turn the scale

[tɚn ði skel][tə:n ðə skeil]


  • In order to turn the scale our country decides to carry out the Active labor Market Policies ( ALMPs ) to accelerate the employment and reemployment .

    为此,我国确立了实施更加积极 劳动力市场政策来促进就业、再就业工作的方针。

  • Recently the world economy is in a long bad turn but Chinese economy is getting just bigger and bigger in fast speed . In recent years Chinese resident 's savings deposit has increased at a higher speed and the deposit scale has become greater and greater .

    最近几年,在世界经济普遍低迷的 形势下,中国经济仍然保持了较高的增长速度。近年来,我国居民储蓄存款一直保持了较高的增长速度, 规模也越来越大。

  • Since CN Investment Group Company founded after three historical stages . From public sector turn to the property market companies Realize collectivization expansion The enterprise scale unceasingly expands .

    CN集团公司自成立以来,经过了三个发展阶段,从政府机构 为市场化经营, 实现了集团化扩张,企业 规模不断扩大,实现了快速发展。

  • This was the last drachm required to turn the scale of her indecision .

    在她犹豫不定 天平上,这是最后一颗 砝码

  • By the turn of the last century people have begun to scale the emergence mechanism scale and control measures to harm a thorough study and using various physical and chemical methods to reduce scale formation .

    由上个世纪 ,人们就已经开始对 水垢产生的机理,水垢的危害以及防治方法进行了深入地研究,并运用过多种物理和化学的方法来减少水垢的形成。

  • International luxury brands collimate Chinese market luxury-related expositions turn to be China-hosted and the scale of luxury consumption of China bounded into worldly tops .

    世界各大奢侈品厂商纷纷瞄准中国市场,各种与奢侈相关 会展也移师中国举办,中国的奢侈消费 规模一跃名列世界 前茅

  • By correspondence is of great urgency and a foreseeing and practical task which will refresh our gymnastics teaching ideas turn the scale of passive gymnastics promote the development of gymnastics teaching in the major of correspondence P.E.

    该课题在实践中对更新体操教学观念, 扭转被动体操状态,促进我国体育学院 函授体育教育专业体操教学的发展有着重要意义,对现在与未来的体操课程教学改革具有重要的参考价值。

  • In order to turn the scale the paper in accordance with practice points out the existing problems of the police 's ability to do the mass work then analyses the reasons for that and finally puts forward solutions to the problems .

    扭转 状况,结合实际提出基层民警群众工作能力方面存在的问题、产生问题的原因及解决途径。

  • It remains unclear whether Turner will be able to turn any of his rhetoric into policies given the scale of backlash that his comments will undoubtedly spark .

    鉴于 特纳的言论必然会引发激烈的反对,他是否会 任何言论付诸于实际政策,仍是个未知数。

  • In turn banking conditions the development of real industry and its operating benefits influence to a great extent the development rate and scale of real industry .

    银行业 制约着真实产业 发展,银行业的经营效益对真实产业的发展有 巨大的影响作用。

  • In recent years some investigations have indicated that distributed wireless communication technology will be hopeful to turn into the key technology for resolving the high-speed data transmition and large scale network covering .

    近年来的研究表明,分布式无线通信技术将有望 成为解决高速数据传输和大 范围网络覆盖 关键技术。

  • In turn the development of e-commerce market promote a further development and the expanding scale of third-party payment market .

    企业与个人网上交易 规模的日益增长, 反过来电子商务市场 发展 进一步促进了第三方支付市场的发展和 规模的继续扩张。

  • The main evolution style is in turn between propagation and enlargement of crack . The yield point is based on the evolution crack on CT scale and the meso process of soft rock before the strength maximum is the evolution of crack on CT scale .

    软岩屈服现象 本质是CT 尺度裂纹演化,裂纹 演化是软岩在峰值强度前的主要细观过程。

  • Globalization and information development is changing the manufacturing environment and in turn profoundly influencing a wide range of areas including traditional management control mode organization structure and decision-making rules and the study of large scale informational manufacture system has been the topical problem .

    全球化和信息化正在使制造环境发生质的变化,传统的管理系统、控制方式、组织结构和决策准则 随之发生着深刻的变革, 大规模信息制造系统 研究也已经成为当前的热点问题。