


  • Tell that to the bullfrog chicken hawk or turtledove .

    把这 告诉牛蛙、 鸡鹰和 斑鸠

  • Sometimes they imitate a turtledove picking up grain .

    有时他们模拟 斑鸠 谷子 形象

  • The turtledove mocked ironically If so how can you expect any care from your children ?

    斑鸠 讽刺道:“那你还希望从孩子们 那里得到什么温暖?”

  • And He said to him Bring Me a three-year-old heifer and a three-year-old female goat and a three-year-old ram and a turtledove and a young pigeon .

    他说,你为我取一只三岁的母牛、一只三岁的母山羊、一只三岁的公绵羊、一只 斑鸠、一只雏鸽。

  • Arrives in front of Nanshan I first turn own the turtledove .

    到达南山之前,我首先将自己变成 斑鸠

  • Do not betray your turtledove to the beast do not forget forever the life of your poor .

    你不要将你 斑鸠 性命 给野鹰,永远也不要忘记你的穷苦人的性命。

  • Grayish Old World turtledove with a black band around the neck ; often caged .

    东半球颈上有黑圈的灰色 斑鸠;经常被关在笼中。