


  • In this paper a new optimal control model of portfolio is established portfolio turnpike is analyzed simulated annealing of implicit programming is proposed simulation of turnpike is progressed .

    本文建立了新的证券组合最优控制模型,分析了证券市场 长期投资过程中证券组合的 快车道问题;

  • Practically all the fragrance and flavor companies have facilities just off the turnpike .

    几乎所有的香料公司都在刚下 收费 高速公路的路边 设有 厂房

  • Research on portfolio Turnpike

    证券组合的 快车道 问题研究

  • Tour operators who specialize in bookings for Chinese say there are two main areas where Chinese tour operators look for hotel rooms in New Jersey one around the Newark airport the other along the New Jersey Turnpike around the exits for North Brunswick and Edison .

    专门针对中国游客做酒店预订的旅游从业者说,中国的旅行商主要在新泽西的两个地区找酒店房间:一处是纽瓦克机场附近,另一处是在新泽西 收费 高速公路 靠近北布伦瑞克与艾迪森出口一带。

  • At the same time gansu province is located in the northwest complicated topography the turnpike cost is high compared with the developed areas in east financing structure highway traffic a relatively small capital cost is low returns rapid recovery .

    同时,甘肃省地处西北内陆,地形地貌复杂多样, 收费 公路造价高,与东部发达地区相比,融资结构单一,公路车流量相对较小,资金回报率低,成本难以迅速收回。

  • Well I will tell you now on the story at the Broward County Florida near Davie where the Turnpike has been closed in both directions because of a traffic related shooting .

    现在我要告诉你佛罗里达戴维附近的 布劳沃德发生的故事。由于枪击案,高架桥被双向封闭。

  • ' Why Uncle ! don 't you call the woman anybody who came to ask the way to Mile-End Turnpike ? '

    怎么,舅勇!有一位女人到这里来问到 迈尔·恩德收税栅的路怎么 法,难道你认为她就不是人吗?

  • These photos are released during a press conference Saturday identifying the four people killed along a Florida turnpike .

    在周六的新闻发布会上,(警方)公布了一些照片,以确认 命丧佛罗里达 收费 公路上的四名遇害 身份

  • Our 1 January 2009 and plans to gradually douments fuel secondary turnpike .

    我国于2009年1月1日开征燃油税,并计划逐步有序取消二级 收费 公路

  • Can 't you just stick it on the turnpike and give it money for tolls ?

    就不能把路费给它,让它自己从 收费 公路过来吗?

  • Chapter two defined the type attribute and necessity existing of the turnpike ;

    第二章对 收费 公路的定义、类型、属性及存在的必要性进行了阐述;

  • A new approach to dynamic energy forecasting based on the principle of turnpike optimality is proposed .

    提出了基于 快车道最优性原理的动态能源预测新法。

  • It 's either that or she missed her exit on the turnpike and wound up in africa .

    要么是这样要么就是她 不知不觉的到了非洲缺不 知道

  • The accident which occurred when the taxi Nash was traveling in collided with another car on the New Jersey Turnpike also claimed the life of his 82-year-old wife Alicia .

    事故发生时,纳什夫妇乘坐的一辆出租车在新泽西 高速 路上与另外一辆汽车相撞,纳什82岁的妻子艾丽西亚也在车祸中遇难。

  • Heavy traffic on the turnpike ; stopped oncoming traffic to let the children cross .

    收费 高速公路上交通繁忙;中断迎面而来的车流让孩子们过街。

  • Darcy 's sometimes coming there stopped her and instead of entering the park she turned up the lane which led her farther from the turnpike road .

    她没有进花园,却走上那条小路, 以便和那条有 栅门的大路 得远些。

  • Applied research of the multi-modal & multi-class model for traffic assignment in the network of turnpike road

    多方式多类型交通分配模型(MMA)在 收费 公路网中的应用研究

  • A lot of cars passed through the turnpike at rush hours .

    许多车在交通高峰时通过了 高速公路

  • We had to take a circuitous route because of an accident on the turnpike .

    由于 收费 公路上发生了事故,我们不得不走一条弯路。

  • It proved to be unstable by model analysis and simulation and there will be a bifurcation to appear in economic variable growth path . The mid-trajectory of this bifurcation is just the turnpike of the nonlinear two-sector economic system evolution process .

    并通过分析和模拟证明这一解是不稳定的,会出现分叉现象,其中间轨道就是这一非线性两部门经济演化的 快车道

  • Final Position of Economic Transform : Application Research of Turnpike Theorem

    经济转轨的最终态势: 快车道理论应用研究

  • A lot of motels lie beside the turnpike .

    很多汽车旅馆都位于 付费 公路旁边。

  • A based on the virtual instrument and information fusion technology 's turnpike system

    基于虚拟仪器与信息融合技术的 道路 收费系统

  • You have to pay a toll to drive on a turnpike .

    收费 公路上开车要 通行

  • Pricing theory model on toll - by-weight turnpike

    收费 公路计重定价理论模型

  • A toll is charged for the use of the expressway . You have to pay a toll to drive on a turnpike .

    在那 高速公路上 行驶需付通行费。在 收费 公路上开车要 通行

  • I was on the Maine Turnpike when you beeped me .

    你呼我的时候,我还在缅因州的 收费 公路上呢。

  • 3 Put forward the countermeasure of keep away the risk of the turnpike offer reference for controlling the investment risk in relevant departments .

    提出防范 收费公路风险的对策,为相关部门控制投资风险提供参考。

  • 2 Through the actuality of the turnpike in Hubei analyze the investment risk of the turnpike offer the decision basis for investment and financing of related departments ;

    透过湖北省 收费 公路的现状,分析收费公路的投资风险,为有关部门投融资提供决策依据;

  • Stories were afloat of a mysterious figure being occasionally seen in some old overgrown track way or other remote from turnpike roads

    大家纷纷传说 离开 康庄大道 很远 地方某处 丛生的林中小径上,偶尔有人见到一个神秘的人影