


  • Some interesting results have been obtained to express the micellar growth and structure . The formation of wormlike micelle or network structure in surfactant solutions becomes easier and easier when increasing the surfactant and salt concentration or decreasing the temperature .

    结果表明,升高表面活性剂和盐的浓度或降低温度都可以促进胶束的生长,并且形成 胶束和网络结构;

  • A rich variety of morphologies were observed such as spherical wormlike X-shaped Y-shaped ribbon-like layered rod-like layered disk-like as well as network morphologies .

    一系列胶束形貌,如球状、 蠕虫状、Y形、分层带状、分层碟状以及网格状等形貌被发现。

  • A wormlike and often brightly colored and hairy or spiny larva of a butterfly or moth .

    蝴蝶或蛾子的幼虫, 形似 蠕虫,通常体色鲜艳,有毛或有刺。

  • Self-assembly networks of p ( dtab-co-am ) and wormlike micelles mediated by hydrophobic association and electrostatic interactions

    疏水缔合和静电作用调控P(DTAB-co-AM)与 蠕虫状胶束自组装网络

  • In a lower shear rate range the viscosity of the samples have no obvious change ; if the shear rate is high the network structures of the wormlike micelles can be broken down which results in a decrease in viscosity .

    较低的剪切速率时,体系剪切粘度变化不明显;剪切速率较高时, 胶束网络结构被破坏而使剪切粘度下降。

  • The mesoporous silicas showed high surface area uniform pore wormlike pore structure and high thermal stability .

    这些样品具有比表面积高, 蠕虫孔道分布均匀、热稳定性高等特点。

  • Phylum or class of elongated wormlike parasites that live in the intestines of vertebrates : spiny-headed worms .

    生活于脊椎动物肠内的较长的 蠕虫状寄生虫;棘头虫。

  • A checked flowery Paisley pattern decorated with wormlike tracery or markings .

    格子的、花卉的、佩斯利涡旋纹的图案用 形的花纹或窗格子来装饰。

  • The motion perception is naso-temporally asymmetric in newborn . wormlike arthropod having two pairs of hooks at the sides of the mouth ; parasitic in nasal sinuses of mammals .

    新生儿的运动觉是鼻、侧不对称的。 小虫 一样的节肢动物,嘴巴两侧各有两对钩;寄生在哺乳动物的鼻凹处。

  • A soft thick wormlike larva of certain beetles and other insects .

    几种甲虫和一些其它昆虫的软而粗的 蠕虫 昆虫。

  • Brownian dynamics method is used to simulate the trajectory of DNA in the microchannel where DNA is modeled by the wormlike bead-rod chain .

    采用球&棒 蠕虫链模型表示DNA链,应用布朗动力学对DNA在微流道内的运动轨迹进行数值模拟。

  • Any of numerous velvety-skinned wormlike carnivorous animals common in tropical forests having characteristics of both arthropods and annelid worms .

    许多皮肤柔软 蠕虫 食肉动物,常见于热带森林,有节肢动物和环节动物的特征。

  • Decorated with wormlike tracery or markings .

    形的花纹或 窗格子来装饰。

  • Wormlike burrowing snake of warm regions having vestigial eyes .

    温暖地区眼睛退化的 蠕虫 穴居蛇。

  • Isomorphism of Yin-Yang and the Application of Li and Yue & Analysis of the Interior structure of Confucius Harmonious Concept ; Self-assembly Networks of Anionic Hydrophobic Association Copolymer and Cationic Wormlike Micelles with Synergistic Viscosity Enhancement

    阴阳同构与礼乐之用&儒家和合观念内在结构分析阴离子疏水缔合共聚物/阳离子 蠕虫状胶束协同增粘自组装网络

  • Wormlike arthropod having two pairs of hooks at the sides of the mouth ; parasitic in nasal sinuses of mammals .

    小虫 一样的节肢动物,嘴巴两侧各有两对钩;寄生在哺乳动物的鼻凹

  • Wormlike marine bivalve that bores into wooden piers and ships by means of drill-like shells .


  • The figure seems to be made out of ivory . a decoration consisting of wormlike carvings .

    这人像是用象牙雕刻成的。由 蠕动 一样的雕刻组成的装饰。

  • Immature of its kind ; especially being or characteristic of immature insects in the newly hatched wormlike feeding stage .

    该种类的不成熟时期的;尤其是在或具有刚被孵化的 蠕虫 一样饲养的幼虫时期的特征的。

  • Effects of Surface Modification on Rheological Property of the Zirconium Superfine Powder Suspensions ; The Rheology and Applications of Wormlike Micelles formed From Surfactant

    表面改性对超细氧化锆悬浮体的流变性影响表面活性剂 蠕虫状胶束的流变性及应用

  • Observation on the Wormlike Body of Rat Liver Kupffer Cell

    枯否细胞 小体 电镜观察

  • Degenerate wormlike burrowing lizard of California closely related to alligator lizards .

    加利福尼亚退化的 一样的蜥蜴,与鳄蜥近缘。

  • Wormlike larva of various elaterid_beetles ; feeds on roots of many crop plants .

    各种叩头虫科甲虫的形似 蠕虫的幼虫;吃多种农作物的根。

  • A lizard of the genus Amphisbaena ; harmless wormlike limbless lizard of warm or tropical regions having concealed eyes and ears and a short blunt tail .

    无足蜥蜴属的 蜥蜴;温带或热带地区四肢无力蚯蚓状蜥蜴,眼睛和耳朵隐蔽,尾巴短而硬。

  • Fishes having large mouths with a wormlike filament attached for luring prey .

    大嘴上有象 一样的细丝,用作诱饵来捕食食物。

  • The phenomenon of shear-induced structure transition can occur for lamellar liquid crystals vesicles and wormlike micelles .

    层状液晶、囊泡和 胶束等结构在剪切作用下能发生变化。

  • This did not satisfy the wormlike Bormann .

    蛆虫 一样的鲍曼还是不够满足。

  • Hermaphrodite wormlike animal living in mud of the sea bottom .

    雌雄同体 一样的动物,生活在海底的污泥里。

  • Small phylum of wormlike marine animals . Analysis of Meteorological Conditions for Tobacco Diseases and Insect Pest in Sanmenxia in 2007
