turnover ratio

[ˈtɚnˌovɚ ˈreʃo][ˈtə:nˌəuvə ˈreiʃiəu]


  • Based on the reason and current situation of our textile & apparel enterprises provided some suggestions to the case firm to improve the inventory turnover ratio .

    基于对我国纺织服装企业的库存成因及现状,对改善美邦服饰的库存情况,提高库存 周转 指出了若干参考建议。

  • As a result we found that there are significant differences in total assets turnover operational margin ratio returns on net equity returns on total assets debts to equity ratio and cash-flow rate .

    研究结果发现在总资产 周转 、营业毛利率、净值报酬 、资产报酬率、负债净值比现金流量比率有显着的差异。NET的重要组成部分。

  • As the pillar of the third industry hospitality industry has achieved the unprecedented growth since the reform and opening up to the outside world . Many problems have also arisen among which the high staff turnover ratio is the most prominent one .

    饭店业作为第三产业的支柱在改革开放后得到了前所未有的发展,但是同样也遇到了许多问题,突出表现为人员 流动非常 频繁员工 流失 很高。

  • The relation (?) Discussion on the relationship between current ratio and turnover ratio of receivables

    浅谈 流动 比率与应收帐款 周转 的关系

  • The ninth signal measured the change in the firm 's asset turnover ratio .

    第9个信号衡量公司资产 周转 的变化。

  • To determine the significance of published accounting information the market value was regresses against assets turnover ratio debt ratio EPS price earning ratio return on assets and current ratio .

    通过以市场价值为因变量对资产 周转 、负债率、每股收益、市盈率、资产收益率和流动比例等变量作回归,进而确定各类公开会计信息的重要程度。

  • Calculate Methods of Airborne Follow-up Spares Turnover Ratio

    航空后续备件 周转 比例计算

  • The asset turnover ratio was improved by increasing sales by $ 2 and by reducing investment by $ 3 .

    资产 周转 的提高是由于增加了2元的销售额和减少3元的投资额的结果。

  • For the part of management efficiency I use three indexes of assets turnover ratio accounts receivable turnover and inventory turnover ratio as well as give a definition of integrated efficiency ratio to evaluate the management efficiency of target enterprises .

    在管理效率评价中,本文选用资产 周转 、应收账款周转率和存货周转率三个指标,并定义出企业综合效率比率,从而对目标企业管理效率进行评价。

  • In recent years the turnover tax takes about 60 % ratio of total tax revenue .

    近年来, 流转税占税收收入的 比重大体在60%左右。

  • IPO first-day turnover amplitude ratio and small plates market index with the initial yield are positively correlated . The success rate and the initial rate is a negative correlation . Finally it makes some policy suggestions based on the above .

    其中,IPO新股上市首日 换手 、振幅 及中小板市场指数与初始收益率成止相关,中签率则和初始收益率呈负相关。最后,在上述基础上提出相关政策建议。

  • The efficiency of the current assets quality can flow through asset turnover inventory turnover accounts receivable turnover and operating cash flow and operating profit ratio .

    流动资产质量的周转性可以通过对流动资产周转率、存货周转率、应收账款 周转 、经营活动现金流量与营业利润 指标分析来进行评价。

  • The research shows if the degree of organizational embed goes up the turnover rate will drop and the organizational embed could explain the turnover ratio well .

    本研究分析表明,员工组织嵌入度越高,离职率越低,并且组织嵌入对 离职具有 水平的解释力。

  • Average accounts receivable turnover ratio ;

    平均应收账款 周转

  • Clinic Study on Bone Turnover Ratio of Chronic Liver Disease Patients with Osteoporosis

    慢性肝病患者合并骨质疏松症骨 转换 速率研究

  • The relationship between turnover and circulating ratio of stocks is not significant but turnover is closely related to the ratio of tradable shares by the empirical analysis .

    通过实证检验发现:中国股票市场中,股票换手率与股本效应的关系紧密,但是 换手 与流通 比率之间的相关性很弱。

  • On the residential market the present foreign purchase of the Shanghai Housing turnover ratio of3.2 percent a historical point of7-8 % maximum has dropped a lot .

    就住宅市场而言,目前外资购房占上海住宅 成交量 比重为3.2%, 历史最高点的7-8%已下降很多。

  • This was also due to a 1 percent higher profit margin and better asset turnover ratio .

    这也是由于提高1%的利润边际和较好的资产 周转 所致。

  • Inventory Turnover was related with Sales Ratio .

    库存 周转率与销售的 变动密切相关。

  • On the Design of Enterprise 's Receivable Turnover Ratio

    关于企业 款回收 指标的设计

  • The variation of inventory turnover ratio is the inventory turnover in days the latter means the average days the inventory is sold out .

    存货 周转 的另外一个变异 指标是存货周转天数,后者意味着存货在多少天里被销售出去。

  • Enterprise growth management contains five key elements : objective growth rate net interest rate in sale property rate of turnover rights multiple and subsist-profit ratio .

    增长管理的基本要素有:目标增长率、销售净利率、资产 周转 、权益乘数与留存收益 比率

  • Operational capacity indicator relates to the accounts receivable turnover inventory turnover current asset turnover working capital turnover ratio non-current asset turnover and total asset turnover total of six indicators .

    营运能力指标涉及存货周转率、营运资本 周转 、总资产周转率、应收账款周转率、流动资产周转率和非流动资产周转率共六个指标。

  • In the modern economic society hospitality has become the industry with increasing number of staff high working intensity and high turnover ratio .

    在今天,酒店行业已经成为现代社会经济中,招聘员工人数多,劳动强度大, 流动的行业。

  • What is this year 's Inventory Turnover ratio ? What does it mean ?

    这年的库存 周转 是多少?这样的 周转 意味着什么?

  • The inventory turnover rate and cash sales ratio play a minor effect on the default possibility each rises by 10 % will lower the default possibility by 2.8 % and 1.6 % respectively .

    对贷款违约风险影响较小的是存货 周转率和现金流入占销售收入 ,二者变化10%对违约概率的影响只有2.8和1.6个百分点。

  • Through regression analysis it is found that initial offering price issuing scale and stock turnover jointly influence the Ratio of Return which are different from the factors influencing that of the main board market .

    通过回归分析,发现发行价格、发行规模、上市 首日 换手 这三个因素对创业板破发新股的首日收益 有显著影响,这与影响主板新股破发的因素有所不同3。

  • The indexes comparatively low are as follows : current ratio total assets turnover inventory turnover ratio and interest coverage ratio .

    重视程度相对较低的四项指标是流动比例、总资产周转率、存货 周转 和利息保障倍数。

  • Overseas M A on financial performance of companies in the 29 samples of studies have shown that the internal factors accounts receivable turnover ratio has improved enterprises financial performance .

    对我国企业海外并购财务绩效影响因素的样本研究表明,企业内部因素应收账款 周转 的提高有利于企业实行海外并购。