


  • Can I rent this tuxedo ?

    我可以租这 礼服吗?

  • I first met Randy my son-in-law to be at the tuxedo rental shop .

    我第一次遇上我未来的女婿兰迪是在 男式 礼服出租店。

  • Kaihara-san had changed out of his tuxedo and into a cardigan and an old beat-up pair of jeans .

    海原山改变了他的 礼服,成为羊毛衫和老破旧的牛仔裤。

  • A Research of Monitoring System of Mobile Communication Network Based on TUXEDO

    基于 TUXEDO的移动通信网络监控系统研究

  • The groom wears a formal suit or tuxedo .

    新郎则穿着一套正式的西装或 礼服

  • I need to get a custom-made tuxedo for my wedding .

    我必须为我的婚礼去订做一 燕尾

  • Leave your wallet in your tuxedo ?

    忘了带 皮夹出来吗?

  • TUXEDO Middleware Technology Based on Applied Research

    基于 TUXEDO中间件技术的应用研究

  • That can make you a tuxedo .

    他们可以为你做 燕尾

  • The invitation specified that the dress code would be formal so I donned my tuxedo .

    请柬规定要着正装,于是我穿上了 燕尾

  • So he wore his tuxedo shirt and tie with a pinstriped charcoal-gray suit .

    于是,他就用一件炭灰色细条纹的套装配上衬衫和 领带

  • The first penguin says you look like you 're wearing a tuxedo .

    一只企鹅对另一只说,你看起来就像穿着 燕尾

  • Terrence Howard wore a Dolce tuxedo to the Kodak Theater this year .

    今年,特伦斯·霍华德(TerrenceHoward)穿了一件多尔奇的 礼服,在柯达剧场亮相。

  • The groom wears a tuxedo and the bride wears a beautiful long dress usually in white .

    新郎穿 燕尾 ,新娘则穿很漂亮的长长的礼服,一般是白色的。

  • I loaned him my tuxedo .

    我把我的 礼服借给他了。

  • And Jake Gyllenhaal supported his Best-Actress-nominated sister Maggie in a custom-tailored Burberry tuxedo .

    最后是走出《断背山》又做《波斯王子》的杰克·吉伦希尔,为了给获得最佳女演员的姐姐玛姬捧场助威而出现在红毯上,经典定制巴宝莉 西服在他 上真是锦上添花!

  • I have a tuxedo pressed .

    燕尾 我也熨好了。

  • I rented a tuxedo . I stole this mask from some drunken kid .

    租了 礼服,从一个喝醉的家伙手里偷了这个面具。

  • Well you have your own tuxedo how did you tie your bow tie ?

    咦,你有自己的 燕尾 ,你是怎么打你的领结的?

  • A broad pleated sash worn as formal dress with a tuxedo .

    一块很宽的有褶的腰带,和男士 正式 礼服搭配着穿。

  • He needed a terrycloth robe an electric shaver tennis togs several double-breasted suits and a tuxedo .

    他需要一件厚绒布的长袍,一个电动剃须刀,网球服,几件双排扣的外套和一 燕尾

  • I was thinking about a white tuxedo .

    我有在考虑要穿白色 礼服

  • At a formal occasion it is necessary for men to wear a tuxedo .

    在一个正式的场合中,男仕们穿著 礼服是必要的。

  • If you are getting married after6pm you can wear a tuxedo or tails as these are evening clothes .

    要是你的婚礼是在傍晚六点之后进行,那么你可以选择 或年夜号衣这类的晚号衣。

  • I put them in my tuxedo .

    我将它们放在我 礼服 口袋

  • I want to get fitted for a tuxedo .

    我想要一套合身的 礼服

  • And I really don 't want to think about returning my tuxedo right now .

    我真的不想马上去还我租的的 礼服

  • Have I told you how amazing you look in this tuxedo ?

    我告诉过你穿这 燕尾 看起来很棒吗?

  • The Application of Middleware Tuxedo in Automatic Voice Answering System

    中间件 TUXEDO在自动语音应答系统的应用