


  • Strong green liqueur flavored with wormwood and anise .


  • Harsh conditions and long working hours were gall and wormwood to early trade unionists .

    恶劣的条件和漫长的工作时间是早期工会工作者 苦恼的原因。

  • Similar to absinthe but containing no wormwood .

    与苦艾酒相似但是不包含 苦艾的酒。

  • On the day the most representative food is rice cake which mix wormwood and glutinous rice in a large tub beat with a long handle wood crafted rice into cakes .

    这一天最有代表性的食品是 清香的打糕。打糕,就是将 艾蒿与糯米饭, 放置独木 成的大木槽里,用长柄木棰 打制而成的米糕。

  • A dark bitter oil obtained obtained from wormwood leaves ; flavors absinthe liqueurs .


  • Artemisinin which is extractive of sweet wormwood has antitumor effect .


  • Shrubby European wormwood naturalized in North America ; sometimes used in brewing beer .

    欧洲的一种灌木状 ,已移植北美;被用于酿造啤酒。

  • The shell was smoking and rotating like a top between him and the recumbent adjutant near a bush of wormwood in the rut between the meadow and the field .

    一颗榴弹在他和副官之间,在耕地和草地边上,在一丛 苦艾旁边,像陀螺一般冒着烟旋转。

  • Beside a bush of gray wormwood the footprints of an animal were clearly visible .

    一丛灰 白色 苦艾旁, 沙地有一行清晰的野兽走过的痕迹。

  • Analysis of the effect of topographical conditions on the artemisinin content in sweet wormwood herb in Guangxi China

    广西地形对青蒿中青 素含量的影响

  • Remembering mine affliction and my misery the wormwood and the gall .

    耶和华 ,求你 记念如茵 和苦胆的困苦窘迫。

  • The wrapper of Qingming fruit is made from squeezed wormwood rice and glutinous rice .

    清明水果的包装是由 艾草挤压,大米和糯米。

  • Gin ( or vodka ) with dry vermouth . a dark bitter oil obtained obtained from wormwood leaves ; flavors absinthe liqueurs .

    带有干苦艾酒味道的杜松子酒(伏特加酒)。从 苦艾叶中获取的黑色苦味的油,给苦艾酒加味。

  • In this paper toothpaste containing wormwood function formula preparation methods used in the discussion The formula gives a toothpaste containing wormwood .

    对含 艾蒿牙膏的功能、配方、制备使用方法进行了讨论,给出了一种含艾蒿牙膏的配方。

  • One team has accelerated selective breeding of the wormwood plant .

    一个研究组加快了 黄花 选择性培育的速度。

  • The front room where a red lamp was burning in front of the icons smelt of wormwood and perspiration and some one with mighty lungs was snoring behind a partition .

    在这个 干净的正房里弥漫着 苦艾和汗 的味儿,隔板后面,不知谁的强壮肺部发出均匀的鼾声, 神像前面点着一盏红 玻璃罩的神灯。

  • Families hung wormwood and calamus on the door for the traditional Double-Fifth Festival in ancient times .

    旧时的端午节,家家户户都会在门口挂 艾草,插菖蒲。

  • He has filled me with bitterness He has made me drunk with wormwood .


  • Study on Argy Wormwood Food Production and Processing

    安全优质高效 艾草食品的生产与加工技术研究

  • This proverbially bitter plant wormwood .

    这是众所周知的苦味植物, 苦艾

  • Wormwood of southeastern Europe to Iran .


  • Usually aromatic shrubs or herbs of north temperate regions and South Africa and western South America : wormwood ; sagebrush ; mugwort ; tarragon .

    一个芳香灌木或草本属,通常产于北温带地区和南非及南美西部; 苦艾;山艾树;艾属植物;龙蒿。

  • Chinese scientists say a derivative of the shrub Chinese wormwood ( Artemisia annua ) can prevent and treat bilharzia & a disease caused by parasitic worms called schistosomes .

    北京&中国科学家发现了一种 青蒿素的衍生物能够同时预防和治疗血吸虫。更重要的是,科学家们表示,这种化合物能够有助于克服血吸虫不断增加的抗药性。

  • Wormwood is an essential ingredient in various liqueurs of which Absinthe is the chief .


  • At present artemisinin is expensive and in short supply because its only source is sweet wormwood a Chinese medicinal plant .

    目前,由于青蒿素的唯一来源是一种 艾蒿的中草药,因此其价格昂贵且供不应求。

  • European wormwood similar to common wormwood in its properties .

    欧洲的 ,特征类似一般的洋艾。