


  • The prospects in soybean industry INVESTIGATION ON THE CHINESE BAMBOO TUSSOCK MOTH

    中国大豆食品工业现状与展望华竹 毒蛾的研究

  • White tussock moths injurious to forest trees

    为害林木的白 毒蛾

  • The present paper reported the biological characters of adults of mulberry tussock moth and description in detail was paid especially to the mating habits of the adult .

    本文报道桑 毛虫成虫的生物学特性,特别对成虫的交配习性作了较详细的描述。

  • Get ready now shouts my tandem paragliding instructor as we start running full tilt down the steep angle of Coronet Peak dodging clumps of tussock grass and lichen-covered rocks .

    我的搭档大喊一声,他是一名伞翔运动的教员。我们直直地冲下陡峭的皇冠峰,还要不断避让一 片片 草丛和满覆青苔的石块。

  • He hid inside a tussock of oat grass and watched as the fine thatched house rose up beside the water-hole .

    他眼看着一 宽敞 明亮的房子在水塘边上 拔地而起

  • The Biological Studies and the Integrated Control of Tea Tussock Moths in Yunnan

    云南茶叶 毒蛾的生物学特性与综合防治

  • The sex attractant pheromone of the tea tussock moth a serious economic pest of tea plantations in southern China has been identified as10 isobutyrate .


  • Observations on the behavior and habit of the adult tea tussock moth Euproctis pseudoconspersa


  • Wind speeds are attenuated almost completely within 10 cm of the ground in willows and tussock tundra .

    风速在地面柳枝和 草丛苔原10cm下几乎减弱为零。