worry about

[ˈwɚri əˈbaʊt][ˈwʌri əˈbaut]

担忧, 烦恼惦念挂虑

  • Tenants do not have to worry about leaking roofs and broken washing machines

    租房者无需 担心屋顶漏水和洗衣机出故障。

  • Don 't you worry about a thing

    你什么也不 担心

  • I work in a school so I don 't have to worry about finding someone to look after my little boy

    我在学校工作,所以不用为找人照顾我年幼的儿子而 操心

  • Don 't worry about it .

    不要 这事 发愁

  • The daughter of an emperor does not worry about finding a husband .

    皇帝女儿不 嫁。

  • I 'd got nowt to worry about

    我没什么可 担心

  • Have a good rest and don 't worry about your work .

    好好休息,别 牵挂工作。

  • ' Don 't worry about me ' I said . ' I 'll be okay . '

    “别 担心我,”我说,“我不会有事的。”

  • I tried to reassure her ' Don 't worry about it . We won 't let it happen again . '

    我试图使她安心,“不要 担心。我们不会让它再次发生了。”

  • They worry about how they will support themselves in their old age

    他们 担心自己晚年的生活保障问题。

  • I 'll not worry about it . I 'll let nature take its course .

    我不再 此事 发愁了,顺其自然吧。

  • If I were you Mrs Gretchen I just wouldn 't worry about it

    要是我是你,格蕾琴夫人,我一点都不会 担心

  • You don 't have to worry about me . I 'm a good swimmer

    你不用 担心我。我水性很好。

  • It isn 't important enough to worry about .

    这事不大,不 过虑

  • Parents worry about the effect of music on their adolescent 's behavior

    父母 担心音乐对青春期孩子的行为所产生的影响。

  • I have nothing to worry about in this life .

    我这一生都 省心

  • Looking gaunt and tired he denied there was anything to worry about .

    他看起来消瘦而疲惫,却说没什么可 担心的。

  • Such people never have to worry about their future .

    这种人从来不必为前途 担忧

  • ' Do you worry about ageing ? ' — ' Not in the slightest . '

    “你 担心变老吗?”——“一点也不。”

  • ' Don 't you worry about any of this ' she said patting me on the knee

    “这个你什么都 不用 担心,”她轻拍着我的膝盖说。

  • I worry about this big investment of time and effort .


  • Don 't worry about me ; I 'm very well .


  • All kids her age do silly things ; it 's nothing to worry about .

    她这个年龄的孩子都会做傻事,根本 不用 担心

  • I worry about her constantly

    我无时无刻不 担心

  • Today he does not have to worry about making a living .

    现在他不用为生活 发愁了。

  • As long as the green hills are there one need not worry about firewood .

    留得青山在,不 没柴烧。

  • Don 't you worry about them when they 're out of doors ?

    他们在室外的时候,你不 担心吗?

  • Don 't worry about not knowing much about the goods ; just compare and you will see which is better .


  • You needn 't worry about the children .

    你不必 孩子们 操心

  • You shouldn 't worry about the present either . There is no river that can 't be crossed .

    目前的申请别 犯愁,没有过不去的河嘛。