

[法] 监狱的看守,狱吏

  • This researching can be reference for project participator in project turn-key management .

    本研究可供我国工程项目参与各方 开展 钥匙 承包参考。

  • Easy to setup : Turn-key deployment for any site ;

    易于安装:在任何站点 随意 安排配置 AdWords 广告自助投放);

  • By analysing several kinds of safeguard devices the author points out superiority of safeguard device with emergency property used in presses with turn-key positive clutch .

    通过对各类安全防护装置的分析,指出具有急 功能的安全防护装置在转键式刚性离合器压力机上的应用,具有 较大优越性。

  • Early in the 1970s China started to provide the Organization of African Unity ( OAU now AU ) with assistance in a variety of forms including money materials turn-key projects and training .

    从20世纪70年代起,中国就陆续向非统/非盟提供了现汇、物资、 成套项目、培训等多种形式的援助。

  • We are able to provide all-around turn-key projects as follows ; production design equipment manufacture installation and adjustment technical training for workers conforming product .

    从工艺设计→设备制造→安装调试→生产工人技术培训→ 产出合格产品, 公司实行全程全方位 服务 钥匙工程。

  • In this paper the author analyzed two typical cases of electric power project turn-key model in our country to discuss how to establish a normative engineering company and some problems in practice of electric power project turn-key management at present .

    本文还对国内电力工程实施交 钥匙模式的两个典型案例进行了剖析,探讨目前 条件下组建工程公司的途径,以及国内目前 开展 钥匙模式 存在的问题。

  • Construction Project Turn-key Contract Dispute 's Production and Prevention

    建设工程 施工合同纠纷的产生及预防

  • The expenses in bidding quote for turn-key contract of international engineering includes purchasing cost construction cost designing cost purchasing service cost overhead expense other expenses preparatory fund profit and so on .

    国际工程 承包投标报价中的费用包括采购费用、施工费、设计费和采购服务费、管理费用、其他费用、预备费、利润等。

  • Bus-bar 's design manufacture test mounting and maintenance are carried out by us which belongs to the turn-key project .

    母线从设计、制造、试验、安装、维护等全过程均由我公司实施,属“ 钥匙”工程。

  • The first section construction project turn-key contract invalid several situations .

    第一节建设工程 施工合同无效的几种情形。

  • The installation quality of the air-cooling island which is a turn-key project of Shenmu Yangguang Power Plant is very important and its schedule control is also very complicated .

    陕西神木阳光电厂工程空冷岛的安装质量控制主要是保证焊缝的 施工质量和风机找平对中的质量,进度控制就是确保施工节点不变。

  • We supply Turn-key solution for thin film solar cell .

    我们为薄膜太阳能 业界提供 钥匙 工程

  • This is a piece of kid 's software not a turn-key banking system so we can 't assume knowledge of how interest is computed on the part of our domain experts .

    这仅仅是为孩子们写的软件,不是 关键的银行系统,所以我们不能采取我们部分专家关于如何计算利息的建议。

  • So there is no turn-key technology yet that explicitly implements segmentation according to the presented architecture patterns .

    因此,根据前面提出的体系结构模式,目前还没有 现成的技术能够明确地实现分段。

  • We can contract to build turn-key plant undertake single items of projects as a subcontractor or provide labor services .

    我们可以承建 成套工厂或分包单项工程或提供劳务。

  • One of the reasons to choose JV AB Company as the research subject is that the scope of supply of AB is complete set of customized turn-key engineering project which include hardware & software design technology commissioning and after-sales service .

    之所以选择中外合资企业AB公司作为研究对象,一方面是因为AB公司的主要业务是为客户提供全套的 钥匙工程服务,其中包括硬件、软件设计,生产线工艺调试和售后服务。

  • We provide on site acoustic analysis sound level measuring custom engineered noise pollution and vibration control products that are professionally installed for a turn-key project .

    地铁、高 、高速公路、高架桥、 城市环境等 隔声 屏障的专业设计施工、安装、检测。

  • We provided a comprehensive turn-key solution based on our indutry clients needs .

    本着安全、可靠、经济、使用的原则,为客户提供 先进 成熟 可靠 一体化的解决方案。

  • One quick user beware : Tiny Core is not a turn-key operating system .

    一个快速的用户请注意:不是一个微小的核心是 钥匙操作系统。

  • Studying and suggesting for the management of international water project investment and turn-key way construction

    涉外水务工程投资和 承包管理的思考与建议