turnover frequency

[ˈtɚnˌovɚ ˈfrikwənsi][ˈtə:nˌəuvə ˈfri:kwənsi]


  • Ir particle size increased gradually with Ir loading but specific rate and turnover frequency ( TOF ) declined gradually . It indicated that the catalyst with small particle size had a higher CO reactivity .

    随着Ir负载量增加,Ir粒子逐渐变大,反应比速率和反应 转换 频率(TOF)逐渐下降,表明小粒子上具有更高的CO反应活性。

  • Decreasing filter gain and increasing turnover frequency of filter could enhance system stability ;

    降低滤波器增益、提高滤波器 转折 频率能够增强系统稳定性;

  • The relationship of surface active site and turnover frequency versus activity for ammonia synthesis catalyst which were obtained from different iron oxide as precursor were investigated by means of a physisorption of N 2 and a chemisorption of CO and CO 2 and activity test .

    采用 N2低温吸附、CO和CO2化学吸附技术和活性试验研究了不同铁氧化物为母体的氨合成催化剂表面活性位与催化活性的关系。

  • Turnover of Capital : the Only Way to Develop Specialized Frequency Channel

    资本 运营:专业化 频道发展的必由之路

  • Employee-leaving is a general phenomenon with economy developing especially in IT enterprise . The number of turnover cases the frequency and the influences have caused many problems . All that makes the leaders of enterprises pay more attention to their employees .

    可是随着经济的发展,企业知识型员工的 流失己经成为相当普遍的现象,尤其是对于IT企业, 流失者人数之多、 频率之高、影响之深,己引起企业高层领导的关注。

  • The ratio of doctors to nurses is 1 ∶ 1 04 the bed utilization rate is 65 55 % the bed workdays are 234 63 days the average bed turnover frequency is 15 51 times and the average length of stay is 13 87 days .

    病床使用率为6555%,病床工作日为23463天,病床平均 周转 次数为1551次,平均住院日为1387天。

  • With the fast development of the fund industry fund managers meet a high frequency turnover . But compare to the mature capital market overseas the fund manger turnover frequency seems too quick .

    伴随着基金业的快速发展,基金经理变更日益频繁,但相比国外成熟资本市场,我国基金经理 更换 显得过高。

  • Results : With this method the drug stocks can be controlled within 7 days during the purchasing period accelerating the hospital 's capital turnover lessening the frequency of purchases .

    结果:本法有效地把采购间隔期内的药品库存量控制在7天库存量内,加速医院资金 周转,减少购药 频率