turning operation

[ˈtə:nɪŋ ˌɑpəˈreʃən][ˈtɜ:nɪŋ ˌɔpəˈreiʃən]

[机] 车削作业

  • The actuation strategies mode switching turning operation and gait characters are discussed in the locomotion modes .

    在移动模式中讨论驱动方案、模式切换、 转向 操作、步态特点等方面。

  • Loads exerted on lifting and turning cylinders are worked out for two shovel operation modes .

    并就2种铲 方式对举升缸和 斗缸的载荷进行了计算。

  • The improved hydraulic motor performance test system can not only easily check the start torque ( or start pressure ) but also greatly reduce the hydraulic impact for the absence of turning valve in the process of test of continous turning operation in reverse directions .

    改进设计的液压马达性能试验系统不仅能检测起动力矩(或起动压力),且 、反向连续 运转时因无换向阀而液压冲击大大减低。

  • Based on special properties of composite structure of electrorheological fluid a kind of intelligent double-elec-troded chatter suppression structure was developed for turning operation .

    应用电流变液复合结构的特殊性能,研究开发了一种双电极智能颤振抑制结构,用于机床 车削过程颤振的 控制

  • Because of the small turning radius the small working space flexible and convenient operation mini excavator replaced of manual labor plays a huge role in landscape construction and the cleaning at the scene of the engineering maintenance .

    微型挖掘机有 回转半径小、作业空间小、机动灵活及 操作方便等优点,在工程维护现场清理、园林建设及城市改造等工程中替代人工劳动,发挥着巨大的作用。

  • Vibration in turning operation will greatly deteriorate the diameter error and surface roughness of machined workpiece .

    车削 加工中工件的振动会严重影响零件的尺寸精度及表面粗糙度。

  • This thesis finishes the simulation of NC turning through computer simulation technology and boolean operation method .

    本文主要通过计算机仿真技术和布尔 运算的方法来实现数控 车削 加工过程仿真。

  • The test of continuous turning operation witnesses a big hydraulic impact of hydraulic motors especially high-speed ones with strong inertia which will influence the evaluation of service life of tested motors .

    液压马达连续 换向 运转试验,特别是高速、大惯量液压马达达在较大的液压冲击,影响被试马达的耐久性。

  • Central articulated frame small turning radius mobile and flexible lateral stability ease of operation in the narrow space .

    采用中央铰接式车架, 转弯半径小,机动灵活,侧向稳定性好,便于在狭窄场地 作业

  • Application of Autoloading in Turning Operation

    自动上料技术在 车削中的应用

  • An Indicating Device for Driving Operation of Motor Vehicles Teaching of Turning Direction in Driving Operation

    汽车驾驶操作指示装置 汽车驾驶中 转向 操作的教学

  • Turning on and turning off operation to the water falling filter can be carried out as long as the handle of the draw lever on a table top is operated .

    本实用新型只要操作台面上的拉杆手柄即可对落水滤器进行开、 操作

  • With the description of the structure and working principle of the turning for the feed pump turbines in Zhuhai Power Station this paper analyzes the causation of the turning malfunction during the operation of Feed Pump Turbine B of Unit 2 .

    为此,在对珠海发电厂汽轮机盘车结构和工作原理介绍的基础上,探讨了2号机组B汽动给水泵汽轮机 运行盘车异常的原因,并提出了改进建议。

  • The status and characteristics were introduced of tool condition monitoring in turning operation including the direct and indirect measurements methods .

    介绍了 车削 加工中对现有车刀状态监控所用的直接量法和间接量法以及各种方法的特点。

  • It is also provided here the control method for mitigating the current impact produced when turning on or off the device in braking operation .

    介绍了制动 工况为缓和投 时产生的电流冲击而采取的控制方法。

  • The Effect of Cooling and Lubrication of Oil-Water Combined Mist Cutting Method in Turning Operation

    复合喷雾加工法在 切削 加工过程中的冷却和润滑效果

  • The optimization analysis of cutting parameters for surface roughness in turning operation

    车削 加工中表面粗糙度影响因子的最佳化

  • After entering into the WTO the development of china ′ s financial business is facing huge opportunities and challenges that never happened before . The financial business is dropping the separate operation and turning to the mixed operation .

    我国加入WTO后,金融业的发展面临着前所未有的机遇和挑战,金融业逐步摒弃分业经营的模式, 转向混业 经营已经成为大势所趋。

  • An attempt at the application of orthogonal design in metal turning operation

    在金属 切削 加工中应用正交设计 方法的探索

  • This article first points out the necessity and possibility of Sichuan Electric Power Corporation turning to market route after analyzing the corporation 's operation method and its drawback under monopoly circumstances .

    本文通过分析四川省电力公司在旧有垄断体制下的 运营模式及其弊端,首先阐明了四川省电力公司 市场化道路的必要性和可能性。

  • With examples some key points and precautions for ship safe turning operation in combination with the application of relevant theories and laws in pilotage practice are elaborated in the paper .

    通过举例说明,结合相关理论与规律在引航实践中的运用,指出了船舶安全 掉头 操纵 作业技术要领和应该注意的一些要点和事项。

  • Suspension of car closely related with brake shock absorber turning around and performance of transmission . It directly affects operation stability and ride comfort of vehicle .

    汽车悬架系统与行车制动、减振、 转向和传动性能有着密切的关系,它直接影响着车辆的 操纵稳定性和舒适性。

  • This article describes the methods of producing different kinds of oxidized zirc and their characteristics and defines the technical plan of producing highly pure oxidized zinc through direct leaching of zinc concentrate . Ideas and suggestions are put forward on turning industrial test results into large - scale operation .

    本文简述了各类氧化锌的生产方法及特点,明确了利用锌精矿直接浸出生产高纯氧化锌的技术方案,并就工业试验结果与 转入大规模 生产提出了笔者的见解及建议。

  • Registration and turning over of incomes are needed in the process of assets operation disposal .

    在对资产 经营处置过程中产生的收益需要进行收益登记、收益 上缴

  • Due to the turning on or off operation of the circuit breakers and the disconnected switches strong electromagnetic interference in gas-insulated substations ( GIS ) is common .

    气体绝缘变电站(GIS)在开关 操作厂会产生秀强的瞬态波过程,可通过外壳向外界辐射电磁场,对 变电站二次设备的正常 运行产生严重干扰。

  • During the turning and broaching operation of titanium alloys experiments and researches of cutting temperatures are of great significance .

    在钛合金 车削和拉削 加工过程中,对切削温度进行试验研究有着十分重要的意义。