transition element

[trænˈzɪʃən ˈɛləmənt][trænˈziʃən ˈelimənt]


  • By means of contragradient transformation a method of constructing transition element satisfying the condition is presented .

    利用逆步变换的概念,提出了构造能够满足该条件的 过渡 单元的方法。

  • Bound - free non - relativistic transition matrix element in atom

    原子束缚&自由非相对论 跃迁矩阵

  • As you enter a condition for the transition notice that a small diamond appears at the gate side of the transition element .

    当您输入迁移的条件时,请注意一个小菱形出现在 迁移 元素的gate边。

  • The first term of this transition matrix element is a divergent pluralism when the incident and scattered waves are chosen as plane wave .

    跃迁矩阵元被表示为两项,当入射电子和散射电子近似为平面波时, 跃迁矩阵 的第一项是一个发散的复数;

  • The influences of transition element doping on the transport properties of layered perovskite manganite La_1.2Ca_1.8Mn_2O_7 were investigated .

    研究了 过渡金属 元素掺杂对层状钙钛矿结构锰氧化物La1.2Ca1.8Mn2O7体系输运性质的影响。

  • Secondly it contacts Hydrojunction pumping-station business processes establishing Object-Oriented Workflow-Net Model based on analyzing the transition element of Petri-net and structure of Workflow-Net . Describing this Workflow-Net Model using JAVA languages .

    结合水利枢纽抽水站业务过程,在分析Petri网 变迁 元素及工作流网结构的基础上,建立一种面向对象工作流网模型,并使用JAVA语言描述了该工作流模型。

  • 3-D transition isoparametric element and its stress smoothing method in non-linear structural analysis

    非线性结构分析中三维 过渡等参 单元及其应力平滑方法

  • This paper gives a review on the research work of organogallium complexes formed by gallium and main group element transition element as well as typical ligands .

    对最近几年镓与主族元素、 过渡 元素及其他一些典型配体形成的有机镓配合物的研究进展作一概述。

  • Fe . Mn of Light Transition Series Element and Body Healthy

    过渡系列 元素中的Fe、Mn与人体健康

  • By the effective mass theory the dipole transition element is calculated .

    根据电偶极子的原理,建立模拟心电图。并由有效质量理论得到了GaN基量子阱能带结构和偶极 跃迁 矩阵 的计算方法。

  • Geometrically nonlinear transition beam element

    几何非线性 过渡

  • An annular isoparametric element and an annular transition element are developed in this paper .

    本文发展了环形等参数元素和环形 过渡 元素两种 新元素

  • A note on the use of the transition element

    过渡 单元应用的讨论

  • Some classical heteropoly complexes and transition element substituted het-eropoly complexes were measured by ultraviolet spectra .

    本文测试了一些经典的杂多配合物及 过渡 元素取代的杂多配合物的紫外光谱。

  • A stiffness matrix of transition interface element was deduced .

    推导得出了一个简化 过渡界面 单元 单元刚度矩阵。

  • Then two schemes are presented to reduce the false stress in a transition element connecting an axisymmetric solid element to an axisymmetric thin shell element for axisymmetric stress analysis .

    方案一是在采用 应力应变模型的基础上提出了一种单元内位移、应变及应力的直接修改方法;

  • Discuss about a transition matrix element

    对一个 跃迁矩阵 的讨论

  • The general form of shape function of this kind of transition element has been derived and explicit expressions of shape function for some particular transition elements are given .

    导出了这类 元素形状函数的一般形式,并针对一些具体情况给出了它的明显表达式。

  • The bound - continuous transition matrix element for a new ring - shaped coulomb potential

    新环形库仑势的束缚连续 跃迁矩阵

  • Transition element Any chemical element with valence electrons in two shells instead of only one .

    过渡 元素及其化合物:价电子处在两个壳层而不是一个壳层里的任何化学元素。

  • Synthesis and property of carbon aerogel under addition of transition Metal element catalysis

    添加 过渡金属 元素碳气凝胶的制备及性能

  • In the reaction system of leachate in the soil TiO2 can not be easy to add the transition metal element method which cannot improve the effectiveness of photocatalytic oxidation . 3 .

    在土壤渗滤液组成的反应体系中,TiO2无法通过简单添加 过渡金属 元素进行改性的方法来提高光催化氧化的效果。

  • Cobalt is an important transition metal element with significant biological functions which exists in multiple forms in vitro and in vivo .

    钴是一种重要的 过渡金属 元素,以多种形式存在于体内、体外,具有重要的生物学意义。

  • An annular transition element and its application to disc vibration analysis

    环形 过渡 元素及其在轮盘振动分析中的应用

  • Study on New Transition Element Substituted Heteropoly Complex Composite Materials and Their Photocatalysis The results indicate that the structure made of the composite to replace steel structure can effectively reduce acoustic reflection coefficient .

    新型 过渡 元素取代的杂多配合物复合材料及其光催化的研究结果表明,透声复合材料取代金属制作构件可有效降低其声反射。

  • Establishing the transition element model .

    建立模 过渡 单元模型。

  • The captured sulfur result may increase through decreasing high valence aluminum element and transition metals element content and increasing the low valence vivacious metal element content .

    得出了降低煤灰中高价的铝元素及高价 过渡金属 元素含量和提高低价活泼金属元素的含量都可以提高煤炭燃烧固硫效果。

  • This paper analysis the main factors in modeling of migrating workflow management system based on a frame about migrating workflow management system with anchorage severs and define clearly the transition element and its extension in migrating workflow model .

    本文基于停靠站服务器的迁移工作流管理系统框架下,对迁移工作流系统建模各要素进行分析,明确迁移工作流模型中的 变迁及其外延,对迁移工作流中的 变迁进行了定义;

  • A method that calculation results of sparse mesh model become analysis LBC of refine mesh model is presented according to precise requirement of sparse and refined mesh in the stress concentration region and refining mesh algorithm based on transition element is realized .

    针对应力集中区域的粗细网格计算精度要求,给出了将粗网格模型分析的计算结果作为细网格模型分析的边界条件的方法,实现了基于 过渡 单元 有限 精细划分算法。

  • The reason for generating the false stress in a transition element connecting a solid element to a thin shell element for stress analysis is considered .

    分析了体&壳 过渡 中产生“虚假应力”现象的根本原因,给出了两种改进方法。