transition period

[trænˈzɪʃən ˈpɪriəd][trænˈziʃən ˈpiəriəd]


  • This period is an important transition period in China with all kinds of plagues and grave disasters .

    该时期是我国历史上的重要 转型 ,各种疫情凸显,带来了深重的灾难。

  • The Influential Factors & Periodic Characteristics of Technical Progress during the Economic Transition Period of China

    中国经济 转型 技术进步影响因素及其阶段性特征检验

  • Our Country 's Choice of the Monetary Policy Medium Objective during the Economy Transition Period

    转型经济 时期我国货币政策中介目标的选择

  • Adolescence is the transition period between childhood and manhood .

    青春期是儿童和成人 阶段 过渡 时期

  • Overall arrangements were made for work after the transition period following China 's entry into the WTO .

    全面部署了加入世界贸易组织后 过渡 的各项工作。

  • The new power structure is effective during the transition period whose duration was not specified .

    新权力体制在 过渡有效,但 过渡 的期限并未明确。

  • From Antagonism To Interaction : On Interpersonal Relationship During Transition Period In reality the rights of animals are relative .

    从拮抗到互动: 转型 人际关系论在实际上,动物的权利都是相互依存的。

  • Probe into the Relationship Between Fiscal Risk and Financial Risk During Economic Transition Period of China

    经济 转轨 时期我国财政风险和金融风险关系探析

  • China shall complete all necessary legislative procedures to implement these provisions during the transition period .

    中国应在 过渡 完成执行这些规定所必需的立法程序。

  • The Development Strategy of Ideological and Political Education of University Students in the Transition Period

    社会 转型 高校大学生思想政治教育问题透视和发展策略

  • But this will not cancel out the gains and losses of the transition period .

    但是,这并不能消除 转变 时期各个群体的各种收益和损失。

  • The African envoys say Libya also should plan for a transition period ushering in reforms .

    这些非洲特使们说,利比亚也应该为启动改革的 过渡 时期进行筹划。

  • In the accelerated social transition period the social life has a number of unadaptable social phenomena and problems in all aspects which is the focus of current social problems research .

    社会进入加速 转型 后在社会生活各个领域内均出现了诸多不能完全调适的社会现象和问题,这是目前社会学界研究的重点问题之一。

  • The social transition period in which the market economy has been gradually established and developed is an age of aesthetics of popular culture .

    市场经济逐步确立和发展的社会 转型 ,是一个大众文化审美媒介化的时代。

  • The longer the transition period the longer the existing political problems would drag on .

    过渡 时间愈长,现时的政治问题拖延得愈久。

  • The transition period in which we are currently immersed will likely continue for a number of years .

    我们目前沉浸在其中的 过渡 时期,可能持续数年。

  • The gigantic panther in pants passed the transition period of heart transplant .

    穿裤子的巨大黑豹度过了心脏移植的 过度

  • Since China entered the Transition Period of WTO the consultancy market has became more competitive than before .

    我国加入WTO以来,特别是当前我国建筑及相关工程服务已进入后 过渡 ,市场竞争日益激烈。

  • Confronted with new challenges in the mode transition period school moral education should be readjusted and reformed .

    转型 时期的学校道德教育面临挑战。需要调整与革新。

  • Based on the experimental results the environment disaster mechanism during the K / E transition period has been discussed .

    并基于实验结果对K/E 转折 时期的环境灾变机理进行了初步探讨。

  • During the transition period basic education is in an unbalanced situation between urban and rural areas .

    转轨 时期的基础教育在城乡之间、地区之间尚处于不均衡的状态。

  • The post transition period will bring forward higher requirement on our market opening .

    过渡 将向我们提出更高的市场开放要求。

  • This paper discusses the impact of Chinese photography education in social transition period from several areas .

    摘要本文就社会 转型对摄影教育产生的影响从几个方面进行探讨。

  • The Study on Government 's Intervention Mechanism to Labor Relations in Transition Period

    转型 我国政府的劳动关系干预机制研究

  • The present international situation is favourable to our fulfilment of the general task for the transition period .

    现在的国际环境有利于我们完成 过渡 时期的总任务。

  • You now find yourself in a transition period moving from one way of life to a new one .

    你现在会发现你处于一个 转型 ,从一种生活过渡到新的一种。

  • It is a task for the entire transition period .

    这是整个 过渡 时期的任务。

  • In China 's social transition period initiativing the administrative loyalty has inevitability .

    在我国社会 转型 时期,倡导行政忠诚具有必然性。