


  • RESULTS : BP and HR increased evidently while conducting thyrocricocentesis . BP and HR as well as reflection of tussis had no significantly difference before and after intubation in the two groups .

    结果:B组在行环甲膜穿刺表麻时的BP、HR明显升高,两组气管插管前后的BP、HR 变化 反射无明显差异。

  • Application of terbutaline to prevent the asthma recrudesce of variable tussis

    应用特布他林预防 咳嗽变异性哮喘复发

  • Cardiovascular responses and reflection of tussis were observed during the inducement and tra-cheal intubation .

    观察两组诱导及气管插管过程中心血管反应及 反射情况。