


  • She loved him so passionately and he was so godlike in her eyes ; and being though untrained instinctively refined her nature cried for his tutelary guidance .

    她爱他爱得这样热烈,在她的眼里,他就像天上的神一样;她虽然没有经过 教育 培养,但是她 天性 敏慧本能上 渴望 得到他的 呵护和指导。

  • Consequently all of these trees are planted around the Zhuang villages particularly around the shrines of their tutelary gods .

    因此,在壮族的村寨边都种有这些树木,各村 建立 敬奉 村寨 保护神之地)周围,也要种植这些树木。

  • Procurator system is a sign of law rule and public prosecutor is also called Law Tutelary .

    检察制度是 现代法治的标志之一,检察官更是被称为法律 守护

  • Daycare that is educational and not just custodial ; a guardian angel ; tutelary gods .

    日托不仅仅是保护,还有教育性;守护天使; 守护神

  • A tutelary saint angel w_375


  • The gloomy family of care and distrust shall be banished from our dwelling guarded by the kind and tutelary deity .

    我们居住的 地方不再有忧虑和不信任的 阴影 笼罩,只有仁慈的 守护神 保卫我们。

  • Tutelary therapy was used in acute intoxication of organic phosphorus of 38 Calves 37 of them were healed the rate is 97.37 % and 1 died the rate is 2.63 % .

    对38例犊牛急性有机磷中毒进行 监护治疗,痊愈37例,治愈率为93.37%,死亡1例,占2.63%。