twin brother

[twɪn ˈbrʌðɚ][twin ˈbrʌðə]


  • Is this your twin brother ? No he isn 't.

    这是你的 双胞胎 兄弟吗?不,他不是。

  • The younger twin brother of Esau he used trickery to gain Isaac 's blessing and Esau 's birthright .

    他是以扫(Esau)的 孪生 弟弟,雅各以欺骗的手法,从父亲那里获得祝福和以扫的长子名分(birthright)。

  • Can you tell Tom from his twin brother ?

    你能分辨出汤姆和他的 孪生 兄弟吗?

  • She had a twin brother and a younger brother .

    她有一个 双胞胎 哥哥和一个弟弟。

  • He said that he 's in the army with his twin brother paul .

    他说,他和 孪生 兄弟保罗在一支部队里。

  • Ann : I guess I 'm the opposite of my twin brother .

    安:我八成是我那 双胞胎 哥哥的相反。

  • All the errors were cleared up which the extreme likeness between this twin brother and sister had occasioned .

    这一 孪生 兄妹长得非常像而造成的种种误会都弄清楚了。

  • My twin brother is my shadow every minute .

    我的 孪生 兄弟与我形影不离。

  • You must be muddling me up with my twin brother .

    你一定是把我看成我的 孪生 兄弟了。

  • Can you tell the difference between him and his twin brother ?

    你能指出他与 孪生 兄弟的不同之处吗?

  • Because they are very much alike people are always mistaking him for his twin brother .

    因为他们长得非常相像,人们总把他错认为是他的 孪生 兄弟

  • My parents do not twin brother carry on play computer .

    我的家人不让 双胞胎 兄弟继续玩电脑。

  • Before we left the camp my twin brother and I moulded a chair out of mud .

    离开营地前,我和 孪生 弟弟用泥巴做了一把椅子。

  • I had a little twin brother whose name was ernie .

    我有个 双胞胎 兄弟,叫厄尼。

  • Can you tell the difference with those twists ? Can you tell the boy from his twin brother ?

    、你能分得清这个男孩和他的 双胞胎 兄弟有什么区别么?

  • I took him for your twin brother .

    我把他 看成是你的 胞弟

  • He and his twin brother are boys of average .

    他和他的 双胞胎 兄弟智力平平。

  • I have a twin brother .

    我有一个 双胞胎 兄弟

  • Tom is hardly distinguishable from his twin brother .

    汤姆和他的 孪生 哥哥几乎令人分辨不出。

  • Do you know him from his twin brother ?

    你能把他和他的 孪生 兄弟分清楚吗?

  • Yours and your * Twin brother who supposedly died at birth .

    你和你那个照理说应该在出生时就死了的 双胞胎 弟弟

  • I can 't distinguish Jack from his twin brother since they look so much like each other .

    杰克和他的 双胞胎 兄弟非常相像,我分不清他们俩。

  • She always confuses John with his twin brother .

    她总是把约翰和他的 孪生 兄弟混起来。

  • His twin brother is Jim .

    他的 孪生 哥哥叫吉姆。

  • I have a twin brother and one sister .

    我有个 双胞胎 哥哥,还有个姐姐。

  • It 's hard to tell him from his twin brother .

    很难把他和他的 孪生 兄弟分开

  • Johnathan 's twin brother Joseph James and a12-year-old stepbrother were not injured and are staying with relatives .

    乔纳森的 双胞胎 兄弟约瑟夫·杰姆斯和12岁同父异母的弟弟并没有受伤,目前与亲人住在一起。

  • Wang Bin is not so strong as his twin brother .

    王宾和他的 双胞胎 哥哥不一样强壮。

  • People are always mistaking him for his twin brother .

    人们总把他错当成他的 孪生 哥哥了。