work model

[wɚk ˈmɑdl][wə:k ˈmɔdəl]


  • Approach of ideal work model designs ideal management process state first and then combines the current process and resource based on which an advanced short-term scheme is got and organizations enhance efficiency and promote management innovation .

    理想 工作 模型法将管理工作流程设计成理想状态,并与现有的管理流程进行比照,结合资源配置情况,提出近期可以实施的改进方案,从而提高管理效率,促进管理创新的开展。

  • In this paper we introduce the architecture and the work model of this system .

    本文详细介绍了该 实验系统的 系统结构及关键的 实现技术。

  • Based on the Hierarchy Model and Relation Model a new Hierarchy Relation Net Work Model is established in thesis .

    在层次模型与关系模型的基础上,提出了一种层次关系网络 装配 模型

  • The work handover model can greatly improve the efficiency of system implementation .

    使用 工作交接 模板可以大大提高系统实施的效率。

  • Under the network environments the information study must provide the knowledge service and rebuild the work model and visual organization . Moreover the information analysis and study platform and information culture should be constructed .

    在网络环境下,情报研究工作必须提供知识服务,重构 工作 模式和虚拟组织结构,重建情报分析研究工作平台及情报研究素养。

  • The main advantage of this approach is that the static and dynamic properties of the simulator and corresponding work model can be easily adjusted via the software .

    该方法的优点在于通过软件对参数进行设置,能方便地改变模型的动静态特性和相应的 工作 模式

  • It can ensure the reliability of constant power charge that adopted uniformly stepped power input energy consumption work model and forced air-cooling model .

    统一分段式功率投入,能耗式 工作 模式,强制风冷式散热,大大保证了恒功率放电的可靠性;

  • In order to provide better services for the public customer-oriented work model has become the new public administration model .

    为了更好地为公众提供服务,顾客 导向成为政府 工作管理模式。

  • Design of Campus Network Work Model Based on PKI

    基于PKI的校园网络化 办公 模型设计

  • A primary exploration into the team work model in Tiger Forest & Paper Group

    泰格林纸集团协同 工作 模式初探

  • Objective To understand the quarantine work situation of import and export containers at Foshan Port and probe new effective work model .

    目的通过掌握佛山口岸进出境集装箱卫生检疫查验结果,对集装箱卫生监管情况 进行分析,探讨管理新 模式

  • The Integration of Individual and Family Strengths : An Exploration to the Family Social Work Intervening Model in Mainland China

    个人和家庭能力的整合:家庭社会 工作服务 模式的探索

  • Discussion on how to introduce social work model to the operation of women 's federation & Case study of single-parent families in Guangzhou

    妇联工作引入社会 工作 模式的探讨&以广州市单亲家庭为例

  • This thesis analyses the difficulty and focus of ideological and political education and puts forward personal viewpoints of thought-innovation and work model innovation to improve strengthen effectiveness and continuity of ideological and political education .

    本文结合实际分析了当前县级供电企业思想政治工作的难点和重点,就提高思想政治工作的针对性、实效性和持续性等提出了以思维创新、 工作 模式创新等观点。

  • By comparing the patterns of C / S in internet technology with P2P in its work model .

    将网络技术中C/S模式与P2P的 工作 模式进行比较,阐述了P2P的优越性;

  • Thought on Social Work Practice Model of Edge Teenager in Strengths Perspective & A Case Study of Hong Kong Youth Outreach

    优势视角介入边缘青少年社会 工作实践 模式的思考&以香港协青社为例

  • In this paper the work model of Stream Socket is briefly introduced first . Then we present an implementation scheme of a general Socket server .

    简要介绍了流套接字的 工作 模式,给出了一种比较通用的Socket服务器的实现方案。

  • Methods The work model in Qiaodong district in Shijiazhuang city was evaluated according to the national CBR standard and analyzed .

    方法依据全国残疾人社区康复 示范工作标准对石家庄市桥东区社区康复 工作进行评估,分析 模式特点。

  • Advocate a work model centered on service ;

    倡导服务为主的 工作 模式

  • By analyzing multi-version database model ( called DBV ) and CSCW ( Computer Supported Cooperative Work ) some limitations on DBV are put forward in order to use it in CSCW . Then it is described how to create CSCW work model by using DBV technology .

    通过对多版本数据库模型(DBV方法)和CSCW(计算机支持的协同工作)的分析比较,提出了面向CSCW的DBV方法的限制策略,描述了如何利用多版本数据库技术构造一个CSCW 工作 模型

  • The Work Model of Library Launching E & Book Service

    图书馆开展E-BOOK服务的 工作 模式

  • The fatigue life predictions are obtained by the linear damage rule double linear damage rule damage curve approach and the plastic work model of Morrow .

    采用线性损伤律、双线性损伤律、损伤曲线方法和 Morrow的非线性损伤律进行了寿命预测。

  • Ideal Work Model and Management Innovation

    理想 工作 模型 与管理创新

  • Studying firmware design method by USB2.0 CMOS chip working in collaboration with FPGA cooperation and per work model characteristic Realizing reasonable firmware designing and working model .

    介绍了USB2.0芯片配合FPGA共同工作的固件设计方法及各个 工作 模式的特性,实现了满足需要的固件设计和工作模式设置。

  • A wax work model of Prince William is kissed by visitor Jenny Reveley from Bournemouth England as the wax figure is unveiled at Madame Tussauds in London Wednesday .

    星期三,威廉王子的蜡像在英国伦敦的图索夫人蜡像馆揭幕。人们希望这尊与威廉王子真人一样大小的 蜡像能成为展馆中最受欢迎的男性蜡像 作品

  • In this paper firstly we have a close glimpse about Fieldbus field including the their network structure work model .

    论文首先对现场网络系统进行了详细的论述,分析了现场网络的结构、 工作 模式特点。

  • Two-factor theory and work characteristic model unveiled the key incentive effect of internal incentive factors on employee .

    双因素理论和 工作特性 模型都揭示了内在激励因素对员工激励的重要作用。

  • Then the work model of system and the routing map grammar are put forward .

    提出系统 工作 模型,给出相应的路由图文法。

  • The control can realize functions of speed control and work model selection etc.

    该控制器能实现速度控制、 工作 方式选择等多种功能。

  • Previous work on model organisms had suggested the role of IGF1 in cancer prevention and aging .

    先前 研究生物 模型表明IGF1的作用在癌症预防和老龄化。