡwidʒ]