


  • The flumes are used extensively to measure watershed turnoff .

    水槽广泛用于测量 集水区的经流流量。

  • You 've got to be very careful or else you 'll miss the turnoff into our place .

    你得非常注意,否则就会错过到我们这地方来的 岔道

  • In addition the article also gives the algorithms ( Turnoff Eliminating Algorithm and Best Eight Connectivity Selection Algorithm ) to solve the maze 's hypo-best path and best path .

    另外,本文还给出了迷宫次佳通路和最佳通路(即捷径)的求解算法; 岔道剔除算法和最佳八连通选择算法。

  • The composite insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor model . Gate TurnOff Thyristor model and MOSFET Control Thyristor model are presented as examples of the composite model method together with simulations and experimental results .

    作为应用组合模型原理的实例,文中给出了组合绝缘门根晶体管模型、组合门极可 晶闸管模型和组合MOSFET控制晶闸管模型,并和实际器件进行比较。

  • Drive circuit controls turnoff and ducting of the IGBT . The control circuit takes the singlechip computer as the nucleus its peripheric circuits include data acquisition circuit pulse width adjusting circuit waveform chosen circuit electric machinery circuit and interface circuit .

    控制电路部分以单片机为核心,其外围电路包括数据采集电路, 脉宽调制电路,波形选择电路,电机控制电路,键盘、指示灯和显示接口电路及串行通讯接口电路。

  • Zero Voltage Transition PWM Forward Converter with Zero current Turnoff Auxiliary Switch

    辅助开关零电流 的零电压过渡PWM正激电路

  • AC control is a normal application for triacs and SCRs because the turnoff time is decreased when the device is switched off during a zero-crossing .

    由于器件在过零时被关断 降低 时间,所以双向晶闸管和SCR通常用于交流控制。

  • Although these are the fastest switching elements when actuation times are compared the release or turnoff time is long .

    尽管在比较激励时间时这类继电器是最快的切换元件,但释放或 时间却比较长。

  • This paper builds a general model of switching devices during different turnoff mode and analyzes the relationship between the overvoltage and the circuit parasitic parameters .

    本文建立了开关器件在不同 方式下的统一模型,分析了关 过电压与电路参数之间的关系。

  • This paper analyzes the generation of over voltages V 1 V 2 and V 3 during the turnoff of gate turn off thyristor ( GTOs ) and proposes measures to decrease the over voltages .

    分析了大功率门极可关断晶闸管(GTO) 过程中过电压V1,V2和V3的形成原因及抑制过电压的措施。

  • Effect factors of turnoff time for shallow seafloor transient electromagnetic detecting system

    浅海底瞬变电磁探测系统 沿影响因素研究

  • Upper limit location switch is turnoff and damaged .

    上限位开关 断路性损坏。

  • The turnoff angle is optimized by using the SRM model and the simulation result accords with the conclusion .

    在建立非线性模型的基础上,对SRM的 角进行优化,仿真结果符合优化的结论。

  • The port P1 should output 55H to turnoff all branches before opening any branch .

    打开分支前应关闭全部支路,P1口输出为 55H

  • Extremely long or uncut nails are a real turnoff too .

    特别长的或不修剪的指甲真的是很 糟糕

  • Whatever place whatever time handset power turnoff it can promptly supply electric power to keep normal communication by phone .

    产品无论何时何地,手机 断电,都可以即时补充电能,以便正常通话。

  • Chances are your date is equally miserable and lonely but it 's still a big turnoff and should be kept for your therapist .

    恰巧你的约会对象同样得痛苦和孤独,但它仍然是一个大的 分手 诱因 需告诉你的治疗师。

  • Stating one 's accomplishments can be helpful but when it 's overdone the candidate can come across as narcissistic a huge turnoff for employers Flagg says .

    以列举成绩开头能发挥作用,但是如果过分,会造成应聘者一位 自我陶醉”的形象。这会极大地扫雇主的兴。

  • The closer we got to the turnoff for my grandparents ' house the slower the car went .

    越接近去爷爷奶奶家的 分岔 路口,车子就越慢。

  • In the paper the method of analyzing the failed mechanisms of short filament and turnoff in high-power wideband TWT is introduced .

    对宽频带大功率行波管热丝短、 断路失效机理进行了分析,并在机理分析的基础上, 讨论 消除这一 失效模式而采取的 措施及其 效果

  • Gate turnoff silicon-controlled rectifier

    电路 硅可控整流器

  • The Failure Mechanisms and Measures of Short Filament and Turnoff of High Power Wideband TWT

    宽带大功率行波管热丝短、 断路失效机理及对策

  • This paper states that using creepage and turnoff implement should pay attention to its usage environment and action electricity and separation time .

    使用漏电 断路器应注意其使用环境及动作电流、分断时间的 选配

  • Their faint red turnoff points indicate that .

    它们又暗又红的 转折点说明了这一点。

  • The evening was a real turnoff .

    那一晚真令人 倒胃口

  • Experience Of Installation And Usage Of Creepage And Turnoff Implement

    漏电 断路器的安装与使用中的 体会

  • For the transient electromagnetic exploration sysytem of shallow seafloor employing small transmit coils with many turns the relation between the turnoff time and amplitude of transmitter current and the number of coil turns is discussed .

    讨论了采用多匝小线圈进行浅海底瞬变电磁探测时,发射电流 沿时间与电流幅值和发射线圈匝数之间的关系;

  • The second biggest turnoff for a girl is an 18 year old guy who 's already thinking about marriage .

    对女孩子而言,第二 扫兴 事情就是一个18岁却已经考虑结婚的人。

  • But corporate directors management consultants and some executives contacted about the job say the potential for boardroom clashes at Microsoft is a turnoff .

    但该职位 遴选所接触的企业董事、管理顾问以及一些高管称,微软董事会的潜在矛盾 令人 望而却步

  • This paper introduces how to test the instantaneous turnoff of the automobile connectors under the dynamic stress circumstances and analyses some problems about the QC / T417.1-2001 standard .

    介绍汽车插接器在动态应力环境中瞬断的检测,分析了 QC/T417.1&2001标准中的一些问题。